The Good Fight

Ep.13 - Red Hot Governor's Race

Anthony Feist

Democrats brace for an historic red wave. As polling makes clear the economy and inflation far outweigh abortion concerns as top issues influencing the vote. All this in spite of yet another record, media push to promote the right to kill babies over the fundamental needs of everyday Americans to. Pay bills and pursue happiness ever. The revisionist Joe Biden debuts his new plan to combat high oil prices by accelerating an historic global recession. In a latch ditch effort to reduce energy demands and thereby increasing oil supplies, innovation never ceases in America clearly. And finally, President Biden's stump visit to Oregon in support of Democrat Tina Kotek. Backfires as the gubernatorial race heats up. Post visit polling shows Republican Christine DRN has extended her lead to 6.5 points. That's up from 2.5 points last week over Democrat Tina Kotek just days after the historic presidential visit. Let's go Brandon. all this and more on the next episode of The Good Fight with Marc Thielman. I am your host, Marc Thielman. That's Marc with a C. C Stands for Conservative. Please stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to The Good Fight we are bracing for the historic red wave. But unlike the Democrats, Republicans are dawning their surfboards and yelling, Surf is up because the wave is a beautiful crimson. Yes, it's reminiscent of the wave that comes when you tip over your woke bane coffee mug, allowing all of that wonderful elixir to spill out in abundance, preferably on your woke leftist friends and loved ones so that they too might get a dose of common sense that only woke vein coffee brings All that aside. The red wave is causing a new tsunami of liberal sadness, tears, and there have been an uptick in reported cases of middle aged white women driving Subarus named Karen going to full nuclear Karen, not just Karen. Crazy with a C. They've gone way past C Crazy. They are in full K, crazy. That's K R A Z Y and why? Because Nationwide two a t things are not looking good in the polling for. I mean, after all, the media has worked really hard for the last four and a half weeks to make sure that all Americans cared more about the right to have an abortion regarding the Roe versus Wade decision, or overturning of Roe versus Wade by the US Supreme Court. And the push in the hope was that abortion would outweigh, you know, minor issues like the ability to, you know, afford energy, heat, your. I mean, these are minor things like, you know, put gas in your car and still have some money left over to buy a new pair of shoes for the kid. I mean, things are so crazy and I mean, not see crazy. I'm telling you, we've gone full nuclear care and crazy. Stacey Abrams, the alleged governor of the state of Georgia, that abortion should be the number one. I mean, after all, she has decided in her leftist woke ideology, that real intelligent and educated Americans know that abortion is the number one concern. Now, if there was ever a reason to vote these people out, in my humble opinion, Stacey Abrams just gave it today, and I quote, she says, as she was confronted by a news reporter who asked Stacy Abrams, Hey, with record fuel prices, energy prices, winter coming, the concern of families being able to, you know, pay their power bill and heat their homes and provide for the needs of their family. why would you, decree that abortion should be the top issue? So clearly the data shows that the economy inflation is by far, aka 18% of those polled nationwide. Said the economy was number one, followed by inflation. Very short, just a few percentage points, behind, around 15% where abortion came in a whopping 5%. of American voters think it's the number one concern. I guess the abortion is in the top three. Nice job, Stacy Abrams. Now most. InTouch politicians would be able to read the poll and look at the numbers, and they would know that 18 is more than five. But apparently Stacy Abrams doesn't want that to be true, and therefore she begins from her high perch of elitism to say hello, uneducated electorate. And I quote, She. that the quality, the intellectual capacity of the electorate is lower now. Well, okay, let's say that's true. I wonder if the fact that I don't know, she and other, woke left, has shut the country down for two years, had anything to do with the electorate, maybe being a little bit upset. followed by the fact that, Joe Biden did a good job of lying to everybody because he is not the moderate he said he would be. He is the most radical president we've ever had. He makes Barack Obama look like rush limba. Now, let me get to the killer quote, and I mean killer quote, because after all, even though she didn't use the word kill, she basically said that this is the best policy. Because when the reporter said, Look, people are having trouble making ends, me worrying about heating their homes and meeting these of the family, she said, Well, the very fact that women are confronted with having a baby in this. is an example of why they need to have their right for an abortion secured. So Stacey Abrams economic policy is kill all fetuses in the womb, I mean, think of all the money you'll save, right? Who cares if you're excited about having a baby or who cares if you believe? You know, the child is, is genetically distinct and that it's genetically a human being and that it has value because it's alive. You know, it's not your body, your choice. If the body you're aborting is genetically distinct, which means it has a different flesh than you, now I know what you're thinking. Good fight. Yeah. But you know, there should be some exceptions. Well, let's be real. This is a common sense country. Of course there's exceptions. if you're going to, engage in the issue with abortion, good fight. You always want to land on the truth. The truth is if the fetus, the little child is healthy, it's got a heartbeat. It's genetically sound. In other words, it's developing normally. Well, I got news. that little baby is a human being cuz that's what it will be when it's born. And naturally it is genetically distinct from its mother, which means it's different flesh. And if you are to abort that child, you are aborting a human being. Okay? It's a human being in development. And if you say, Well, it's in development, so that makes it legit, I'm just here to tell you that, you know, that argument's a little shallow because why? Stop at, uh, you know, what if your kid becomes 17 and you decide that they're just, you know, not thinking clearly. I mean, they're developing as abnormal. So my point is, that we have to be rational when it comes to engaging in the issue of abortion. And we also need to apply compassion and understanding because everybody has different circumstances. So here's my point, Stacy Abrams is, That the rule always applies, and that if you're worried about making ends meet, feeding yourself, paying your bills, and generally pursuing happiness, maybe you should do that by potentially aborting your baby. So I don't think this is good policy, personally. And I think that Stacy Abrams needs to go look in the mirror, she's not alone in her revisionist, shall we? Political speak because President Biden went out and said, that he has a new plan to combat high oil prices. Yes, oil prices are at near historic highs yet again, but he wants you to know America. If he hadn't worked as hard as he has draining our national, oil reserve from the 800 million barrels of sweet, easy to refine, crude oil that President Trump put in there. Okay? 400 million barrels bought by president. At the very end of his presidency for$28 a barrel. Now I'm gonna make a note because obviously in my embracing of the red wave and the issue of abortion versus economy and inflation in Stacy Abrams perspective on the matter, I am here to say that numbers actually play an important role. regarding Joe Biden's plan. So let us write that down. Now, if you have your woke bae coffee cup handy, I recommend you take a sip as I'm going to do now. Ah, and why? Because we must steal our mind and understand that math is the one unchanging language. It is the same now as always, that two plus. Is always four. So we wrote down the number 28 and we put a dollar sign next to it. So President Trump bought 400 million barrels of oil and he filled up the strategic oil reserve at$28, a barrel. Okay? So it's pretty cheap now. Joe Biden. changed his tune. He couldn't get abortion to be the number one issue. Good fight. So what does Joe Biden do? He comes out and says, Oh, I've had a plan all along. I, I had a plan all along. I and, uh, where's my ice cream? And he goes in to talk about why we have to have more oil production today. And then he chastised those e oil companies, e, Exxon, e Conoco, How dare you make a record? Profits as a result of my policies. Of which I'm now changing because I'm two weeks from losing all power. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't think President Biden has a lick of sense about him, and I'm just gonna be bold here. The last I checked,$28 a barrel is cheaper than what he declared. He was going to buy oil back to refill the strategic oil reserve. So here's what he said. He said, we sold our strategic oil reserves at at at 90$90 a month. for those who don't know, I just said$90 a barrel. So there's number 28 that President Trump bought it for at$28 a barrel, and President Biden sold it for$90 a barrel, which is why some of our very important strategic crude oil, ended up in the hands of the Chinese. Hmm. I wonder if Biden has any, I don't know, relationships with Chinese energy companies that, you know, I don't know, maybe Hunter Biden worked a deal before he was president with a giant Chinese energy company. I, I don't know. Look, look, I'm just spitballing here. Okay. Good fight. But all I'm saying is, I'll probably be bringing that topic up in a future. Anyway, I digress. So let's do some basic math. Good fight. We're gonna say 90. We, we sold it for 90. We bought it for 28. So let's subtract 28 from 90. Let's see, ah, that is a profit of$62. Joe Biden said that today, every time I tap in a strategic oil reserve, huh? It's a good deal for the taxpayer and it helps stabilize the oil. So he's trying to say that he's stabilizing the oil market by draining down the nation's strategic oil reserve, and to address concerns that it's now at half a tank when it was full at the beginning of his presidency less than two years ago. He wants you to know America, that a half a tank has plenty to handle any emergency that could ever, come. I know, I know. I, I can't imagine, you know, I don't know, a global war nuclear holocaust. I can't imagine any of that happening that might severely disrupt the flow of oil and energy worldwide that would ever cause us to need more than 400 barrels of oil. And why, even though there is a nearly unlimited number of scenarios, That would require us to need all 800 million barrels. I want you to know that President Joe Biden, who literally forgot their seven days in a week, just like five days ago, who literally called on a member of Congress whose funeral he attended two months ago and forgot she had died and he had forgotten that he had attended the funeral and asked her to come up and be with him there at the, at the podium. We're talking about a man like this is telling you America don't. 400 million barrels is plenty. And don't you even worry because you see, we bought that oil for$28 a barrel, but we sold it for 90 and we're going to refill it at$70 a barrel. Now he's saying that he's gonna save money. Now let's, let's think about this for a minute. If you, buy oil at 28 and you replace it for 70, so let's say 70 minus 28, you're gonna replace your$28 a barrel oil with$70 barrel. Okay oil, let's see, minus 28, 6 cents. C2 carrying the, ah, that means you are going to.$42 per barrel. Wow. But don't worry. You see, Joe Biden is claiming, and granted not all that oil was sold at$90 a barrel, but don't worry, Joe Biden is claiming that he had made$62 a barrel. So let's take a peak. 62 and he just told us that today that's what he made. 62. But you see, you have to minus the$42. You lost in the difference between 28 and 70. So good fight. Let's have some fun doing some old fashioned canceled math. Ah, 62 minus 42. Boy, that's a tough one. Ah, that means we had a profit of$20 a barrel. Now, I don't know about you, but that's great to hear that the federal government, the strategic oil reserve profited$20 on the hole. How much of you profited at the pump? Good. I wanna know how much every individual American who's had to buy any kind of fuel, any kind of fuel, including electricity in California, I wanna know if they profited$20 per barrel. I don't think they have, and this is why we have, in my opinion, Joe Biden. Okay. A controversial potentially illegitimate president. The man is certifiably insane. I'm not kidding you. You know who would probably do a better job? and, and I know because I, I texted him today, remember those Loony tune commercials back in lane? I think they were like made during like between 1946 and 1964, but they were called Loony Tunes and Merry Melodies, you know, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck. But I think, I think the, the best loony tune character that I can drum up to encapsulate and em. The, the mentality of Joe Biden would be Foghorn Leghorn. You know the giant rooster? You had, the red feathers and the white feathers. He walked around and he like, you know, smacked the dog with a stick and stuff. And he, he said, Oh, hey, hey, look at me when I'm talking to you. Boy. He just talked like that Dodo, dodo do, do day. That's like bit chewing on an ice cream cone, trying to tell people that the American economy is strong. It's the rest of the world. He's worried about. This man really cares. So I did get a hold of Leghorn, Foghorn and, I had a short text exchange Foghorn said the following, He said, I'll, I'll say, I'll say mock with a c I'll say, Good fat family. I'll say, See that Joe Biden's record on the economy. Looks like two miles a bad road. Now, I don't know. I'm sure the comment two miles, a bad road I'm sure has been canceled by the left. Hang on, let me check on my, my woke cancellation program app here. Hang on. Going to the phone. Yep. Yep. apparently it's not okay to save two miles a bad road. I mean, who's to say it's bad? I mean, it's, it's no different than saying we can't say pedophile. and instead we're supposed to say minor attracted persons. I mean, this is what I'm talking about. This is why we need the red wave to come. And I'm here to implore every listener of this podcast, Even if you're listening to this podcast as a leftist, progressive, socialist, communist, let's pretend that's you. Let's say you're listening for no other reason than to just, just to hear what the heck Mark is gonna say next. Well, if that's you there's some wisdom in the poor use of language that Leghorn Foghorn has bestowed. To us in this episode, you see two miles of Bad Road it's a bad thing. So what Foghorn Leghorn is trying to, convey is that Joe Biden doesn't know what he's doing. That the world has never been more at risk, that our ability to survive as the world's leading. Has never been more harmed. The United States right now looks like two miles. Bad road. That's what Leghorn says. You know, he did like 29 episodes I mean, that's pretty cool, I think we should listen to the wisdom of that rooster., after all, Rooster In is a tough business. I have chickens on my farm and all I know is my rooster spends all day walking around kind of herding hns and scratching the ground. I mean, it must be exhausting. It's kinda like Joe Biden, he just kinda wanders around and licks ice cream and then, you know, sniffs small children if you don't believe me, that was in the news today too, but I digress. here in Oregon we have a three-way governor race, three strong candidates, but it turns out some candidates are stronger than others, but the Democrats have never been behind in the polls at this point in 40 years in the state of Oregon, and they are behind. So last. Tina Kotek. Thought, Hmm, how do I help my campaign and rally the base? I know I'll see if governor, Oh, wait a minute. Governor Brown's the most unpopular. Go. in the United States So she thought, I know I'm gonna bring in the most unpopular president in US history, and sure enough, Joe Biden flew in this past Saturday to Oregon. Now, I really appreciate the fact that Joe got an invitation to speak in support of a Democrat who's in trouble. I mean, let's think about this good fight. no Democrat gubernatorial candidate. In the last 40 years here in the state of Oregon has ever been behind in the polls at this point, three weeks prior to an election. This is alleged actual recording of the Tina Cote Joe Biden rally. Let's take a listen, shall we? Yes. Good fight. You heard it here first. Obviously a ruckus event., I know it sounded like crickets, but it wasn't because what you don't understand is that it was so loud, that it just merely sounded like a forest filled with crickets and little creatures chirping and chatting. In the depths of the night. Christine Drn. On the other hand, answered President Joe Biden's visit by asking rockstar Glenn to come over and hold a rally with her at an undisclosed location outside of Canby and Aurora. here was the Christine Rally and these were the first few seconds when. and Governor Glenn Youngen walked out on a stage with cheering republicans, conservatives, people in the know holding Christine Dres and signs. Tina Kotick had 250 ish, Christine d Drn had, 1800 plus. That is a difference of 1,550 people. I wonder which rally had the most energy. Well, let's take a listen, shall we? There it. The first five seconds of the Christine Dresen rally., let's juxtapose that with the roaring sounds, from the Tina Kotek, Joe Biden rally, Shall we? Here we go. I'm here to tell you that the future of Oregon looks much. You're probably wondering. Good fight. Hey Mark. You're the data guy. Here are the numbers. this week's poll shows Christine Drn has extended her lead from a 2.5 point lead with a margin of error. 4.5% to 6.5 points over Democrat. Tina Kotek five days post Joe Biden's visit. I'm telling you. Slow clap. Thank you Joe. Man, can Joe light it up? I'm telling you, we need Joe Biden to come back two or three more times. I think it would be, I think it would help. Hey, you know what? I think Christine Drn should call and invite Joe Biden to come back to help Tina some more. I know what you're saying. You're saying, hey, but Mark, I mean, wouldn't science conclude that Joe Biden should simply stop helping? I don't know about you, but I'm thinking that Joe's plan to increase oil supplies. By not addressing inflation aggressively and by temporarily quote, stabilizing the rising oil markets by, draining our strategic oil reserves and selling some of that to China for a tiny profit compared to the fact that everybody's now paying, well over double what they were paying when Joe Biden took office for a gallon of. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking Joe needs to, you know, plot a new path and he did. Today, Joe Biden said that since he took office, US Oil production is up 1 million barrels per month. Just so you guys know, good fight that had nothing to do with Joe Biden. One of Joe Biden's first actions as president was to cancel the Keystone pipeline, which immediately caused oil prices to. It created shockwaves through the oil industry. This is the same Joe Biden who said he wanted to bankrupt the fossil fuel industry in 10 years, and now that he's looking at losing power, What does he do? He comes out today and he says, as if we're all going to believe this, that he's always cared and has worked diligently. And if it wasn't for his efforts, and I quote, the record energy and oil prices that we're seeing would've been even higher records. Okay. Now, I don't know about you guys, but that's not even reasonable that that makes absolutely no flipping sense. If I can quote Lakehorn Foghorn, that looks like two miles. Bad road. Anyway, I would like to say that it really warms my heart, when I was at the Christine Dres and. so many people there. I took more pictures I think probably than Christine drn. However, there were a lot of people there and, they were all excited and I had just oodles of compliments about this podcast. And, uh, you know, I appreciate that. I really do. I mean, to be flagged by Facebook is like a, well, it's like a conservative badge of honor. It turns out that one of prior episodes, I used a statement, so radical, so crazy that Facebook themselves decided to flag me. You see? Apparently I was saying that woke Bain helps bestow common sense and that if you put it in a squirt gun and you sprayed your loved one, maybe at a family gathering or barbecue, that that woke Bane liquid would go through the pores of their skin and help them start to think in terms of common sense that you who have been dubbed a radical by President Joe Biden for thinking about things like, you know, you oughta be able to buy some fuel for a reasonable price and pay your bills and put a roof over your head. Yes, I know. These are crazy things. It turns out that my use of the phrase I'm a common sense radical was so catastrophic to those at Facebook. That they have issued Yours truly a warning. Woo. So in order to support Facebook and their concern I had it made into a t-shirt. So we will debuting that on a new website titled In the Good Fight. In the good, I want you to go to it And you too can order your woke bae coffee mug and your common sense radical t-shirt. And support this awesome podcast. Also, want to thank our sponsor Battleground Oregon for their continued care and support of this podcast and for their promotion of yours. Truly, they have been influential in supporting the lawsuit that myself and many others here in Oregon have, finally. and it's a beautiful thing and it's not only getting statewide attention here in Oregon, but it's getting national Attention as well. It's,, a woke Bain fueled lawsuit that makes so much sense that even the liberal Democrat judges are taking note I'm gonna leave it there. Good fight.. There's a lot going on, so keep your woke main coffee mug handy. Make sure you take a daily dose of any liquid of your choice, God bless. I am your host, Marc Thielman. That's Marc with a c. C Stands for Conservative, and this has been another episode of The Good Fight