The Good Fight

Ep.11 - Game of Intrigue and Governor Endorsement

Anthony Feist

Russia annexes occupied provinces and Ukraine responds by applying to join NATO. Unsurprisingly, Russians pin the Nord stream pipeline sabotage on the United States while President Biden follows through with his tough threats by sanctioning 1000 individual Russians between his afternoon naps. And finally, The three Oregon Governor candidates, Betsy Johnson, Tina Koteck, and Christine Drazen debate head-to-head for a second time, causing the overall intelligence of the voting age population of this beautiful state known as Oregon. To drop by nine points while simultaneously driving up. Demand for woke Bain coffee mugs. Stay with us folks, all these topics and more on this week's episode of The Good Fight with Marc Thielman. Well, hello and welcome to The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thelman. That's Marc with a C, Stands for Conservative, and I am here to tell you that I am on remote location. I am recording. Live in the wilderness. North of a place called melino in an undisclosed location. You may hear chickens, you may hear goats, you may hear strange animals like geese, and these little things called diesel trucks that I know are partially been banned in cities like Portland, but by gum, there's still lots of diesel habitat out here. I thought I'd get out on one of the last warm fall days here in this balmy and rainy state of Oregon. Contrary to what you may have heard, yes, it has been remotely dry here, but soon, within three days, the rains will break open. And Oregon will once again become a giant mud pit for the next six months. So please bear with me if you hear sounds of disruption. I think it's fitting because really after all the world's gone half crazy. So let's look at our first topic, right? How are things going in Europe? Well, I mean, it's surprisingly poorly. I know. I know what you're thinking. Members of the good fight, you're like, But Marc, didn't we send Kamala Harris? Didn't Kamala go over there and say, Together? Together we can together support each other together to fight tyranny and oppression together. Yes. And then Vladimir Putin once again invaded. Anyway, I know the war with Ukraine, right? How's it going? Last, last week it looked pretty good for the Ukrainians until the Russian said, you know, we're not doing very well. And uh, boy, this, this. 300,000 man mobilization isn't going well because we just lost half a million people who fled the country. So what do we do? I got an idea. Let's use our guns to force people within the boundaries of the territory of Ukraine we still own, and we'll force them into votes. And then when they vote to join Russia, you know, no duress there, right? Um, we'll then say, this is now mother Russia and if you invade, we'll new cue. So, I mean, I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist. That's certainly how the west took it. And what did our noble president Biden by gum, he woke up. He woke up long enough to say, I said, If you Yeah. Use their near nuclear weapon, we're gonna. Yes, and he quickly fell back asleep. Now, I don't know about you, but we got two simultaneous things going on here in Europe that are actually very troubling, and I'm going to give you the. Good fight analysis, which will be a little different than what you're hearing. What you're gonna be hearing is that the world's less stable now and that things are more dangerous and Putin's gotta be stopped and that the threat of nuclear war could be imminent. Yeah. Well that's all, media dribble, the real issue is, These, two things that have happened. One is the annexation of the provinces and the, questionable elections that, propagated them, the response by the Ukrainians, of course, was immediately to escalate by applying to join nato, which was one of the reasons why Russia claimed to invade in the first place to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. Now, I don't know about you, but somebody, I don't know who he is. Said way back when, Oh, you don't want Russia to invade, you just say, Ukraine. You're now a quote, protectorate of nato. We're gonna give you a free trial hundred 20 day trial of joining nato. So pony up. But of course, the president and Kamala Harris did not listen to yours truly, had they. Well, let's put it this way, the provinces wouldn't have been annexed by Russia, and Russia would not have invaded. However, Joe Biden didn't want to escalate things and by not wanting to escalate things, not only have tens of thousands of Russians in Ukrainian, military, men and women. Not to mention civilians died, mostly Ukrainian, not to mention all the atrocities and the tragedies, all of which Joe Biden was trying to present by using tough sanctions. If you recall now, good fight people. Please listen. I'm a scholar of history. I'm also a scientist. But history is very clear on these things, in last week's episode, I talked about what happened when the North Vietnamese decided in 1972 that they were not going to stay at the bargaining table with Nixon, who was. Pushing the Vietnamization and trying to get us out of Vietnam with honor, and I explained the difference between Nixon versus Lyndon b Johnson. See, Johnson started the war with bombing North Vietnam, but he was very political about it. Very limited, very controlled. But when HoChi men and his crew left, The bargaining table, they left the American diplomats there just all by themselves twiddling their thumbs. Nixon responded in true Republican form and he said, You know what language does a desperate tyrannical leader like HoChi Min understand? And he then proceeded over Christmas to bomb the living hell outta North. Now those bombings were so successful that Homan immediately brought his team back to the table, and that led to the US actually getting out of quote place where I thought, now again, Look at the beauty of that. Where is the tough language with Russia from the United States? What have we done? Well, we said, No, you're right, Russia. We don't want Ukraine to join nato. That might escalate things, then we sanctioned the Russians, which didn't stop them from invading. Followed by the fact that we now have snuck some weapons over there, which kind of ticked the Russians off and quadruple escalated the war. Now the good news is the Ukrainians are very good fighters. They're fighting for their homeland, and they've been armed with really good weapons from the west and good for them. So once the war started turning and the initiative started turning for Russia, they had to pull out the ace in the hole, which is the nuclear thread. So, What Vladimir Putin has done is what all desperates do in history when you don't take clear advantage. When you don't exude clear leadership, when you draw lines in the sand like Joe Biden did, and then you don't back them up with action or force. So two things have happened that have kind of muddied this up. The Russians, put it out onto the World Press stage that they were going to hold elections in the provinces, that they were slowly losing to the Ukrainians and that they were going to expedite those elections because they were majority rushing speaking people and clearly they would want to be part of Mother Russia. Anybody could see this outcome coming. If you think for one minute, good fight folks here and the Joe Biden administration didn't see it coming. I got news for you. I know this is gonna sound counterintuitive, but they actually did see it and they understood the implications. So as the Russians are getting ready to set up elections and hinting about, Hey, once these are. Russian territory will have to defend, including with nukes. that's a way to throw some cold water on the conventional war they're losing. So suddenly three major explosions. Two and the Nord stream, one contiguous gas pipeline, which has been, sourced in Russia. Which sent, hundreds of millions of cubic feet of very, very green and economical natural gas. The point is, is that both pipelines were hit even though that they were not operational because the Europeans said, Okay, we're not gonna buy gas from Russia anymore. And ultimately they didn't. However, the Russians kept the gas in the pipeline because the ocean pressure is not good on the concrete surface of the pipe. And so you wanna keep things balanced in pressure. So there was lots of gas in there. And suddenly two explosions under Danish waters, and then the other section was in, waters that are controlled by the Navy of Switzerland. Hmm. The third section of the pipeline. Goes through water's controlled by dun dun Russia. I dunno about you, but if I were the Russians and I wanted to damage the pipeline, what would the safest place to do that be? How about on land? Since it starts in Russia? I mean, I don't know. I'm just saying. But according to Joe Biden, According to the president of Poland, the leaders in Switzerland and Denmark and Germany, apparently the Russians decided to go underwater under a thousand feet, of water, which is like a lot of fathoms and, set some bombs and waters. They don't control. Risking a great escalation and setting bombs off. Now, I'm not saying I'm choosing sides. I mean, obviously they decided to go into, you know, foreign waters at great risk to set explosions that they could have easily set safely in their own controlled areas, but apparently, that is the going line, and that's what, our government wants you to believe. The only problem with that is the Polish leader declared things quite early as sabotage, and then simultaneously thanked the United States, so followed by Sweden and, the Danes and even Norway. Now, I don't know about you guys, but something smells. Still fishy, I know Fox News, came out and said, Hey, this might have been the United States, because after all, they saw what the Russians were setting up. And it's a checkmate situation when you'd start to bring nuclear weapons onto the table that you know the darn Russians. They just don't know how to fight. Fair., they can't. Win a conventional war. So now they gotta pull out their stops. And here's what I'm getting at. This is an example of why we don't elect presidents like Joe Biden. This is an example of why we don't elect vice presidents based on icons, AKA because somebody fits some bill, female person of color. This is why we have to vote and elect base solely on competence, consistency, and the power of common sense, because now we're looking at a guaranteed recession in Europe. Now think about this. If you're gonna play games in war, it goes beyond just blowing up and breaking things. War also is an economic battle, and the Russians have taken it in the shorts. And look what they can accomplish. Now, not only is there no, natural gas coming through the Nord stream, but now there will be no natural gas coming to the Nord Stream, even if the piece breaks out in Ukraine. And on top of that, simultaneously a brand new pipeline of natural gas sourced in Norway just opened, Just happened to open just a week before these explosions. I mean, I want everyone to know the whole truth. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm your host, Mark Thelman. I have researched this thoroughly and to me, we are putting together these little pieces and we have a great game of intrigue going and who is going to suffer the most? Well, I mean obviously the folks in Ukraine, horrible situation the folks in Europe, Okay, the European Union is guaranteed a recession. The recession is now being driven deeper. The cost of energy, and energy, stability has gotten less certain, costs are going to be ticking up. And once the, situation in Europe begins to deteriorate, which we're seeing in Britain with the British not being able to sell, Then in the bond market and it's causing a crisis, a potential devaluation, which has now caused the British or the first, but there'll be more. The British Central Bank came out and said, We will buy as much debt as we need. Now, does this sound familiar? We're gonna go another round of quantitative easing in which the Central Bank of Britain buys whatever debt necessary to stabilize the bond market, and at best, it will only slow the. Of, bond interest, prices. Now, for those who don't know, the bond market was created for people who are not risk averse. Bonds have traditionally been seen as a safe investment. You don't make as much guaranteed interest like you would taking risks in the stock market. But if you have a big chunk of money and you put it in a bond at, let's say three or 4%, it's considered guaranteed. Steady piece of income, and if inflation is only around 1.5 to 2%, On the life of that bond, 10, 20 or 30 years, you end up making a couple of percent profit. Now, I don't know about you, but do the math, a couple of percent on a billion dollars. yeah, you're eating steak and filet and yon, if you know what I'm saying. I'm just trying to help. Now all of that is being threatened because one of the biggest issuers of bonds are government and municipal entities like cities. Counties, states, provinces, and whole countries, which is why the Chinese own a lot of American, government bonds? That's called treasuries, US treasuries, the thing is, if you start to have instability in the bond market where interest rates for, new bonds being issued, go way up, people with old bonds go, Hey, wait. We, we'd like to cash these in, or we want a better interest rate. And that's what happened in Britain. And pretty soon private investors said, We're not gonna buy government debt where we can earn four or 5%. While inflation in Great Britain is over 9%. So it's created a huge crisis. That coupled with the energy crisis just created by these Nord stream, explosions, it is going to, guarantee and has guaranteed and pretty much, everyone in the media is saying it now. Europe is officially in a recession and thus where the EU goes, Usually China and Japan, followed by the United States. Now the end result is it's caused people to run to the dollar, and running to the dollar can be a good thing because it's strengthened the dollar temporarily. The downside is, is when you have a really strong dollar. In other currencies like the Pound or the Juan in China or the yen in Japan, they are not as strong. That means that, people that own American debt may want to cash it in, and that is what we're seeing. We are seeing a massive. Shall we say horse wrangling going on in which you're starting to see people like in China, where they're starting to have devalued currency because the Chinese economy, which has been shielded and somewhat insulated by really crappy media, Is actually struggling more than the world is aware, and that is becoming very evident now. The best ace in the hole for the Chinese is all these valuable dollars that they own. And what happens if they say, You know what? We're going to sell these dollars back on the open market. That means the US taxpayer has to pay out, Somebody has to take on the debt and. Huge problems in the world, financial market going on right now. So I'm sounding that alarm. There's one good thing going on, and I do want to stress this. in the past when we've had these situations, there's four main, avenues in the economy. You got housing, you've got, stock markets and commodities. Then you have bonds? And then you have currency valuations. Now, rarely have we ever. A, economic crisis where all four of those things were being negatively impacted. That is until now slow clap for Joe Biden. And the reason I'm slow clapping is, and I don't wanna choose sides cuz like I say, I'm trying to be objective here. But we did have a guy named Donald j. Who ran for president meant 2020 for reelection, and I believe at one of the presidential debates, he said, If you elect Joe Biden, you will see a financial crisis and a global depression the likes of which the world has never seen. So joe Biden, through his ardent lack of leadership. And, His ideological policies of crazy. Have just made Donald Trump write, That should be a headline news across the entire United States. Unfortunately, you're only going to hear it here on the good fight. Now, this came from, several of you listeners who wrote to me directly and said, Hey, could you cover this crazy Oregon three-way governor race? And since it's all three ladies and they all identify as ladies, we're gonna say, Go Es. And they had a secondary debate. It's very clear. Not only did the Covid shutdown cause, K through 12 students to lose nine intelligence points, those nine points have now been inflicted upon. All of the voting age people, 18 and older here in Oregon, who may have taken in the debate, it was a hum dinger. So we have a three way race in Oregon. We have Betsy Johnson, an independent former Democrat. She has got an ax to grind because her Democrat party has left her. So she's now an independent and she is really pushing in this debate that she is free and unencumbered from party agendas and therefore she is only answerable to the people I'll give you credit. That's actually a good message and, you have delivered it much stronger in this second debate. Then there's Tina Kotick, Tina Ko Tech has now changed her messaging to say, I am a good listener. I listened to everybody. And everything. had some kind of, shall we say, I'm the best, I'm the best qualified because I've been speaker of the house. Even though all of the last 10 years, all the policies we've implemented have caused Oregon to go straight down the toilet, even though I care about every issue facing Oregon, I want you to know that I am working hard to address them while simultaneously creating them and making them worse. And finally, we have Christine Dresen. I'm gonna give Christine some kudos. I will say that compared to the first debate, she is demonstrably stronger. So first debate, Tina Ko Tech, for example, was very bold. I'm very bood and versus Tina Ko Tech. Second debate, I'm a listener and I'm here for everyone, and we're gonna just keep throwing money at everything because everything's an investment. So she got weaker from the first debate to the second. But Christine Dresen is starting to learn how to fight, we may have to bring Christine into the good fight, I think we should send Christine Dresen and her entire campaign team some woke BA coffee mugs. Now, just so you know, there's a big fundraiser here on the eighth. It's up in trout. Dale and I have been invited to go and sing patriotic songs. Christine Dresen and Chris Christie will be there. So wish me luck. Good fight. couple of improvements for Christine Dresen and it is a huge improvement and it does give me a little bit of hope, and I do want to encourage people to do a couple of things. One is, if you're voting for Tina Ko Tech, you're not listening to this. podcast anyway. I'm gonna assume that it's down between Betsy Johnson and Christine Dresen and as I have been consistently saying, We have a historic election coming. And the data is very clear. The reason Tina Ko Tech went all sour posts nice and listening is because she is looking at the data and she is scared, literally out of her mind because she has not topped 35% in this election, the first candidate to top 35% of the elector. Of the votes cast is gonna be the next governor of Oregon. And this truly is historical because right now Christine Dresen maintains her 1.5 point advantage based on multiple data sets, both large and small. And believe me, I have my sources and they're very credible, we have an opportunity here in Oregon to flip the state red, and I'm here to tell every conservative. Every conservative who is here too for undecided, whether you like Betsy, because Betsy has some good strong points and some strong messages. I'll give her credit as well. She went full maverick in the second, debate, that's her best suit is that she says, I'm accountable only to the people and I'm not gonna listen to the parties, and I'm gonna use competency and capability, when I make appointments. Now, I'll give her credit for that. Ironically though, Christine Dresen doubled down on similar things. However, we need to make sure that we put our vote behind the person who can keep co tech out because co tech basically said, I want to deregulate, although I don't know what we would deregulate. She literally said that. Fascinating. So listen to what she's doing. I'm really nice and I'm gonna listen to everybody and I'm gonna bring everybody to the table, and then I'm gonna do what I want. And if anybody says something that we've already been doing that isn't working is bad, then I'm gonna know not to listen to you. But at least I listen to you before I said I'm not listening to you anymore. That's literally where Tina Kote is, and that is a very good sign. Good. It is a huge indication that Oregon very well could flip red. If we conservatives get all our issues out of our heads and stay single minded, focus on putting our vote behind the person who's got the best chance to beat Tina Ko Tech. I'm being objective at the beginning of this thing. Way back when I started this podcast, Betsy Johnson had the, data advantage. That is not the case today. As of today, Christine Dresen has the data advantage. She's finding her fire, and I will give her credit for that. I'll tell you, anybody on this planet who finds their fire lights that boiler finds their strength and starts to double down on really common sense stuff. Christine Dresen did a pretty good job in this debate. I'm gonna give her the most approved award. There could be bright days here in Oregon if we can all keep it together. You see the forces of evil, of darkness, they try to bring you down. Yes, I. Have recently recovered from my first bout with the vid. The covid. Yes. I got it from my special needs daughter who got it from her little school. Hey, let's be real. I can't not give her a hug. She's my special needs kiddo. I love her to death man. Molly's her name. She is, my little living angel, she got it first. I got it second. And, like good, hardworking conservatives. She and I both defeated it within 72 hours. Yes, it's true. You can live after Covid. Don't tell Joe Biden or Dr. Fauci, but they're all full of crap. And I was unvaccinated ha. Take that. Woohoo. I'm telling you, being unvaccinated is the way to be. If you've been vaccinated, good for you. Just don't get those boosters because all the data shows not good stuff are happening. In terms of the debate, do I think there was a clear winner? No, I will take a page out of Tina coat textbook. You see when she was asked to. The government of Oregon's response to Covid. Tina, co tech chose not to throw Governor Brown all the way under the bus. She simply said, I don't agree with All the decisions Governor Brown made, and then she went on to say, So I'm gonna rate. My colleagues that were both in the legislature, and that was former Senator Johnson and Christine Dresen Twitch. She gave them both a d plus. Why? Because they opposed keeping schools closed and they opposed all the things that Governor Brown wanted done when then Tina Kote was trying to do what's called, washing her hands, both of Governor Brown, while keeping the focus on. The people that she's running against. This is a classic woke tactic, and in my opinion it fell short, but only for one reason. What have I taught you? Good fight. You have to confront when? When a woke person says this, I will only deregulate as Cotex said, if the deregulation is consistent with Oregon values. And then she doesn't say what those Oregon values are. Well, I don't know. How about the value of being able to walk as a single woman at night in Portland and feel safe? I don't know. But I think that might be a really important value of which Tina Kotek did not acknowledge, nor does she support. So I think that the biggest loser in this debate, Hands down was Tina co ticked? She is pandering. She is out saying things that aren't sincere. If you watch her face, you can tell that she's modulating. And when people modulate, that means they're acting. It means they don't really believe what they're saying. And I think this is a critical point. Normally, Tina Ko Tech will look right in the camera and say, I will only answer to you and not the nra, and she'll actually believe it. But in this, It was very clear that she was uncomfortable. She was very sensitive to the fact that her message is not resonating with two thirds of the Oregon electorate, which is unbelievable for Oregon, Democrat candidate in the last 40 years. This has never happened. Please, please, please, Oregon voters, all of you in the good fight. take a moment and do two things. One sip from your woke being coffee mug, and then let's put all our issues aside and make sure that our vote goes to the person who has the best chance to beat Tina Kotek. Now, I will give you week on week updates from my secret information of good data., cuz you never know, maybe next week, Betsy Johnson's rolling out in. Right now that doesn't look very likely. And therefore, right now I'm saying to everyone, where's my vote Most likely gonna go. If the election were today, I would have to vote for Christine Dresen. She is becoming more conservative and thank God. All right now. Woo. I did it. I said it. So good fight. Listen, I'm gonna segue out. I'm going to the Multnomah County Republican meeting tonight. It's always a spirited group, I must say that even though. The overall intelligence that the Oregon voter has gone down nine points. The demand for woke bain copy mugs has gone up substantially. I have a new website coming. It's called The Good Fight with Mark Dieleman and I want everyone to go to that website, and on that website will be a marketing page so that you too can order your own good fight with Mark Feelman merch. Most notably the wonk be coffee mug, which will come in variety of styles. And we will ship it directly to you for a very reasonable price. Thank God for woke bain. This will be the first woke bain election My hope is that it will be woke bain that brings that beautiful tide of Crims and red across the blue state of Oregon. Once again, restoring balance and sanity and common sense to all that is good. And green. God bless you. Good fight. This has been another episode, and I am your host, Marc Thelman. That's Marc with a C. C Stands for Conservative. Until next time.