The Good Fight

Down to the Wire

Anthony Feist

As the red wave continues to rise, Democrats have now determined that any speech that they don't like now constitutes an existential threat to democracy and whereas. The assault on Paul Pelosi has proven but one thing, and that is the adage rules for the but not for me. And finally, alt left extremists in Oregon are placing all their utopian hopes on four ballot measures designed to amend the state constitution and force their utopian hellscape on every Oregonian. Yes, all these topics and more will be covered on the next episode of The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thielman. Please stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thielman. That's Marc a C. C stands for Conservative. Yes. I'm here to tell you that the good fight stands in opposition to all of the woke. Crazy, not just regular, crazy, not see crazy, not, not the good. Kind of crazy that that maybe we've been used to for a large portion of our lives. You know, the kind of crazy that well might seem extreme, but makes you think, Nope, this show is your best defense against full. Karen. Crazy. You see the Democrats in fearful response to what is looking like a full political route here on election Hollowed Eve. many of their tight races in swing states such as Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia have gone from leaning Democrat, For example, John Federman, the Democratic, nominee for Senate. In Pennsylvania versus the Notorious, And if you speak to our alt left extremist friends here in Oregon, E Dr. Oz, who they won't call Dr because they think it's unfair. They called him Mr. Oz. Yes. John Federman is running against. Dr. Oz for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania. Up until just recently, Dr. Oz was trailing he was gaining, of course, on John Federman. And for those who don't know, John Federman is kind of a radical candidate who,, unfortunately suffered a. and he now, is having some issues communicating and it's affected his ability to, put ideas together, if you will. naturally we all wish him a speedy recovery because no one would wish that on anyone. However, Democrats have determined that he is going to stick it out in the race Potentially, I think they were angling that John Federman would be an example of someone who might have a newfound disability but can still show that, people with disabilities can continue to be good leaders. And, uh, you know, I think that that is a high value. The reality of it is, You really have to ask yourself what kind of leader, the concept of, of straight equity that all people are exactly equal, is kind of a, a euphemism of the left. and, and it exists in the realm of ideas, but it has no bearing in actual reality. Because in reality, let's be honest, let's say we needed surgery on our. wouldn't you want to have the best brain surgeon in the world work on your brain? I think I would. I mean, after all, there is a, a non-surgical method of working on your brain, and that is to gently sip any liquid from your woke bean coffee mug. But I digress. You see, they decided to finally call a debate in which John Federman would use some assistive technology so that he could have some closed captioning, if you will. I think it kind of went bad from the start because John Federman started the debate by thanking everybody and, and saying goodnight. And this is an example of just how devastating, a stroke, especially to your, speech center can be. I'm not here to make fun of the man. but I am here to highlight the fact that all things, including our health, has consequences on our ability to do our jobs, to perform work. I mean, this is common sense. Tragedies happen to people and we don't wish them on anyone. But to say that they won't affect our ability to lead or our ability to do our job, is a little bit of what I call. Getting on the trolley and rolling out to the land to make believe. You know, we ought to be honest. We ought to have open thoughts and we ought to talk, in terms that everyone can agree on when it comes to devastating health issues that affect us all. And in this case, it's affected John Federman. Now I wanna state real clear that I mark the Oman your hose, that's Mark with a C using the power of woke bane. harnessing the beautiful and somewhat privileged, power of hindsight. I'm here to say that it is my hope and wish that John Federman has a full recovery. And the reason I say this is, John Federman is the same. John Federman. He is always. Whether you like his ideas or not is beside the point. But he's still John Federman in his mind, yet his mind is not letting him and allowing him to communicate in the way that he wants. So, and that's what I'm saying is, is that I, I really hope that he does have a full recovery. And I also hope that he loses this election. And I mean that with all love and sincerity. because, you know, we get so polarized at times, if someone was the best brain surgeon in the world and then something happened in terms of their health, you know, let's say they lost their hands and they were no longer able to perform, brain surgery. obviously, we would maybe think twice before allowing them to operate on us if their hands didn't work right. at the same time, it doesn't mean that people can't continue to, to contribute. They can't continue to advise or teach, but in the case of brain surgery, Hands are important. So it's the same as with being a senator. one of the, the number one jobs of a senator is to engage and talk to people. That is their job. Their job is to engage with people to, work out deals, to develop policy. and a huge part of their job is talking to, other senators and to the people they represent et cetera, et cetera, And it's very difficult to do that when you suddenly lose full, capacity for speech, which is what's happened to John Federman now. John Federman and Dr. Oz faced off in a historic debate that will probably be replayed for decades. It was very one-sided. And, it's unfortunate because you can see how devastating. the effects of the stroke that John Federman is having upon the man, because I assure you in his mind he knew that he was there to welcome people, but instead of saying welcome, he said goodnight. And this is an example of why, he probably is. Well qualified at this juncture to, be the kind of senator that the people of Pennsylvania deserve. Now, on the flip side, I think Dr. Oz has been very gracious, so, in spite of the fact that the debate was somewhat one-sided, I think Dr. Oz was very poised and very controlled, and I think he highlighted the reasonableness that comes from. A member of the Republican party what is really, exciting to me is in spite of over half of Pennsylvanians having voted in last week's, election early through mail in ballot, there was kind of a, shall we say, a real awakening among the remaining electorate in Pennsylvania. the new polling is now in, and this is very exciting and it shows, John Federman and Dr. Oz neck and neck, now the race moved from leaning. To a tossup, and this is very good news here in the final full week before the famous November. this is being repeated in multiple swing states competitive districts, both for state, local, and federal, all over the country. And it's an example that in spite of massive media pushback and almost outright, shall we say red wave deniers, out in the media and among the democratic leadership, it. Incontrovertible that the red wave does exist and that it's having an influence and that, if it's allowed to be manifested through the voice of the people nationwide, I think we're gonna, wake up to a much more Red Nation. On November 9th, God willing. all that being said, there's a couple other key races I wanted to pick up Democrats are kind of really, really floundering, if you will, because all they can do is double down on policies that have led to massive inflation, a massive uptick in crime, an energy crisis, supply chain. um, we're down to, uh, 22 days of diesel left, that is historic. I don't think we've ever been this low in our nation's history, but don't worry. I'm sure Joe Biden has a plan. he's just not telling us what it is. another race to highlight real quick is the, the gubernatorial race in. And here I must say that Kerry Lake, the conservative candidate, has done a full SmackDown on a massive, massive. media attack on her and her person calling her alt in extreme right. And she has responded by taking on the media so that when they use their catch phrases, transphobic, homophobic, or they say, a majority of people of color or any of these gotcha phrases that used to cause Republicans to get nervous and to disengage. Kerry Lake has done the. So now when she has been confronted this last, week, she was confronted by a CNN reporter, who, took Carrie Lake by the hand and said, Will you give us an interview? And Carrie Lake said, Absolutely, I will give you an interview. Just after she said, Oh, it's you and you're not wearing a mask. Of course the gal repeats, I, you know, will you give us an interview? And Carrie Lake said, And I. Yes, I will give you an interview as long as you promise to air the interview on CNN Plus. And the gal said, Well, CNN Plus is no longer on the air. And Carrie Lake said, Exactly. That's because people are tired of the stuff you're selling. Go carry Lake. It is about time conservatives find their mo. Yes, good fight. I have a little bit of a dog in the fight because naturally I'm a C Lake fan, so I will come out and state my bias. But I will say that I'm a C Lake fan largely because she says and does things just like this. The C Lake is not apologizing for being a conservative. She is not out saying, you know, Well, yeah, I'm sorry I'm a conservative. It's just that you're so extreme. She's out saying, You people are, you people are unkind. You people are not nice. You people are not looking at reality and you're not serving the needs of the majority of of Arizonans. And I think the most telling piece is when they tried to come out and say that she was a racist by saying the majority of people of color in Arizona. And she said, Really, The majority of people of color in Arizona, she says, um, uh, where are you getting your information? And of course they respond well. Well, studies show and she says, Great. What studies? This is the kind of tactics, good fight that I want every member of this show to begin employing when they're having arguments with their loved ones and family members and friends on the left. Because the left is completely brainwashed with using what I, what I like to say, these platitudes. So we really want to be able to recognize these platitudes. Anytime you hear a majority or a studies show or a majority of of doctors agree, any of those adages. Should be assigned to one. Take a sip from your woke being coffee mug naturally to protect yourself from the damages, that such speech can have on, your sense of understanding reality, but also can alert you to the fact that it is time to introduce accountability, and you can do it with the form of what I call healthy curiosity. Oh, that's fascinating. Really, the majority of doctors agree that even though the covid vaccine does not keep you from getting it or spreading it, that it is still essential, to receive. cuz that's what they're saying, right? We got this new vaccine that, Sweden is just now, disposing of 10 million doses. because nobody wants it. And why? Because it doesn't keep you from getting it or giving it. But it certainly has adverse effects. Nearly a million now reported in vers, which people believe are underreported. So for example, I mean, this is a common one and we're gonna hear this more and more now that the CDC is, has added it to the list of required vaccines. So it's really important that we. Engage with people, especially on the left we don't necessarily put the peace in the moment, ahead of applying healthy accountability. and you can do it in a safe way and, ah, tongue in cheek safe by being curious. So here we go. Curiosity looks like this. Well, that's interesting. You know, I've heard the same thing. I heard that the majority of doctors seem to agree that this new bivalent, vaccine, is still a good thing. And then you introduce reality. So you can do it with a form of, of natural curiosity in which, you wanna validate. You want to say, Yeah. You know, I've heard the same thing. I've heard that a majority of doctors' degree. And then you want to ask this great question. Which doctors are you quoting? And just let it hang there. Let's try it again. Ready? Well, you know, I've heard the same thing. I've heard that a majority of doctors believe that. Which doctors are you quoting and can you tell me your source so I can check it out independently and, and read it for myself? And you see good fight when you do that, it causes them to have to turn on their minds because they're not expecting you in a healthy and, curious way to challenge their presuppositions or their beliefs. But it really is important you do that because no change of the mind happens. um, confrontation that in order to find truth, to broaden a person's mind, you have to risk conflict, if you will. So good fight. The reason I'm introducing this concept of risking conflict by being curious and by validating the very, platitudes that our friends and loved ones on the left will confront us with is because everyone wants to be validated, and then. Question it. See, you can even be empathetic to'em. Oh, I've absolutely heard that. You know, I'm really interested in this. which doctors are you quoting? See, you can throw a little empathy on that All that being said, I really want everyone to get excited and to brace for what we all are hoping will be real needed balance and change as we come out of next week's election on November 8th. Uh, Democrats are also. Probably hoping and wishing that Paul Pelosi had not been assaulted. And why? Because what kind of response do we get now? First of all, nobody should be assaulted for their political beliefs or because they're married to a politician. not ran Paul, not Paul Pelosi. violence has no place. we, conservatives would do well to make sure that violence is not ever part of our speech, rather, talk about the need for civility. It's the old speak softly, but carry a big stick. That was, Theodore Roosevelt. Look. It's important in our republic that we allow, the free exchange of ideas that we agree to disagree and that we don't try to force our beliefs on everyone ubiquitously. obviously that's why certain. rights have been bestowed in our constitution, one of them to keep and bear arms naturally. Paul Pelosi, lived in this incident, his right to defend himself, which he absolutely had. he is on record doing so. Apparently there was a hammer. For what it looks like is, it looks like, obviously there was an altercation. the two were fighting over a. Mr. Pelosi, lost control of said hammer and the assailant, assaulted him with the hammer, fortunately timed with the police's arrival so, uh, that was the situation. But why would I come out and say that it actually proves rules for the, but not for me? Well, In San Francisco where the Pelosi have one of their many homes, where Paul Pelosi was, where this incident occurred, that has been one of the epicenters nationwide for defunding the police. And what's really interesting is San Francisco is one of the capitals. Of cashless bail, you know, criminals aren't really criminals that they're really more victims of a bigoted and racist system, what's interesting is that the assailant was not only arrested, they were charged with a laundry list of infraction. the most serious, of course, attempted murder, followed by first degree assault, breaking and entering trespassing, and my personal favorite elder abuse. Now, why would elder abuse be something that I might tongue in cheek, kind of poke a little fun at, elder abuse in California code. is defined as, a violation of trust, By someone with whom the elder is familiar with. And that is why I thought, wow, them putting elder abuse on there kind of opens the door for people to say. Well, did Paul Pelosi know this gentleman? And of course the left began to turn the wheel of fear all kinds of democratic leaders, have come out. But my favorite is Hillary Clinton came out really early in after this assault, and then rather than say, hey, we're grateful that Paul Pelosi is going to be okay and we want everybody not to rush to judgment. Uh, instead she came out and said, This is why we important people need to have taxpayer funded security up the jinger and, social media, uh, counts, allude to right wing conspiracy theorist, and that this is all the fault of Republicans. obviously good fight if you're listening to this podcast, that may not surprise you that Hillary Clinton would seize on the moment to try to be relevant. And she would come out and, insert herself into this national,, incident, if you will, or this incident of national concern. And, we can see that we still have some semblance of health in our democracy because another, shall we say, controversial high profile leader responded directly to Hillary, and that was Elon Musk. Now, as you know, Elon Musk has been in the news a lot. He just completed his Twitter deal. Dogecoin, if you're an investor, went like way up for a while there as a result. You know, pretty exciting stuff if you're a Dogecoin, investor or a holder. Elon Musk sent Hillary Clinton a series of, addresses that Hillary Clinton has defined as online conspiracy theorist pages. But the particular address that Elon Musk sent her to, was paired with his, tweet, and if you go to the address that he gave Hillary Clinton, it basically said that Mr. Pepe is a male prostitute and perhaps was there for nefarious reasons. Obviously, It should be investigated, one of the humorous parts about this, if there is humor in this, it's not the fact that Paul Pelosi was assaulted or that, Hillary Clinton is doing what she always does, which is trying to stay relevant. it's the fact that Hillary Clinton completely missed the point that Elon Musk was trying to. Musk was trying to highlight to Hillary Clinton, you don't really know the facts. That's what he was trying to say. He was using a thing called satire, which I understand has been canceled by the left. But satire is a powerful tool and I'm here to give big kudos to Elon Musk for using it. By sending that kind of extremist website to Hillary Clinton, he was actually mirroring her behavior, saying, Hey, uh, there could also be this reason you don't really know. So let us all work together. And let us remember that as we go through Election Hollows Eve, it is incumbent upon good fight members to completely stay laser focused on telling people the truth, being open in our hearts and our minds, and being willing to, curiously engage members of the left in hopes that we can maybe turn a few back to common sense and reason. Prior to the election, after all, there's some crazy stuff up for election, especially in the litmus Petri dish State of Oregon. Now, for those who don't know, Oregon has gone beyond California under the leadership of the nation's most unpopular governor, Governor Brown. There are four ballot measures that, uh, so many of you have asked me to cover in this week's episode. And I think since it's election, Hollows Eve, that this is the most appropriate week to talk about the four measures up here in Oregon. Now it's measure. For those who don't know, it's Measure one 11. 1 12, 1 13 and one 14. one 11 is designed to bring in a utopian universal healthcare mandate in which the state must provide clinically relevant, appropriate. Healthcare to all its citizens. Of course, juxtaposed with other state priorities like education, et cetera, et cetera. this is very dangerous language because what it basically will do is make private insurance illegal in the state of Oregon. I mean, this goes way beyond. If you like your doctor, you get to keep your doctor, which as we all know was a lie told by the great Barack Obama. But now what it, affects to do is it says that the state is now responsible for clinically relevant healthcare. Well, that means. Maybe the state can determine that clinically relevant healthcare, is no longer acupuncture or over the counter vitamins or many other freedoms that we currently enjoy regarding the concept that you, the individual, are responsible first and foremost for your own health. You see, this opens a Pandora's Box in Oregon Especi. A state like Oregon that does not have a base economy that can even come remotely close to affording the provision of healthcare for all its citizens. How so? That's number one. Number two is the grand anti-slavery. It amends the Oregon Constitution to take out the exception or the anti-slavery language that's a part of the Oregon State Cons. But in the Oregon State Constitution, it made an exception for prisoners so that prisoners can be made to work and give back to the communities from which their crimes have taken from. Yes, Oregon's going to remove that because they say it's indentured servanthood to make prisoners. Work, you know, like cleaning up the highway with garbage or, programs in prisons that say, Hey, if you choose to work a lot and you do a good job, you get your, your prison sentence shortened. Yes, apparently all of that is evil. It is wrong because after all, it's not voluntary. So it would remove the ability for people like judges to assign things like community service. Yes, I know. Good find. I know what you're thinking cuz I'm thinking it myself. Let me take a quick sip of whoop vein. See, it's already giving me hope. Now one 13 is design. And intended by these alt left extremists. It was written by alt left extremists who were so angry that Republicans, two years in a row, state legislators,, one year was just the senators. But next year was both the House and Senate Republicans left the state and walked out and denied a quorum, which basically halted the entire legislative process. Now, Being an Oregonian, having lived through those walkouts and obviously advising on them, to which I highly recommended them, by the way, I can say with certainty and with authority, that absolutely nothing was harmed. When no new legislation was being passed. On the contrary, it was like, well, it was like a vacation to Fiji, you know, it was like a walk on a sandy warm Caribbean beach knowing that nothing new, nothing crazy, if you will, that no more caring crazy legislation could be pass. A quorum was reestablished and Republicans returned so that the Democrats could get at least a portion of their agenda move forward. Yes. They're going to make it so that now the Constitution will be amended, that if any minority, members walk out or any member for that, matter if you have 10 or more unexcused absences per legislative session, you will no longer be able to run for reelection in your office, and they wanna make this part of the Oregon State Constitution. You they're saying, we want you to stay so we can force our beliefs and our values on you while giving you no input and not recognizing, the other side, at all. None whatsoever. As we move through to measure one 14, yes, this is an anti-gun legislation, the most anti-gun legislation ever proposed in the history of our country, in which we the people here in Oregon to purchase a firearm, we now have to apply for a permit. From the state, and we must receive mandatory training provided by the police. Yes. The cops that we have defunded, you know, only in Oregon can such great ideas rise to the ballot, but arisen they have and Oregonians are now faced with, Quote unquote, life saving gun legislation ballot measure that is completely opposed by every law enforcement agency in Oregon. I mean, sorry, never laugh at your own jokes could fight, but, truly Sheriff Association, you know, municipal police, none of them are supporting this measure. And yes, as if it can't get crazy enough. The Alt left has been divided over this issue. Alt left extremists in Oregon now constitute two different and distinct groups. Those who are supporting Measure one 14 and those who are not, and I know what you're thinking. It must be Antifa supporting Measure one 14, right? Because that's what I would've thought. Nope. Antifa spokespeople have come out in direct and vehement opposition to one 14. Why? Because it would prevent the ability of their members to buy their assault rifles, which they begun to carry around, Because they're under such assault from the right, even though it's they the left that have burned down Portland. Now if things can't get crazier, Bernie Sanders flew in to try to prop up the trailing Democrat candidate, Tina Kotick. And as you know, races have tightened as well all over the the country. we now have Tina Kotick running in a three-way race with Betsy Johnson and Christine Dres. And Christine Drayson is a Republican and she is currently in the. And, uh, Tina got really stressed she was down like six points, and then she clawed her way back to 0.6, point percent lead only to go into the end of next week falling behind., the, the gap, that d DRN has earned is now about two points. Strays is up two points going into election. Hollows Eve. This has never happened in the last 40 years here in Oregon. And. In sheer desperation, Bernie Sanders flew all the way out to Oregon with a variety, Ron Widen and a bunch of other crazy left, extremist officials. the visit by Bernie Sanders really highlighted just how out of touch people like Tina Kotick are. With her fellow citizens here in the state of Oregon, because in the rally, Bernie Sanders talked about that it's the evil Republicans trying to, foment crime and that, it's the Democrats who are fighting crime and that is the evil Republicans who are actually. Opposed to the prosperity of the working person, even though Republicans have done nothing but talk about the need to support working people, it was almost like one of those scenes from the novel by George Orwell. I'm sure Orwell himself is rolling over in his grave, But What's insane is, that the entire rally. was held in what's called the Rose Theater in downtown Portland, and the entire lower floor of the Rose Theater is completely barricaded and boarded up because it was nearly burned down by protests in downtown Oregon over the last three years. Now, I don't know about you, but how can Bernie in good. Walk through those barriers with those boarded up windows and then stand up and say that Democrats promote law and order and healthy, safe communities and that they're fighting for the working man. I'm telling you, it is a a strange world. We are living in good fight. It's a strange world indeed. Now. What does polling show for these measures? Well, there only one measure is being, officially opposed, and that's measure one 14. And the good news is, it's about 42% voting no. And that's good. And 41% voting Yes. So it's gonna be a tight one. let's hope we don't wake up on November 9th here in Oregon and find out that we're now all felons because we, reserve the. To defend ourselves cuz see if you defend yourself with a gun moving forward, but you have not yet secured your permit to purchase and carry a gun, you are now a felon. So Not sure that one's gonna, stand up to a constitutional challenge in the, you know, United States Supreme Court. There was a lot to cover in this episode. Everyone just know. We are all in this together and that we all have a duty, not only as as Americans, but we have a duty as just clear caring and reasonably thinking human beings to reach out to our friends on the left and to apply curiously. good questions that challenge them in a way to think and reconsider some of this craziness. However, in the meantime, I will. S keep within arm's reach of my woke main coffee mug, and I will keep it close because as you know, it's mind stealing. Powers have yet to be understood fully by science, that the woke main mug. Is good for your heart, soul in mind. So I highly recommend you visit the In The Good Fight website that's in the Good Check it out. Check out the website. We're grant cranking out a newsletter and we also have a merch page. You can go to merch, you can mortar up your own woke being copy mug, t-shirts, et cetera. One more shout out to Battleground Oregon. Battleground. Oregon has helped support, the election integrity lawsuit sponsored by yours. Truly quick update on that cuz it's kind of exciting as all 10 counties named in the lawsuit have, decided to be represented all together. By one group or team of lawyers. Yes. They're all pooling their resources against yours truly in a court of law. I'm not sure. I'm thinking they're gonna need 14 or 15 lawyers to make it fair, but that's just me. I want to end it on that high note, knowing that 10 counties are ganging up to defend themselves after all. You know, Secretary of State Shamia Fagan just sent out an email saying that they care about election integrity while pushing to dismiss the lawsuit, which is designed to promote and strengthen election integrity. There it is. If you ever wanted proof, good fight. It's right there in the Putin. All right, I'll leave it there. Until next time, God bless. I've been your host, Mark Thalman. Mark with a CEC stands for conservative. Until next time.