The Good Fight

Ep.9- Martha's Madness

Anthony Feist

Hello in this week's episode of the good fight, Joe Biden declares, the pandemic over causing the far left pundits to go full on Karen, crazy and lose their ever loving minds and not to be outdone. President Biden, simultaneously scrambles to assemble an emergency meeting of his cabinet. After Florida, governor Ron DeSantis sends 50 migrants to the Democrats stronghold community of Martha's vineyard. Yes. Home of former president, Barack Obama and James Taylor, the singer, and many other celebrities, spurring a crisis of myth versus reality and exposing, the absolute ardent hypocrisy of the migrant loving, supposed advocates from the left. And finally. The science is in due to the government's massive COVID policy mishandling in relation to public school students and public schools. As of this year, public school graduates are the least skilled at reading, writing, and math in public school history. I don't see any problem with that unless we want competent people to, uh, you know, take over and run things for the next generation. Other than that, I think, we're in great shape. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of the good fight. I am your host Marc Thielman that's Marc with a C C stands for conservative. Now last week We had president Trump on the special master deal. I was hoping to give you an update because that, issue is still rolling. the whole world broke out and crazy matter of fact, the news is rolling so fast and so furious that I'm gonna shift gears a little bit and stay focused, on a couple of Joe Bidens, topics, because let's be real. Our current supposed president has really outdone himself. Not only is he just as unpopular this week as he was last week in spite of six weeks of the media, trying to prop him up and talk about how the red, tsunami is gonna be more like a little puddle, and then the sure enough, they do. The big data push. Halfway through September, when you still have time to shift going into October before the election and, have an impact on steering people's hearts and minds, and what happened, his Joe Biden remained at 38% approval rating nationwide on average, and is just as unpopular now as ever So what I said last week, Uh, the Democrats would have to go back to the drawing board. Boy did. I mean it, they went back to the drawing board and they talked about their new plan. The problem is they told Joe Biden about it, and Joe Biden has summarily come out and mistimed everything and screwed it up. So the biggest blunder, in my opinion, the biggest example of why Joe Biden is probably not fit to be. I mean, let's be real. He's went from saying I'm absolutely running again to it's too, too early. It's too early to decide, which is, code for, he's not running again, people, but all that being said, Joe Biden goes on 60 minutes on Sunday and in a prerecorded, interview, of course he declares offhandedly that the pandemic is over and that has caused the far left pundit to go not only full on Karen and crazy. But to absolutely shake a finger at the president. Let me give you an example. The Washington post opinion editorial. Now this is the Washington post, which has the mantra that says democracy dies in darkness. Great. It's actually an article that has been submitted by the entire editorial board, if you will. And they have a lovely picture of Joe Biden declaring that the pandemic is over. However, Joe Biden forgot to ask the editorial board at the Washington post who are here to say no matter what you hear from the president we here at the Washington post have decided that quote, it's not over, it's not over, It says here, the pandemic is still rag. They are very upset with president Biden, who has violated the truth versus loyalty, premise loyalty to the myth, loyalty to the narrative versus telling the American people the truth, which by the way, in a rare, rare occurrence, Joe Biden actually told the truth when he said that the pandemic is over because it has been for quite some time. So let's go on. Let's see how the president is faring with his loyal supporters at the Washington post. It says. In a sense that a dangerous virus is infecting sickening and killing people, mutating to survive and haunting the globe. The pandemic has shifted and normalcy has returned in many ways, but let me tell you, we here at the Washington post say. And so decla, the pandemic is not over really, really. I mean, I'm not sure if that's how they talk at the Washington post, but that's certainly the era of superior. That it seems to be giving off, and here's how I know they're upset. You see, if you ever wanna know if someone's gone into the Karen crazy mode they will never call someone they're yelling at, by their first name. It will always be the gender exploitative terms of Mr or Mrs. So How are they referring to the president? Rather than say president Biden. They say, Mr. Biden, why he would say otherwise is obvious because he doesn't really care about perpetuating the myth. so that we can continue to exploit people, and have the moral superiority. So we can continue to talk like this. I mean, really? Come on. It's a lot of fun. You should try it. Nope. Instead, they're now assigning the president of motivation. The midterm elections are coming and Americans feel an overwhelming sense of fatigue. That's what they're saying, as Biden said in the 60 minute interview with,, journalists, Scott P, if you notice, no one's wearing mask, or as he said it, I said, no, no mask. And so I think it's changing. He said in very strong terms, the pandemic's over and all of the evidence, substantiates that, yeah, it's over now. The Washington post editorial board is not accepting this because after all, how can. Exploit your rights and freedoms. How can they attack the constitution if there's not an emergency? But it gets better. So they're here to tell you. The world health organization hasn't declared it over. Well, technically the plan after they Democrats went back to the drawing board last week, once they found out that Joe Biden was still, you know, abysmally unpopular they were going to have the world health organization, declare the pandemic over and then praise the Biden administration for being the true warriors, for declaring victory over COVID. But Joe Biden didn't get the memo and screwed it all up. So that being said, he must now be punished. And how do we punish him? Well, it's very simple. We come out and we tell people, oh, no, Nope, Joe Biden is not competent. He did not do what we wanted him to do. So for example, they come out and say, there are no hard and fast rules to mark. The exact moment of pandemic ends. Well, that's fascinating. That means that the, flu pandemic of 1918. Must still be going after a hundred years because the flu's been around for every year, since. I am thinking that that's what's going on here. Good fight. So now they're here to say, uh, even though things are looking good, we don't want the pandemic to be over. We're going to be in a state emergency for the rest of our lives. As long as one person might potentially die of any disease. AKA related to COVID it says here vaccines against the coronavirus are safe and highly effective, even though they have not worked to stop any of the spread. Even though now people who have been chronically vaccinated are more likely to be hospitalized with COVID. I mean, I don't know how you explain that. This is just, oh, that's right. It's called. Facts. Oh, not to mention that the FDA and the, CDC have authorized ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is treatments for COVID. Now, no notice that wasn't picked up in the media, why? Because they were wrong about everything. So if they are telling you that vaccines are safe and highly effective, they're not because the data says they're not giving people confidence to resume many activities. So ready? The fact that Joe Biden thinks the pandemic is over is because the vaccines that have not been effective are so effective and classrooms are now back in person. Well, okay. We'll talk about that later. And air travel is revived. Commuter traffic is picking up a lot of the worst misery is in the rear view mirror, but dun dun dun, according to the editorial board, it's surely not over and it's not over until we decide it is all right. It says here roughly 400 people per day have been dying since April, which has been plateaued and starting to decline by the way. But remember what they're not telling you is the truth. Of those 400 people. You have to ask the question, are they dying because of COVID or with. Hmm, you will see that. Well, fewer than 25 are actually, assigned, on a daily basis, goes up and down, but let's take the average, of dying of actual COVID. They're usually dying of something else, diabetes, you know, heart disease, blah, blah, blah. And they happen to have COVID when they're tested a lot of'em show up at the hospital because they're having a heart attack and find out that they have COVID. So here's the beauty, not only can we not trust all this data being alleged by the Washington post, but we can't trust it because it's related to the Biden administration, which does nothing but lie to you. Remember myth versus reality works for a time, but reality is biting hard on the, Democrat prospects. So Joe Biden was faced with a short term versus long term dilemma. Looking at his abysmal popularity data, the, fact that we're roughly six weeks from an. he now is declaring kind of in a weak fashion that the pandemic is over, making everyone happy. So he can declare victory hoping to ease the she lacking right now, all the data says, he and the Democrats are going to receive by doing so in this short term versus long term dilemma, Joe Biden is risking a lot. Anytime you do short term versus long term there's consequences, because you can't do both. So Joe Biden is declaring victory, and he's got a little bit of a bump, ironically, finally, the president is saying the pandemic's over, which means that people can get back to being free or freer, except that it's really messed up the democratic agenda they had said they were going to pay back 300 billion in student loans. And he did that based on an emergency declaration regarding COVID and the hero act of 2003. Now we've covered this in prior episodes, but the gist of it is, if there's an emergency, and it's encumbering the economic prospects for people who are trying to pursue college, AKA like, having to leave to go fight a war on terror. Hence the word hero, the government had the authority to either forgive or reduce interest rates or suspend payments on loans. Now, Joe Biden has suspended those loan payments, which will subsequently end rather rapidly that the pandemic is over. And remember all the, updated vaccines are still on an emergency use authorization. And if there is no emergency, well, that's gonna be bad for the bottom line of Moderna whose stock is already tumbling as we speak Pfizer as well. And it gets better. Joe Biden had asked for 22.4 billion in COVID relief aid from Congress, which he is assuredly, not going to get if the pandemic is over. So why would Joe Biden risk such a massive disruption to the otherwise emergency, use powers that have been so convenient for the Democrats and helping them abscond and strip away your freedoms and jeopardize the future of an entire generation as we'll cover shortly. Well, it's short term versus long term. And in the short term, if they don't hold the line in this election, they're not gonna be able to do any of those things anyway. Okay. I'm gonna repeat that. Why would Joe Biden risk so much? Okay, well, he's a gambler and he's doing it because he has to pull out all stops because if they lose power in the midterms, they're not gonna get their 22.4 billion in code relief. They're not going to get their 300 billion in, student loan, payouts and Joe Biden is now saying, look, it works this way. You know, if we can hold the line, if we can motivate people and declare war on COVID, then, then we're the winner. And, those evil Trump people are the bad guys because, you know, we had to take over, and straighten everything out. And then we can say, ultimately we're the proper leaders in the country and we have rescued America from the pandemic. And hopefully people will be distracted by the excitement of the return some kinds of freedom. That they will, elect us so that we can immediately resume our tyrannical rain and stripping people of their full-time Liberty. So it's a beautiful move. It's actually a very, very desperate move done by a desperate administration that is having all kinds of black eyes on all fronts. The most prescient black eye is the second topic of this episode, Rhon DeSantis, sending 50 migrant. Landing in Martha's vineyard, little island community off the east coast there. Martha's vineyard is a highly liberal, highly progressive community. Barack Obama, for example, has his house there. James Taylor, the very leftist, musician, great tunes, bad politics. They all live there and of course they're always touting how much they love sanctuary cities and how they're supportive of migrants and, and how dare that evil Trump, secure the border, et cetera, et cetera. And here, Ron DeSantis who, by the way, learned from the Biden administration, that what you do is you take migrants that are causing a strain on your. And you load them up into buses and planes in the middle of the night, and you send them to communities you see as your enemy, like red states and you drop them off. And that's what Joe Biden has been doing to the tune of hundreds of thousands of now in the middle of the night. Now, some would say that that fits the, definition of trafficking of human beings. Actually, it does. So what did Ron DeSantis do? Well, he didn't follow the bite and script. you see it's okay for Democrats to do that in the middle of the night when hopefully nobody knows. And nobody sees you just wake up in the morning and boom, there's 300 new migrants needing supplies and resources and housing. But Ron DeSantis did this in broad daylight. Yes. Yes. Ron, he's just not as good as Biden at this. Okay. When it comes to traveling human beings, now, what did Joe Biden say in response Republicans? Using people as political ponds, what did Gavin Newsome of California say? those governors should be charged with kidnapping, really kidnapping. Well, isn't that the same as loading up thousands of migrants onto planes at taxpayer expense and flying them all over the country and rewarding them for violating our immigration laws. I mean, what's the difference? I don't know a good fight. I'm gonna let that hang and, let it marinate in your mind. But this shows you just, how far off the rails things have gotten in reality for Joe Biden, his administration and these Democrats. I mean, after all they want to attack Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott of Texas, Rhonda San Florida, for doing what the Biden administration has taught them to. I mean, let me give you an example, Greg Abbott sends, four or 5,000 people to New York and the New York mayor, a Democrat, a leftist loses his ever loving mind and starts railing against us. We're not prepared. We're not a Bordertown as if a Bordertown can take 2.8 million migrants and give them a lot of houses. Okay. In El Paso, they don't have 2.8 million houses people. You have to move people somewhere. So you either deport. Or you've gotta put'em somewhere. And in my opinion, why wouldn't you send them to communities that want them hello, sanctuary cities, sanctuary states? I think it makes perfect sense. The problem is those states obviously set budgets and those budgets don't include thousands of migrants moving in. So what does the New York mayor now say? We gotta coordinate, got coordinate. We're gonna coordinate, coordinate, coordinate. And then if we coordinate some more, we can coordinate that coordination to coordinate some. literally, he said coordinate like 17 times in his 92nd, little speech they do welcome migrants, but we're gonna have to coordinate because this is a nationwide problem. Well, thank you for, understanding that Republicans have been saying that for, um, well, I don't know, almost 20 years now. Logic and reason would assume that Joe Biden would come out with a bill or a plan to address this situation at the border to alleviate this pain so that, we don't stop yours media responses. Well, he didn't do that instead. He scrambled to put his cabinet together to talk about how they might press charges against these evil Republican governors. Now, if you ever wanna know if you're in a banana Republic, you know, you're in a banana Republic, win the rule of law is not consistently applied even. And, the political party and regime and power uses the arms of governments to target assault and suppress their political enemies. So now not only are they attacking president Trump, you know, former president Trump and going through the whole Margo, you know, caper, and working hard to subpoena and seize phones of anybody that might be related to Trump regarding election integrity, et cetera. But now we're moved on to say, how do. Those evil Republican governors. Now I don't know about you, but we need to look at the court of public. and it is really refreshing because even ardent leftists are coming out and saying, we're tired of this free for all at the border. We need to do something. And the reason that they're saying it is they're looking long term, not short term, they're looking long term at political prospects and long term political prospects right now don't look good, and it's ironic that, president Biden would react in his knee jerk fashion, declaring the end of the. Trying to get some traction on a short term basis ahead of the midterms that most likely based on the data and the data trend, you know, barring someone unforeseen circumstances, don't look good for the Democrats. So and speaking of short term versus long term, let's look at some of the long term effects that Joe Biden's draconian, anti-religious anti-science, full tyranny, full coercion, get the jab or lose your job policies have had on all kinds of families, but in particular, on kids, in public schools. So new study out it's now. Undeniable. It is concretely verifiable, nationwide assessment of statewide testing data, it takes'em a while. It takes'em usually until the fall to analyze all the data and to begin to publish that data and release it on a state by state basis. And what is it telling you hands down across the country, public school kids, that are graduating because of the COVID shutdowns and the huge, massive disruption and the throwing out of all accountability and. during the pandemic, this particular graduating class is the least skill that reading, writing, and math in the history of public schools. Slow clap for, our friends on the left, Hey, but look, everybody's equally low skilled, I mean, I think it's a fair way to say it. You know, we need skills, but the problem with skills is some people are better at applying skills than others. So what we do is we just declare school optional, which is basically what they did in COVID or. Declared school of public safety risk, which as you know, I was the school superintendent kept my school open during COVID and showed that schools could be operated safely. And that, with the exception of students in my school, You know, 90, some odd percent of all the other students here in this great state of Oregon have, verifiably and certifiably, according to real science real data in terms of the truth. This is truth versus loyalty now, are the lowest skilled graduates we've graduated in the history of taking data on skills. so I don't know about you, but generally news, like this should precipitate a very different, response than what we're getting from the Biden administration. The Biden administration is now declaring the lack of skills at a public education crisis, and is using it to, give more, benefits to the unions and throwing the unions more bones focusing on spending billions of dollars in feel good programs with very little of it, getting to the actual classroom, none of which will be required to apply any standards of accountability or merit. And the Democrats are now saying it's time we get rid of, state testing. yes, by the way, it was the Democrats that proposed state testing, it was Kennedy working with, ironically president George Bush, back in the, late nineties, early two thousands with the no child left behind. And now it's the same cadre of Democrats saying, oh, now that things aren't going our way, we don't need accountability. Ah, yeah. We care about kids and now kids will have the assurance of graduating now that they're not required to learn. I mean, think about, think about it. What a stress reliever for our highly anxious and mental health, challenged, excuse me, generation of students, all those whom mental health crises has been accentuated by a government that tried to scare the hell out of everybody and close their school for well over a year. Well, you know, I could be a league at this point, but. The good fight audience. You guys are, you know, you're smarter than the average bear. I think you get the point I'm making, as a school superintendent myself, do I feel vindicated? No, I'm actually sickened because there were a few of us who tried to sound this alarm in real time during COVID literally, I said to my educational service, district super. when she wrote me a secret email saying, Hey, thanks for teaching us that schools can operate safely during COVID an email, which she would not share publicly. Of course. In which she then said I just hope you're doing okay, mark. Cuz I know you're under a lot of fire and here was my response. Well, I am under fire, but that's not, what's bothering me. What's bothering me as we're facing, a, pandemic in which we're purporting to, apply the science that we're not applying while simultaneously being led by literally the most INCOM. And dumbest among us. Yes. Now, granted, I can only speak for the state of Oregon from within whom's borders I live. So the state of Oregon, being one of the more incompetent states in my opinion, yeah, we were, we are and, or have been, and are continued to be led by idiots. And the thing is all by people who profess to care for students. But only the students they want to care about, which in Oregon are the transgender or disadvantaged and if you are male and white, you are male. And if you want to pursue merit or you want to develop your skills above average so that you become above average and skill at anything, You're now a bigot and a potential racist welcome to the Oregon public education system. But what we need to know good fight is you need to take these facts out and start telling people the truth. The truth is that the government is a bad tool. It's a lousy tool for handling highly complex things like telling the truth. You see the government would've been better off empowering parents to make medical decisions regarding COVID and then telling people the truth in the same way that now suddenly ivermectin is okay to use as a treatment for COVID. I. Can't explain it myself and that hydroxychloroquine because of its widespread use in continents like Africa, they couldn't figure out why people fared better in Africa and in the tropics and subtropics versus up in the temporal regions. Like most of the areas of the United States. Well, that's because of the prevalence of, of hydroxychloroquine Paquin, which is used as an anti kind of ubiquitously in many of those areas. Again, when do you wanna treat a disease that can make you real sick? You want to treat it early. People who were covered from malaria were inadvertently treated early for COVID and people fared better in those regions and in those countries. Because of all that the world health organization is quietly declared that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have now been added to the list of anti COVID medicines, that they do, as it turns out, have efficacy. Now, these were the people. Remember these pundits that lost their mind and went full care and crazy over Joe Biden, declaring it into the pandemic. It's these very same pundits who. Tried to declare ivermectin as horse warmer, even though it's a medicine developed for people, it's also used to treat worms in horses and other, livestock, it's also used to treat worms in people. Hmm. Fascinating. So, you know, here's a, broad use kind of medicine, developed originally for people that has also been used for animals. Let me give you an example, you know, another medicine that they use a lot. In livestock and animals, dogs, cats, et cetera, penicillin, which they now call amoxicillin, which is the synthetic version. But you never heard the pundits going out and saying, you're taking penicillin. That's a cow drug, that's something they give to horse before they ride out in the sun. You see what I'm saying? Good fight the insanity of the left. It's gotta be stopped. So I'm gonna round this. And I wanna take just a quick second to thank our sponsor, battleground Oregon. Yes. Battleground Oregon website, battleground,, check it out. Battleground Oregon is, getting ready to launch its election integrity lawsuit based on the beautiful premise of Plessy versus Ferguson, which was, the segregation, ruling of the Supreme court in 1896, which was overturned. Thank God for the betterment of our country, through the skillful arguments. Of Thoroughgood Marshall, who argued in 19, 54 in brown versus board of education in Topeka, Kansas, that the mere existence of separate but equal creates a psychological disparity that causes a disparity in access, of people's constitutional rights and expression of those rights. And, what's beautiful. The reaction of these blue states and many counties all over the country, declaring anyone who questions, the conduct and integrity of never updating voting roles like here in Oregon ever, saying that that might have a negative impact on the integrity of the election, it is now saying that go. That are taking those narratives and that are obstructing people's access to data and, not honoring public records requests and are out maligning people individually, or like president Biden, threatening that anyone who questions, the integrity of the election is a, terrorist in Trumper. So, this is going on right here in Oregon is in many other states, but, battleground Oregon is setting to change that, and this court case is really, really. really creative because see, we don't have to prove voter fraud. They just have to say the existence of all these anomalies, the existence of all these behaviors of the government, not being open and transparent, not wanting to seek the truth is creating, defacto voter suppression by suppressing people's willingness, to participate in elections because they do not believe that their vote. so, let's give a round of applause and some kudos to battleground, Oregon. Feel free to, visit the website and good fight a. It costs money to win lawsuits. So please, since they're supporting yours, truly feel free to go to their website, the goal is to get a couple thousand small donors supporting this lawsuit because every donor, puts pressure in the court of public opinion and remember judges, magistrates, they also read the newspaper and listen to the news. And if they hear about a wave of support for a very, very, very well thought out and reasoned, election integrity suit, this is one way that we, as conservatives can help win and fight. Yes. You heard it here. The good fight. All right, I'll leave it there. Everybody hope you enjoyed this week's episode. God bless all once again, I am your host Marc Thielman that's Marc with a C C stands for conservative, and this has been another episode of the good fight. God bless.