The Good Fight

Ep.10 - Karen Crazy

September 28, 2022 Anthony Feist

In this week's episode of The Good Fight, Donald Trump warns of big problems if indicted, while Biden sends a strong message to Russia by telling Putin, the US will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. And finally, the data is in despite two years of implementation and hundreds of millions of dollars. Oregon's drug decriminalization efforts have sent fewer than 1% of people to drug treatment and rehabilitation. Yes, you cannot make this up, members of the good fight, and that is why I'm here. I am your host, Marc Thielman, all this and more so please stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thielman. That's Marc with a C. C stands for conservative. Yes. I'm sitting here grasping my woke bane coffee mug trying to absorb one of the craziest Newsweek of all human history. I know I've said this before, but you know, There are no limits, Apparently. That's one of the, the hallmarks of woke culture anything that sets a parameter, anything that says. This is a line from which you really shouldn't cross, or we highly recommend you stay in this place and not that one. You see anything that says that apparently is bad, and what does that cause? The woke in charge of this country, the greatest country on the earth to do well, it causes them to go to even farther extremes of insa. Now I know what you're saying. You're saying insanity Marc, is this anything to do with going Karen? Crazy. Well, as a matter of fact, I believe Donald Trump is approaching Karen crazy. He's had a rough couple of weeks now, as promised, I said I would highlight Donald Trump's efforts on his special master and. Donald Trump always does. He always manages to get back on the rails while going off the rails simultaneously. So just to catch everybody up, the Trump team was successful at securing a special master, the Department of Justice then, appealed that to the 11th circuit. And basically said that national security is at risk if we delay any of this. And so the, 11th circuit split the sheets and said, Hey, special master, you need to hurry up. And, ironically, MSNBC and CNN have declared victory over Donald Trump saying that the special master delay tactic actually has created Dun Du. The opposite effect in which now the special master and courts are pushing quickly, including demanding and requiring an October 6th hearing in which the circuit court can then say, Are you on track to, expedite the review of data Special Master? Now, I'm not a hundred percent sure how this is news because, I understand that Donald Trump has a long history of using the court process to delay and, You know, I, I think delaying sometimes can be good, especially, it gives, you know, time for things to settle and for some of the, emotions to cool down. But I believe that Donald Trump, requested a special master for a reason. You see, it's really not about timeline. It's more about who gets to decide which records the Justice Department gets to use. I think this is a critical piece that I wanted to highlight. Why? Because I am here as your host using the incredible privilege of hindsight to help clarify the matter, because let's be real, depending on where you get your news, this Donald Trump stuff is all over the place. Now, what is the Trump attorney team doing, and what has their response been to this kind of accelerated timeline by? The Special Master and Justice Department are kind of simultaneously working through the documents together rather than just one or the other? Well, the Special Master is still in charge as long as there is concerted effort to go through the 11,000 pages of. And set a timeline by which, yes, this can be used and this can't, to assess if there is an essence, some kind of, catastrophic national security threat, as long as that's the case, then the special master is in charge. And I really wanted to clarify that because it's so important for an informed, public to understand why we're having all this drama going on around Trump. Now, if you check in with MSNBC and cnn, they are reporting this situation as, Oh, great. Legal trouble for Trump. I don't believe Trump. We'll survive. He's gotta be really nervous. matter of fact, they've gone so far as to print off little t-shirts of Trump behind bars and they're getting real They're excited about, what they consider to be an, inevitable indictment, the DOJ basically says, Trump, we're going to charge you under the ESP Espionage Act. We're gonna charge you under the, classified records Act et c et cetera. Now, just so everyone understands, as usual, Trump himself has contributed to some of the confus. In my opinion, what he is doing is simultaneously. Airing his complaints, his grievances not in the formal court. That's what his attorney team is for. But Trump is out airing his grievances in the court of public opinion. Now that Biden administration isn't very happy with this because why would Donald Trump be out there? Matter of fact, there is an article from. Chris Christie. There is a name from the past. Remember old Chris at one point a presidential hopeful tried to take out Trump in 2015 during the, presidential, primary campaign. And, I think he shut his campaign down within two weeks, of that attack on Trump. It should tell you something. The news pundits, especially an article by the Hill, did a whole interview with Chris Christie because obviously the man himself, you know, an attorney legal background himself. Chris Christi's comments, he says, and I quote, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Sunday said that former President Trump is pushing himself toward a self inflicted indictment with his combative public statements on his legal battle with the Justice Department. Christy goes on to say, the more you absolutely antagonize with nonsense arguments on television that your lawyers won't make in court because they're afraid they'll be sanctioned if they do because they have no evidence. You're pushing yourself closer to a self-inflicted indictment. Christie said. Now for those who don't know, Chris Christie is considered kind of, um, the maverick side of the establishment. And it's interesting, you know, and I'll give him a credit. I mean, there is some validity to his point. You know, what he's saying is, Look, man, if you're gonna go to court, you shouldn't be talking in the court of public opinion. Because your lawyers have a completely different set of standards by which they have to argue, and in the court of public opinion, you see there's a lower evidentiary standard, obviously, and we all know this, right? There's more hearsay in the court of public opinion, but Trump, is using the court of public opinion. To rally his base, hence his big warning of big problems. I'm talking about big problems, right? Some of the biggest problems you've ever seen. These problems are so big, right? They're just like the biggest ever. So that's Trump's kind of rambling speech, but it is effective because it causes people to say, on the left, now we've really gotta perf walk this guy. How dare he? And it causes the conservatives on the right to go, Oh boy, here we go again. Trump is this really responsible because, you know, some people might take your words more at face value. So here it is, the looming controversy. Now as you. The good fight was the first conservative opinion post to say that the Biden Administration and Justice Department would be hell bent on indicting Trump. And you also heard it here on the Good Fight, that there's political timing to a lot of, these new attacks on Donald Trump. And as we go into mid-September time is running out to get, kind of a grasp of the news reel prior to, states like Oregon, where ballots and absentee voting in most states, all of that is gonna be rolling out. Some of it already has for, folks outside the country and the military. But you know, because we have so many states allowing early voting, you really have to, time your hits. So, New York launched their, indictment of, Donald Trump. And, Joe Biden came out against the Special Master, and basically gave his big speech about, anyone who questions the outcome of elections or supports Donald Trump, or is a mega conserv. is somehow a terrorist and a threat to democracy? All that was well timed again. Now, is it working well, not really, in spite of the, fact that the media has been complicit and attacking Trump in spite of conservative establishment or quasi establishment. People like Chris Christie and others coming out and saying, You know, I really wish he'd be. what does the polling show? Well, the polling shows that the red wave might actually be real. Oh my. Are you serious? Yes. Yes. Once again, the truth breaks through. The false narrative of the left and what we're seeing, general trust of the government is approaching yet another historic low. And, when they, look at different demographics, so for example, Hispanic voters all over the country, it turns out that Hispanics are fleeing from the Democrat party at a rate. Here, two four unseen, in the history of demographic polling data. Matter of fact, it's so prevalent. the exodus of Hispanics, and I wanna be real specific, the more educated the Hispanic, the more they stick their head in the sand and adhere to the woke culture ideology, the vast majority of members of the Hispanic community are working class people, small business owners, contractors, et cetera, et cetera. And it turns out that, working class Hispanics, are approaching a majority shifting red. Woo. I mean, I, I wish I had a gazo right now. I would be playing it, and this. Unbelievable. This data is fresh, hot, off the press, and it is causing even cnn, pundit to come out and say, Well, could this be evidence that there's something wrong with the way, we're doing polling and, even more terrifying is, states in which Trump endorsed candidates. If you will remember, Trump endorsed candidates. We're supposed to not do as well, like Dr. Oz, versus, Mark Federman, the Democrat, Federman was up on Dr. Oz, what, just about three and a half weeks ago, to the tune that caused even Mitch McConnell, to come out and say, Well, we've, uh, we've, uh, we, we, we've, uh, we, we, we picked some bad, uh, candidates, See and. Uh, and this is why, why we don't want Donald Trump out there. Uh oh, yeah. Yeah. Picking, uh, candidates. See, because, uh, we gotta pick the right ones. And Dr. Oz is not, not the right candidate. Well, strangely, Dr. Oz has now pulled within two points of Mr. Federman, and at the rate that he's gaining support is poised to overtake. By election day here in early November. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that this is another example of truth versus loyalty playing out in real politics. Now for those who are new or might be a first time listener, there are several ethical dilemmas that, face our leaders, and one of them is, Versus loyalty where you may have two moral principles. It's good to be loyal to people you love. It's also good to tell them the truth, even when they don't want to hear it. And sometimes you can't do both. And that's what creates the dilemma. And I think what's going on is we're seeing the truth. Play out among the voting electorate. It turns out that all voters in every demographic, at least the vast majority, I'm sure there's some out there that love being lied to, I mean, let's be real. It's America. But I'm thinking that the truth is winning in this truth versus loyalty war. Loyalty to our party, Loyalty to the woke agenda. Loyalty to President Biden and his depraved administration. Loyalty to putting lipstick on multiple failures versus the truth. You know what the truth. I'm having trouble paying my bills. I'm having trouble buying groceries. I'm having trouble affording energy, and I'm having trouble getting access to that energy because I live in California and I'm not allowed to charge my car from the hours of four to midnight. Nah, it truly is. Fascinating to me how things can shift quickly in politics. So let's segue from Donald Trump into another war of public opinion that, Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden are playing now. Vladimir Putin, obviously the president of Russia fighting a war in Ukraine. That's not going well, Putin is now being forced to mobilize, reinforcements and, organized for a another secondary invasion, if you will. While Ukraine has taken back more than a thousand square miles. Up territory, that was formally occupied by Russian. Ukraine is beginning to seize the initiative in the war, and this includes pressure on crime, which was a province that the Russians took while Barack Obama was in power. And as we know, Barack Obama did absolutely nothing to prevent the hostile takeover of crime. Mia from Ukraine at the hands of the Russian. And here we are. Thank you. Barack. Had you taken a position and had a strong stance in 2014? Perhaps we wouldn't be here and perhaps, you know, tens of thousands of people would now be alive, who are now dead because of the war. Thank you. Slow clap to our, woke friends on the left. Thank you. Barack Obama. So Biden goes to the UN and he wants to send a strong message in which he's talking about countries like Russia, and he's talking about other countries like allies of totalitarian and authoritative regimes like Russia. And Biden gets up and he goes, Seven. I say, I'm gonna send a strong message. On Senator Stone message to Russia that they better not, and we will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. I know. I know what you're saying. You're saying, Hey. Hey Mark. Um, if he's trying to send a message to Putin, why in that same message would he say We're not going to allow Iran to acquire a, a nuclear weapon? Well, I'm not a medical doctor, but I'm here to be brutally honest, in my unqualified medical opinion. I'm thinking it's dementia. Notice the pause there. See, I just did it again. Dementia does that. It causes thoughts to not follow through smoothly to the next thought. And, after his un mixing of terms, the Biden administration has been in full cleanup and they did clarify. And, man, are they tough? I want to warn every listener here because what I'm about to share with you is pretty intense. The Biden administration has warned Russia. Of dire and severe consequences in the event they use a nuclear weapon. They've even gone so far as to tell the American people that they have relayed the details of those consequences to Vladimir Putin while simultaneously not telling the American people. What those dire consequences are. I mean, the power of transparency, this administration if you could give them gold stars for, trying to sound tough while causing everyone who listens to their tough talk to want to go put in an episode of the Princess and the P just so you know. Good fight. Let me refresh your memory. Joe Biden sent Kamala Harris to Europe and in her strangely garbled speeches, she said that we together, working together, standing together, together, unified together. Will be enough to cause Russia to not invade Ukraine. And then, when Russia invaded Ukraine, they said there's gonna be serious consequences. Now, I don't know about you guys, I'm noticing a pattern here and I wanna be real direct, whatever the Russians were told. I'm thinking it didn't work because just today, Putin is back out saying, Hey, we're gonna have these elections in these provinces that we've, occupied, including the one that Ukraine is kicking the Russians out of. And, these are mostly Russian speaking people and we've moved a bunch of Russians in, some prior to the war and some after the war. And so we're confident we're gonna win this election, and then they're gonna be part of Russia. And, if the Ukrainians come in or try to, retake these provinces, we will, use every means at our disposal. They didn't specify nuclear weapons, but they said every means at our disposal to defend Mother Risha. You see this is called escalated talk in order to deescalate the war, it was something that the United States, took a while to learn during the Vietnam era. We would escalate. We're gonna do bad things if you don't give us peace. This is Richard Nixon. I want peace. We're going to have vietnamization and we will be here to support. But whole. Amen. You must get to the table and you must negotiate a peace with honor. That is what, Richard Nixon said. Well, hoi men didn't believe him because, Hoi men had heard a lot of tough talk and no action. So, Fortunately, Nixon was a Republican. Thank God gay. Love the man or hate the man. At least he was conservative enough. And what did he do? He bombed the living hell outta North Vietnam over Christmas. Ah, kind of the old American bombing Ted, if you will. And the destruction was so massive. It did more damage in that short two weeks of bombing than the US had inflicted in the entire, 10 plus years of war in Vietnam within the boundaries of North Vietnam, forcing HoChi men immediately to come back into agree to the terms for United States getting out of Vietnam. Now, I don't know if you guys know this, but see HoChi men. Vladimir Putin. Guys like Nazi Tongue General, she ung North Korea, all of these, people are despots, they are communist esque totalitarian leaders, and they really only understand one language, the Ukrainians have finally figured out what that is, by the way, which is why they're starting to win the. Uh, granted they're doing that with a lot of help from weapons from the United States. So What will the outcome of this tough talk from Biden be? Well, I'm here to tell you good fight. It's going to be absolutely nothing. Now let's hope. that we don't have a situation that escalates in the use of nuclear weapons, even tactical ones, it would be an absolute disaster. The Russians have also shifted their narrative, in response to Biden's really clear and really tough talk that there might accidentally be a few accidents at some of the Ukrainian nuclear facilities that are still currently under Russian control. Thank you. Russia, you know, I guess they're gonna go full chair. Noble, I know that's probably a crass analogy, but let's be real, the Russians are threatening to go full Chair Noble, which is kind of like a, a woke person who went nuclear Karen on us. When they found out, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died and that Trump would be appointing yet another conservative appointee to the US Supreme Court, I remember the screams. That's like full nuclear Karen. There, t-shirts will be forthcoming. Finally, let's transition, shall we? Let. Focus in on the state from which yours truly attempts to maintain sanity. Yes, the great state of Oregon. Oregon is truly a beautiful state. If you've never been here, I highly recommend you give a tour. Just stay away from Portland or any large municipal, neighborhoods, especially at night. So, two years ago, Oregon. Back to petition to decriminalize. Small amounts. Don't worry, large amounts are still illegal, but small amounts of cocaine, meth, crack, heroin, fentanyl, eh, have at it? And again, I live here. So that is literally what they said. They said it's, wrong to criminalize people who are addicted, they set up a funding mechanism, they passed this petition that decriminalized drugs and said that if you're caught with small amounts of drugs, you will get a ticket. And if you pay a hundred dollars, you won't have court and you will have absolutely no consequences. And now you don't even need to pay the a hundred dollars, cuz two years in. It turns out if you get cited for the possession, of these drugs in small amounts, all you have to do is call and say, yeah, I'd like to get some. and if you do that, then by the way, 16,000 people called and I'm, you're thinking, you know, Oregon's like a free drug state and you only have 16,000 people, call out to connect to services. Well see if you do that, they write your name down and then your ticket goes away. So you don't even have to pay the a hundred dollars. It's fascinating. Oregon had, over a thousand drug overdose deaths. That's a tenfold increase in one year, within the first year of the passage of the decriminalization of drugs. And now we're at the end of year two and the data is in, and I know what you're think. Well, what do you mean, Mark?, people aren't going to jail anymore, the petition was real clear. The petition said that the state had to open up regional drug rehab centers and fund them. Using, state marijuana, money, the state responded, by doing two things. One, they have spent over 300 million that they channeled to their allies running existing programs, even though they were required to set up regional centers all over the state of Oregon so that there would be plenty of support for people wanting to get off drugs or to combat their addiction instead. What they had was 16,000 people who called in and said, Yeah, I'd like to, to access services. Many of which to get out of their ticket. Of which 0.085% ever received drug treatment and rehabilitation. Now I know that's only of the 16,000 that connected. There are others, there's some private treatments of course, and other things. Maybe the state of Oregon connected with them. No, they did not. However, here's what they did say. Now they admit that it's been a rocky start, even though it's been a rocky start for two years, even though, drug addiction is up over 20%, just this year, and a thousand percent increase in drug use in addiction and possession, after the first year now let's just start looking at the trend here. Two years. and they have gotten 0.085 people into treatment. They have built a total of zero new drug treatment and rehabilitation centers, but they have gotten 12% of the people who have sought help into housing, and they have increased safe drug use centers and supports. by 16%. So yeah, we're not doing a good job of getting you off drugs. But buy gum. Buy gum. We care so much here in Oregon that we will give you all the syringes you need and a safe place, and we will teach you how to inject yourself with what should be illegal, poisonous substances so that you don't kill yourself. And what is the most common treatment they give in terms of drug use? Safety? Programs here in Oregon? They give them weekly supplies. I know. Dare I say it, of Narcan. Now, for those who don't know, Narcan is a drug that's most police officers and ambulances and EMTs carry because oftentimes you can get fentanyl or both heroin laced fentanyl, and that causes you to slow your breathing. Now, if you have stopped breathing and they're attempting to resuscitate you. If they administer Narcan, they can shoot it right in your nasal passages. It's an extremely powerful, Antiope drug and it can go in and shut down that nerve dampening effect, and it has saved countless lives. Now, I want everyone to know that Narcan use is not recorded. Here in Oregon, it's not required for police to record its use, but the good fight has gone out and talked to many sheriffs, in particular rural sheriffs because they've been much more, open to talking. Two, well, a common sense conservative like yours, truly. And when I asked them the question, Do you record, the rate at which you're administering Narcan? They said, Well, kind of, it's in our police reports, but, we're told not to keep track of the number of Narcan doses they administer. Which is shocking because I have a feeling that that is data that would be important to know. But when I ask these sheriffs and I ask three of them, three, rural areas, sheriffs one on the west side of the Cascades, the other on the east side of the state. For those who don't know, Oregon is kind of divided by a giant mountain range called the Cascades, things are, much more rural on the east side, but there is rural on the west side as well. And that's kind of how. They divvyed up the vast majority of the population, of course, lives in the west side, up in the Portland, Salem, Eugene areas. Now, when I said to these sheriffs, What would your drug overdose death rate in your counties be if you didn't have Narcan? And all of them, all three of them, ubiquitously, gawd, and said, Oh, it'd be five six. One said up to eight times. the death rate that is currently at, and death rates are currently at all time high. So slow clap to our woke friends here in Oregon. You would think though that this mountain of evidence that this program does not work. you would think that they would say, You know what? This isn't working and we're gonna have to do something different. Those death rates are continuing to increase and tick up, nope. You see, because that wouldn't make certain sense. Instead, our governor's like, what? This is a transformative initiative. This was a good idea. I mean, look at all the facts that all these people are no longer in prison. What? What do you mean they're dying at huge rates? well, that's only because we need to spend more money. So here's my point. Normally you would spend money on programs that work. But in Oregon, all they're saying is, don't judge us harshly. This problem is huge and we're doing all that we can. Well, that's kinda like, telling Russia that there'll be big trouble if you use a nuclear weapon. so here's the thing, Good fight people. You heard it here from Marc Thielman. First, not only are things bad here in Oregon regarding drug decriminalization, but it is one of the greatest and most profound anti transformative initiatives ever implemented by a government in the history of human. It is not only not working, it's making everything worse. Homelessness is associated with this drug problem, and homeless population here in Oregon continues to climb. Why? Because you can come to Oregon, they'll put you on taxpayer paid benefits. You can. Go and buy some food items like meat, and then go to the taco truck down in Portland where they'll pay you 50 cents on the dollar because they can't afford, to spend market price on meat. And then you take your money and you go and you buy drugs and it's even better. You, you don't have to worry about getting a syringe. You just sign up for the Safe Drug Use Program and the state of Oregon will provide you a safe, clean place. And if you're lucky, The 12%, you'll even have a house paid for by the taxpayers, so you can comfortably, inoculate yourself with the drug of your choice if this is the definition of innovation and transformation, I, I think it doesn't mean what the woke folks here in Oregon think it means. But there is really good news here in Oregon. For the first time in 40 years, Republican Christine Dresen, who is a governor candidate gubernatorial candidate, for the first time a Republican is taken the lead in the polling, AKA if the election was held this week. Right now in Oregon, it's looking like, and by the way, we have a three way race. We have a former de. Who's now gone independent? Betsy Johnson. And we have Tina Co tech. I, I said co tech, not Coex, that's, Most people call her Coex here in Oregon. So I wanna be real clear because it's disrespectful. Her name is co tech. So Tina, Co tech, who's the, Nuclear Karen Craz. Uber, Uber left, Governor Brown on steroid replacement, and she's running as a Democrat. However, the data is very clear right now. Christine Dresen. Now granted it's within the margin of error, but you gotta understand, this is Oregon. We haven't had a, a gubernatorial candidate, let alone one that might be leading in the polls for any length of time, in particular leading in the polls so close to. the November election. This is really good news and this should be an indication to our friends on the left. Yes, we love them and that's why we try to sneak them Woke Bain, we try to put water in our woke ba coffee mugs, and then we might put it in a little squirt gun or a squirt bottle, and when our loved ones are over, for a holiday or for a barbecue, we might accidentally spray them with that woke vein liquid. Why? Because, well, it causes them to start to think more clearly. We know this, we know that woke vein is one of those stealth treatments for the insanity of the left. However, when we look at the data, we're thinking. that for a Republican to be slightly leading by a point and a half over a Democrat, and granted Betsy Johnson, is taking almost two Democrat votes to the one conservative vote that she's attracting, but she's in a distant third. So we have Christine Dresen in the lead. Narrowly followed by Tina Co Tech. And then, seven, eight points down around 20 some odd percent of the vote is Betsy Johnson. This is awesome. People. Think of what message it would send for us conservatives here in Oregon. To the rest of the country. If suddenly Oregon votes and we turn Oregon, that beautiful, beautiful, beautiful woke being shade of red. You know what I'm saying? It can happen. So this is some good news and it shows that in spite of all the wordsmithing about, well, it's been a rocky start, but things are starting to really take shape now. Oh, really? Well, how many drug treatment centers have you opened up? Ah, What? Yeah. None. But, but we're thinking about it. Oh, how many more hundreds of millions is it gonna cost? And where have you spent the 308 million, that you've spent to date? Well, mostly on drug safety programs and, uh, some, some, some government housing for people. And we're putting'em in these houses. And what we're doing is we're giving them like clean syringe. and,, I mean, we're talking, Oregon is the state, that voted for menstrual justice and is requiring all school districts to put tampons in all boys' bathrooms, which has led to a huge uptick in plumbing stocks at Roto-Rooter here in Oregon. Because what do middle school boys do with things like tampons? Well, They've been clogging up the toilets with them. Slow clap. I'm telling you, LA is good in Oregon, so good fight people. I'm gonna transition out. I do want to thank our sponsor, Battleground Oregon, they've been very helpful at getting our podcast grown and helping us get on our feet we're now working on some merchandise. Woba mugs will be up for sale extremely shortly. it's common people, so I want you to look forward to that, woke ban, I believe could be the reason that Christine Dren is now celebrating. A narrow but yet genuine lead over the Democrat, Tina Kote. God bless America. Another thing too, I will be speaking at the Executive club in the Shiloh in Portland on October 6th, talking about, battleground Oregon's new lawsuit, and some of the election integrity work that we're doing. We have picked up the mantle of common sense and we'll be filing a federal lawsuit and asking for some injunctive relief, both for the 2022 and of course, even more importantly because, my plan is to run for Secretary of State for the 2024 election. Remember, I know that, that it's tough talking to Karens of the world trying to get them to, to pull over their Subarus and their electric cars long enough to have a intellectual conversation about reality. They're still Americans In the same way that we want people addicted to drugs to get, the help they need to get off drugs We too will be like little treatment centers. For our loved ones who are held prisoner by the Karen CRA's Insanity of the woke left. That's it Again, I am your host, Mark Thelman, and this has been yet another episode of The Good Fight. Until next time, God bless.