The Good Fight

Ep.12 - Red Wave in Oregon??

Anthony Feist

Oregon Democrats invite the unpopular President Joe Biden to visit the state to boost the even more unpopular Democrat Tina Koteck's flailing campaign for governor while Gavin Newsome, governor of California just can't understand why his call for a special session to raise taxes on oil companies won't lower the cost of fuel at the pump. And finally, the Federal Reserve decides to do all it can to collapse the economy and boost inflation. While President Biden admits that under his watch, the US has never been closer to nuclear war, at least not since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Congratulations, President Joe Biden. Stay with us folks, all these topics and more on the next episode of The Good Fight with Mark Thielman. Well, hello and welcome to The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thielman. That's Marc with a C C stands for Conservative, and I'm telling you folks, you cannot make this up. Every week things get crazier, Things get more insane yet. The Good Fight audience seems to be steadily grounded, steadfastly anchored to common sense, all due to the daily dosing that is received through the use of the woke ban coffee mug. And we're gonna need some woke ban. So if you're a good fight listener, make sure you take a little savory sip from your woke being coffee mug. And if you don't have one, do it in spirit. Because even Spirit alone is enough to save you from the vacancies of insanity promulgated by the left. So our first topic today, Oregon politics. Yes. Oregon is well known for Portland Portlandia for being an extremely liberal experimental haven. Places where. People do insane things like the Portland City Council passing an ordinance saying that people who identify as furries, for those who don't know furries are people who say, Not only am I. Maybe not the gender I was born, but I also identify as the spirit of a wolf or a cat or a dog or a Pangolin or some other kind of creature. And because no one wants to offend anyone in Portland, the city council has passed an ordinance allowing furries to mate in Pioneer Square in public. And after all, isn't that what dogs and cats do? I mean, it makes perfect sense. Why would I share that? Well, because Oregon not only is an unusual place, it's one of the most liberal and blue states in the country, famous worldwide for its liberal experimentation. And you would think that in Oregon, the Democrats, which have been solidly in power and all three branches of the government, judicial. Legislative and the governor's office for over 40 years would have no trouble securing yet another run with tina Co Tech, who has been nominated. Now, for those who don't know, Tina Co Tech is a lesbian female who identifies as a female. She has a spouse who's also identifies as female, and I think was born female and she's had zero children yet. Her nickname should be Karen because all she does is talk about how hard she's working to solve all the problems that her policies implemented over the last 10 years while she's been Speaker of the House Ear in Oregon have created, and by gum if we just make her. All things will be rosy and square. Now, for those who don't know, for the first time in 40 years, Christine Dresen, a Republican nominee, continues to widen her lead in the polls here in Oregon, a massive blue citadel on the hill. A place where even liberals think that liberals are too conservative. If you know what I'm. A place where not only do furries get recognized and affirmed by being allowed to ma in public, but let's be real, a place where. Free love spirit kind of took hold for four decades. You would think Tina Kote would be running away with this election, but she's not. And I am here as your host, Mark Feelman to tell you why. So please take a quick sip from your woke BA coffee cup to protect and steal your mind from the insanity that I am about to inform you of. You see here in Oregon, we have just like other places in the country, massive inflation. We have a burgeoning growth of poor people, aka homeless. Homelessness in Oregon has doubled from 8,000 to nearly 16,000 estimated homeless people now, all in the span of two years. Fueled by the fact that if you were homeless and you take a bus to Oregon, you immediately get welfare benefits. You don't even need to show id, you get signed up immediately. You get an an Oregon Trail e B T card where you can then go to the store and buy all kinds of savory things that hardworking people can't afford right now. Like hamburger for six bucks a pound, and then you can go out to the taco truck or the Italian meatball truck or some other small business vendor and say, If, uh, you wanna buy all this meat from me, because, by the way, this is the new burgeoning business that's been fueling the drug trade here in Oregon, funded by the Oregon taxpayer. Well, because people in small businesses are so squeezed and so taxed, they're actually saying to homeless people, yes, we will buy your meat for 50 cents on the dollar. I will pay you$3 a pound for your hamburger. That's six bucks. And of course, What do the homeless mostly drug addicted and alcohol addicted do? Well, they take that deal and they take their taxpayer,, dividend, and then they go and buy drugs, which is often laced with fentanyl, which is completely destroying community safety. Not to mention the fact that in downtown Portland, it is not safe to go out at night. It's almost like a zombie apocalypse, if you will. But don't worry, they've just pushed this week to clean it up because it turns out, yes, President Joe Biden will be visiting the state, and I know what you're thinking. Why invite the most unpopular president in the history of presidents to come and boost an even more unpopular. Democratic candidate for governor? Well, let me explain to you. Here is the data, good fight. And again, if you get a chance, sip your woke vein steadily, maybe every few seconds, kinda like cpr, you know, three breaths every 15 to 30 seconds. I highly recommend it. You see, in Oregon, according to the latest polling, Just the state of Oregon, apparently Joe Biden in the state of Oregon has a popularity approval rating of 51%, one of the highest in the country. Now let's take a moment to reflect on that. So if you look at the data of this poll, a Nelson Poll, the problem is it's heavily weighted in favor of people who consistently vote. Progressive, liberal, communist Democrat. Now, I don't know about you, but it's almost like they worked really hard to get Joe over 50%, and since everyone now believes that he's 51% popular and it turns out that Tina Ko Tech is averaging around a 90% negativity rating. Okay, now listen. Good. Let me, let me, let me help you here. It's a miracle she's doing as well as she is considering. She is literally the most unpopular gubernatorial candidate in the history of gubernatorial candidates. And what's even more shocking is she is the nominee. Of the party who that's been in power for four decades. You cannot make this up. I know, I know. I'm struggling with it myself. Just a second while I go ahead and take my own advice. A little woke name. Ah, I can feel my mind becoming. Rigid. Becoming resistant to this insanity. I know. So the good news is Joe Biden will be flying into Oregon and for the mere price of$10,000. You are guaranteed a picture with the president. Now, I don't know, it's almost like pimping out the president if you are so unpopular. That bringing in the most unpopular president and US history is a plus for you. I don't know a good fight. I, I'm thinking Tina Ko Tech, uh, needs to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Oh, by the way, I must be. Completely accurate. You see, the Kool-Aid reference in Oregon is commonly used by conservatives talking about the mindless lack of thought and the love of conformity that so many liberal quasi communist progressives are loved ones on the left kind of fall into. It's like me, no need. Think me get told what? Think by cnn n N. Which by the way, in Oregon, conservative punts say it's the Communist News Network. That's what CNN stands for. Just,, Oregon trivia there for you. Good fight. And it's a plus for Tina Ko Tech to bring the most unpopular president in US history why. Tina co tech is even more unpopular. About one third of people. Polled are saying they're going to vote for Tina co tech and her numbers have not moved for nearly six weeks. Completely unheard of here to for unseen in Oregon polling history. Yes tina Ko Tech believes that Joe Biden will be a boost and I will be the first one to report next week and we will see if the dial gets moved for Tina Ko Tech. But I got news for you if Joe Biden's flying here. That means two things. One, she's having trouble raising money, and two, they're worried about Oregon flipping red. Ah, yes, I know the sweet crimson red color, like a tide, like a biblical plague in the Nile sweeping across such a beautiful thing. I cannot wait. And by the way, the plague analogy is because those of our loved ones on the. Will think it's the end of times when reality that plague is their salvation, that they will be set free and hopefully led. To a healthier place, aka the promised Land of common sense prosperity and hopefully a little community, family, faith, and charity. That's what I am hoping for. A good fight. Just south of Oregon is this largely populated state. It has, I don't know, 23 million people. And it's called California. California, Yay, California, Something like that. I think the band, the Eagles even wrote a couple songs about California back in the. But I am here to tell you that California is being led by a hair tonic, hair gelled fanatic named Gavin Newsome. the name alone is scary enough. However, Gavin knew. Is looking at the elections coming up in California. They're looking at a Republican surge going on. They're watching Hispanics defect right towards more moderate and conservative, candidates so what does Gavin Newsom do? Gavin Newsome has come out and he says, You know what? I'm reading the paper cabinet of mine, it says here that gas has hit over$7 in many communities with a state average of$6 and 58 cents a gallon., people are really angry every day, hardworking people, small businesses. After all, I mean, we've damned near banned gasoline cars, we've done everything we can to restrict the refining of fuel, even though California's a very large refinery state and we've done all we can to, demonize fossil fuels in support of the hoax called climate change that we don't really have tangible evidence for. So what we do is we make it up. So when a hurricane hits Florida, we say, see. There. Yeah. Storm hit Florida proof of climate change. Even though in the historical record of hurricanes going back 200 and, you know, 70 years, Hurricane Ian was maybe, maybe broached the top 25% of strong storms. We've had much stronger storms literally centuries ago, but after all, Why let common sense ruin a good narrative? So Gavin Newsome is in a pickle because he's like, How do we salvage this? So he's done. communist left do, he began to play the blame game. So he is calling for a special session of the California state legislature to quote, raise taxes on oil companies. Why? Because they are having windfall profits, largely because OPEC put a finger in Joe Biden's eye and went ahead and restricted supply of. All while oil prices are rapidly rising and, I am here with the power of hindsight to tell you the reasons behind this. but here's the other thing I want people to understand. There have been several new taxes on fossil fuels, new green energy, policies, new climate change. Policies that have begun to be implemented over the last 18 months in California, several of which have contributed greatly to the increase of gas in California. So in the same week that prices per gallon have pushed$7. The price in Florida went down 14 cents. So why is it that gas is skyrocketing only in California? Well, I'm here to tell you it's because of these policies that Gavin Newsome has really counted on people forgetting about when the state legislature passed them a couple of years ago and see, they're now just starting to implement their way in. So taxes on fuel, taxes on business and energy have gone up. Taxes on shipping companies because they ship fuel around. all of these things that are considered on green are now paying surcharges in California. and what that's done is it's greatly accelerated the cost per gallon, the average price of gas, average price of gas in California compared to the national average. Californias are paying on average$2 and 58 cents more per gallon than the national average. And where is the lowest gas fuel prices in America? Disproportionately in red states. Now take a civil woke BA people, and just let that marinate a little bit in your mind, could it be that maybe the policies enacted. Progressive Democrats such as Gavin Newsom in California might not be good for the everyday hardworking Californian. Hmm. Let me think. I wonder what happens to the price of food. When the price of fuel goes up so much. Hmm. Oh, that's right. It goes up. So again, California, even though they are boasting record employment, record economy, that's not true. People, they're actually flirting. With recession big time. So California is in a recession. there are certain sectors that are still strong, but they won't be strong for long. In, what's the consequence of this? I mean, it says, here, let me, let me read some of Gavin Newsome's logic here. He says, quote It's time to get serious. I'm sick of this., So here he goes, telling people, I hear you people, I'm sick of these gas prices that my policies have. done nothing but increase over the last 18 months. And then he says, Don't blame us. Still vote Democrat because why? We want oil tax money that we're gonna have a special session. We're gonna pass a tax in. My gosh, people of California, we're gonna give that money back to you, the consumer. Now of course, think about that. We're gonna tax companies who will then pass the cost. Off onto the gallon of, gasoline that consumers will pay. But don't worry, you will get a rebate from the government. Although Gavin Newsom says here, we we're still working on the particulars. Hmm. While the Republicans in California miss the target. They call this a fool, Hardy tax. And plan, but they're not seeing the real genius of Gavin Newsome. He says, Look, I gotta bump. The last time I gave, average people their money during Covid. He gave a bunch of Covid money just before his recall election, and that gave him a real boost and he survived the recall. So here he is ahead of elections, He's planning on doing it again. Now, you would think he would call a special session tomorrow, but that is not what he's. Nope. He will call a special session and I quote, two months post-election, so he is gonna wait two months after the election. Right around the time of, oh, I don't know, December, January, Haha. The holidays when everybody's happy and distracted by Christmas and New Year's. And that is when Mr. Newsome will hold a special session and he'll railroad this, windfall profit tax through and the price of gas will go even higher in California. Slow clap Gavin New. So why would he do it? You ask. I'm already getting the comments here from good fight people. Well, I'll tell you why. So write this down folks. You see, if they in impose such a tax and they wanna give it back to the consumer, what are they giving back? Consumers a fuel. So electric car, drivers, you're out. Nice job. You're not gonna get any of this windfall oil tax, but how are they going to be fair? I mean, after all, the people who drive more should get more of a refund, shouldn't they? Well, this is where the state of California will then say, In order for us to pay you your money, Yeah. In order for you to get this benefit from the government, we're going to have to have your car and vehicle hooked up to the internet, and we will track your every move and location. And we will then send you your refund check while creating new policies to punish you for driving a fuel powered car diesel powered guy. Yes, by the way that, um, that accent is free of charge. All you need to do is value and appreciate your woke bae coffee mug, knowing that woke ba literally transforms any liquid into a mind stealing fortress, An armor plated brain protecting barrier that allows you to stay root. In sophistication and common sense. God bless Woke Bain. God bless America. God bless the good fight. Thank you for listening on this. it says here that this will allow the state of California to quote track individual citizens mileage. And it will serve as a gateway to other taxes right here. See, the Democrats aren't even hiding. They're saying, Well, in order for us to give you this great benefit that we came up with while thinking about other ways, how do we control people? Even mow, you see, we don't have enough control, so we gotta, we gotta, we gotta control even more. Now we are gonna know everything you. We're gonna know how much fuel you use, how many miles you drive, how much wear and tear you're putting on the beautiful roads of California I eight. And by gum, we're going to get you until you start behaving in the way. That we wanna behave. Yes, I know what you're thinking. Good fight. I'm alluding to your social credit score. Yes, that is exactly what Gavin Newin is doing. He sees his opportunity, he gets a big old eagle fix by doing this because he knows he's lying to people. Good fight. If you have loved ones, even if they're on the left in California, do two things. As of next week, you will be able to log into the good fight. and you will be able,, to purchase your own woke BA cup, which will be dually shipped to you. And I am gonna recommend that you ship a couple to your relatives while not telling them what it means, and therefore they will put their coffee in it. While thinking warmly of their conservative loved ones, maybe in from Oregon or Texas or Florida or whatever state you hail from Arizona and they will be none the wiser and suddenly everything will start to materialize. Common sense will start to enter the cranium and they may even have an emotional. Shall we say dissonance, a conflict in which they call you and they're like, I don't understand. I just, every, everything I thought I believed, it doesn't make any sense. I'm in a situation and I'm struggling. Okay. And when they do that, just know that, you will have lived. The power of woke ban, please, at that moment Tell'em the truth for their own good. Wow. You know, my life got it better too. Once I started sipping coffee from my woke ba coffee mug, maybe. Maybe it's working for you too. That's what you need to tell him. All right, Moving on to topic number three. Now, I'm gonna go into this in more detail in my next episode, but you see we have two competing groups of incompetent people. One is the Federal Reserve, which for those who don't know, You see, we have a thing called the ability to make money in the United States. So the United States is the world's current currency. We've been the dominant currency ever since World War ii, and therefore we are like the dominant economy in superpower even to this day, even though China is rising to challenges, but in the meantime, when the government spends too much money, so much money that. Money holders, you know, people, maybe like owners of Amazon or bond holders or people in the stock market, they go, You know, I'm not gonna put my money into you. We, the government, because you're spending a lot of money and you have a lot of debt and I'm not so sure, I'm gonna get paid back now because inflation is so high. very few private people are now buying government bonds, and government bonds are nothing more than IUs. So a bond is the government saying, Give us your money and we will give you treasuries. IUs, and it could be five, it could be 10 years, it could be 15, 20, or 30 year bonds. And the government says if you give us your million dollars for 30 years, we will pay you back with 3% interest and we'll give you 3% interest payments a year on your million dollars. 3% on a million dollars is about 30,000 a year. And these investments, these bond investments, a lot of wealthy people usually, invest in them because they are considered the world's safest investments, at least until Joe Biden became president. Yes, the Federal Reserve now is the number one purchaser. In other words, the go. Is saying to the Federal Reserve, Please print more money so we can spend more, such as the Inflation reduction Act, so that we can make inflation worse. And the Federal Reserve says, Okay, we'll print that money, but then inflation gets worse. So now the Federal Reserve is saying, We've gotta raise interest rates because inflation's going through the roof because of all the money we printed for the government. Yes, you heard it here. Good fight. I just narrowed the complex global finance down to its absolute basic tenants. So we're borrowing money from an agency called The Federal Reserve that prints money out of thin air. They back it with the full faith and credit of the United States. They then give that newly made up money to the government. The government then wastefully spend. Wastefully is the important term. driving up inflation, even more so causing the Federal Reserve to say, Man, we've gotta raise interest rates on the very IUs we just issued to the US government in order to get ahead of inflation. Now this is called the law of diminishing returns because as the nation's debt grows and as inflation increases and as the Federal Reserve continues to buy and and print more IUs, After a while, it creates the potential for what we call default or hyperinflation. It cannot go on forever people, yet our Federal Reserve is saying they want the party to continue while then raising interest rates so the party can't continue. So we are in a real pickle, but don't worry. Democrats will try to distract from the real crisis, which is the fiat currency crisis created by incompetent people in the Federal Reserve and in the Biden administration. So what has the Biden team come out to do? They came out and made an announcement shortly before the election, not trying to influence at all. I'm sure that under Biden's watch the United States is now closer to nuclear war than now, At least not since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. Yep. slow clap. So here's the reality. We're not really closer to nuclear war than a Cuban missile crisis in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The United States military blockade the island of. They sent, crusader Jets f eights, flying at supersonic speeds to take pictures to prove that the Russians were putting missiles with the consent of the Cuban government, Fidel Castro, and they were putting missiles that could hit Washington DC within 45 minutes of launch. President Kennedy eventually said to, Crewe, remove the missiles, or were invading Cuba. And guess what again? President Kennedy, rare for a Democrat, by the way. He was a Democrat. But if he were alive today in practicing politics, I assure you he would be a Republican. But President Kennedy showed strength and the Russians back down and they removed the missiles and nuclear war was averted. We're not anywhere close to that people. A matter of fact, it's a manufactured story. Think about it. Putin in Russia is only playing the nuclear card in order to get the Ukrainians to quit defeating his armies in Ukraine. Now the Ukrainians are summarily ignoring Vladimir Putin and Vladimir is saying, No, we just might have to use tactical nuke. So he's trying to figure out what he's gonna do because the Ukrainians have called his. So here's what's going to happen. There will be a settled settlement to the war in Ukraine. I'm gonna just predict within the next three to four months, I guarantee it they're gonna start figuring this out. Because of the economic chaos and pain it's caused Europe's in a major recession, the, Nord Stream gas pipelines, that basically fuel the entire Germany economy have been detonated and destroyed. And, the United States has maxed out its capacity thanks to the restrictions imposed by Joe Biden on the liquid natural gas industry and shipping industry, and ports not allowing for permits, et cetera. So Joe Biden has restricted the very industry that's desperately needed and is currently at at capacity trying to ship liquid natural gas to keep Europe warm during the upcoming winter. Slow clap again. There's a common theme here, folks. And each and every one of these topics today, at the very heart of it, is a crazy woke progressive something, someone something. And this is why a guy like me does a show like this Now., I wanna do a couple of things. One is I want to continue to thank Battleground Oregon for their support and sponsorship of this podcast, Battleground Oregon has recently,, brought a whole host of freedom loving election integrity minded people together, and yours truly, Mark Felman, along with fellow plaintiffs, have filed an election integrity case that could have. Very significant, national implications. We filed it in federal court. It's getting a lot of traction. I'm gonna cover it in next week's episode. I wanna wait till. These, beautiful counties, tell the secretary of State Shamia Fagan here in Oregon gets served. It's such a beautiful feeling. Here you go, Sham. You have been served It's, you know, it's kind of like when the government knocks on your door and says, Hello. Yeah. Hi. We're from the government and we're here to help. I know. Terrifying. You get, I mean, it's terrifying. Seriously. So the good news. battleground continues to push the envelope of common sense and to say it's not about election fraud, it's about the presence and appearance of fraud. It's about the ossification and complete disconnect of our current state government officials, not only in Oregon, but all over the nation, and the way that they are now dubbing and, declar. election integrity minded people and people who belong to the election. Integrity Minded c. Terrorists. That does violate the 14th Amendment Equal protection Clause, which is the premise of the, uh, lawsuit. More on that next week. And then lastly, so many of you have given me feedback. They're saying, Mark, we need to know where you're at with Christine Dres and the Republican. And as I said in the previous episode, we conservatives have to look at data. Okay. The old used the science and we need to make sure every conservative vote in Oregon goes to the candidate. That is not Tina Co Tech who can win. Now, Christine Dresen for the third week in a row is clearly that candidate. Not only is she leading against Betsy Johnson, the independent I granted another. Candidate. You know, Betsy's got a lot of strengths and good points. I get it. But Christine is continuing to pull ahead and a lot of that has to do with the fact that when they poll people here in Oregon and they even Democrats. Okay. And this was, this was a poll recently that was waited. Heavily Democrat. Even Democrats say they trust Republicans more on the economy, because here in Oregon it's a nightmare. We've got homelessness, we've got communities in pandemonium, in crisis. We've got needles and feces. We've got inflation out the y we've got defunded police forces. We've got furries breeding in in parks. I'm telling you, it's crazy. Crazy. It's not exactly the premier destination here in this country. Thanks to our progressive woke friends in Portland and here in the state of Oregon. So I'm gonna come out and I'm gonna be even more bold. I am going to give my vote and I encourage everyone listening to the show who might live in Oregon, who can cast a vote. We conservatives have to lie. Behind the candidate who can turn this state red. Now, please don't get caught up on this issue or that issue. Here's the reality, Tina Ko Tech will be. Kate Brown, by the way, the most unpopular governor in in the country. She will be Kate Brown on steroids. We must take our state back and we have to go and back the candidate who is in the best position to help us do that. And that is Christine Dresen. She has my full support and barring some massive data change. I mean, we only got a few weeks. Ballots are coming out here in Oregon, I'm here to say that conservatives, please do two things. One is hold your vote till the day of the election if you can. If you can't rely on yourself to hold your vote, send it in early. But if you can hold your vote and you know you will cast your vote in person to the county, office, or the Dropbox on the day of the election, I strongly recommend you do so. It's one of our best defenses against, voter fraud and manipulation. because you see in Oregon. We are the only state in the union where the Attorney General and the Secretary of State have both admitted that you can't hack paper only. And they've admitted in a court of law that the voting machines used here in Oregon are,, able to, be accessed through wireless. During the election in real time and that they're susceptible to hacking. Yes. I know. You would think that that Shia Fagan would be out supporting guys like yours truly, who are here to make sure that every vote counts that all legal votes get to be cast and counted. You would think she would be helping me, but she is not. Why? Well, because she's woke. And she doesn't have a woke bae coffee mug. I know what you're thinking, Mark. You could send her one. we will keep that on the back burner and we will keep it in the realm of possibilities. Good fight. Listen, I'm gonna end there. What a great show at such an honor to be doing this podcast, to be talking about these important topics to be pushing Oregon issues out. Because Oregon is the front line. It's the next Virginia here in Oregon. We are looking. For the first time in 40 years, the beautiful state of Oregon will be shifting red. And if we can keep it together, conservatives what a glorious message that will be, that we will break the West Coast Union of Washington, Oregon, and California and we will take a stand for common sense for family, for faith, for individual. Even more importantly, Individual diversity for things like competence and merit getting behind small businesses and helping them flourish. These are very important things that we have to get back to. All of those things I just mentioned are opposed by our friends on the left, and even though we love them. And we're gonna keep our hearts open to them. It's gonna take a little bit of woke ba a little bit of time and a little bit of patience. But by God, it is gonna be the good fight. That is the tipping point that brings Oregon back to sanity. I know it. And that's only because you're listening to this show. God bless each and every one of you listeners. Send this show out, send it to anyone you know. Once again, I Marc Thielman that's Marc with a C. C stands for conservative. By the way, I was at an undisclosed location downloading and recording this podcast in the secure bed of my pickup truck because let's be real. This is America and I can record in my pickup if I want to. Hey, try to outlaw that old, sleepy Joe. Talk to you later. God bless you.