The Good Fight

Ep. 15- Election Day!

Anthony Feist

The Democrat party employs guilt and shame tactics by declaring any vote that is not for a Democrat unpatriotic, whereas President Joe. States that a failure to elect Democrats will be the end of American democracy. And finally, as the red wave rises in blue states such as Oregon and New York, Antifa radical activists have now declared that voting only once is un Democratic. Yes, you can't make this up, folks. All these things and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thielman. Please stay with. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. Yes, we have less than 48 hours till election day, and I'm so excited about it. I cannot even sit still in my chair. Why? Because. and I mean, all early polling, in all kinds of battleground, states are leaning. Favorably in support of the great red wave. Now, what do I mean by that? Well, it depends on the state you're in, of course. But in states like Pennsylvania, in Georgia, in Oregon, California, where early voting or mail-in voting is kind of, the norm, it is a most fascinating phenomena going on in all of the name states, Republicans, which normally do not. Strong voting percentages prior to election day, are now showing up in early voting at historically high rates, but it gets better. Republican voting registrations nationwide have increased by 1.1 plus million votes. Yes, it is official to the chagrin of all Democrats. It turns out. That the rumors that the Democrat party has lost over a million registrations nationwide has now been declared true. So there's two phenomena supporting this. One is a lot of Republicans have had it, and rather than being depressed and saying that their vote doesn't count, obviously that was a concern. Republicans are saying, you know, I'm gonna vote early, but unlike the Democrats, I'm not gonna vote often. And what's cool is, we have a large uptick of Republicans voting early in the battleground states, so much so that in the state of Oregon, for example, for the first time in nearly 40 years, as of this past Friday, more Republicans have voted by a narrow margin, but still more Republicans have voted in Oregon than Democrats. Now what does that tell you? Good fight. What it says is that Republicans are fired. Republicans are energized and they are turning out in record numbers, especially in the early vote. And that is a good thing because a high Republican turnout early is actually creating a beautiful energy engine. And as Republicans are learning that, that they are voting in high percentages, that there's a lot of energy that inspire. Shall we say independence and non-affiliated voters to want to be on the winning side. Now, this has been a long standing tactic of the left. If you don't believe me, look at the archives. It was actually Barack Obama who was the first to scream, vote early. Vote early, vote early. And what happened is, is a bunch of Democrats followed, Barack Obama's lead, and we saw that as he was, running against MIT Romney, and it created some energy for the Democrats to vote early. Not to mention that when those October surprises came up a week before election day, over half of Democrats in the nation, or at least in mail-in states had already voted and were unable to change their vote. So I'm gonna say Republicans, and were conservatives and independents and people who are simply saying, Hey, what we're doing right now with this majority Democrat policy and party is not working. Thank you so much for turning out in record. And providing that extra energy because it is always good to take the tactics of the left and to roll them right out and use them against them. It's a beautiful thing. So with this beautiful change of fortune, as the red wave rises, President Joe Biden. Who has been briefed in detail about what is looking to be a political route. And I say that strongly because it's one thing to have a wave, it's another to have a massive route. real clear politics, for example, came out and they said, Republicans will take 54 seats in the Senate to Democrats 46. That is catastrophic for Joe Biden and any hope he might have of keeping his agenda moving forward. If these numbers, proved to be true, and I assure you real clear politics is not exactly a flaming. Conservative organization, but they're looking at the tea leaves and they're saying, I think that, they're very comfortable making this prediction. And that is a huge shift from what was originally like a 54 46. And I say that tongue in cheek, percent chance of the Republicans getting any real clear majority in the Senate way back in August and early September. So, and man, how fortunes can change in a couple of months. Not to mention how things like inflation, things like crime, homelessness,, fuel prices are, congealing together to help those who might have been blind or frozen in fear during the Covid pandemic. Those folks are waking up. Who am I talking about? Specifically independent and non-affiliated voters in droves and specifically non-affiliated Hispanic voters nationwide. Kudos to our Hispanic American brethren and sistern because it turns out that a lot of folks in the Hispanic community work hard for a living. They have strong familial values and they believe in the opportunities that America provides as so many hail, either this generation or generation prior from countries that did not afford. these kinds of opportunities, and I'm telling you, if there was ever a political miscalculation on the part of the Democratic party where hubris and ego, blinded them to the needs of actual voters who have maybe traditionally voted. Democrat. Well, that is not the case according to the latest polling. this could be not only a historic red wave, but a historic democratic shift of folks who, traditionally have been strongly democrat or very much majority Democrat., and it's looking. Like there may be close to 50 50 in many Hispanic communities, in many battleground states, especially also in border states such as Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. This is really good stuff. Now, I don't wanna beager the point too much, but to me it's proof that regardless of our backgrounds and our cultural, experiences or, or cultural makeup that when we get to this great country called America, it truly is a melting pot. And where everyone sees themselves as individuals who can pursue opportunity, who are contributing to something greater than themselves, and also feel a sense of duty in other. That they see liberty not as, uh, absolute freedom in which each individual gets to do whatever they want, but rather they see liberty as freedom that is guided by, I know this could get me, uh, kicked off of Facebook, but ready, It's guided by morality, by a sense of wanting to do right by yourself. By your family, by your children, by your friends, your neighbors, and your local community. And after all, isn't that really what America is about? America is this great quilt patch nation in which we take people from all over the world who come to this country. To better themselves, to seek opportunity and to really participate in what we would call a free and fair republic. In other words, a constitutional republic, a nation built on creed, not on culture and race. And this is exciting stuff. So here we are. This is really exciting because what I'm reporting to you is based on real data and it brings me to my second and main point, as the Democrats are now seeing the writing on the wall and they rolled out all of their high profile people. President Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, President Joe Kamala Harris, you. They're rolling'em out, and what are they saying to everyone? They're saying that if you do not vote for Democrat candidates, it will be the end of all American democracy. Yes, Joe Biden said that, and yet another speech that he can't understand why he is getting so much pushback here this weekend. As, as the pundits are attacking him. Yes. Even democratic candidates are coming out and saying, Hey Joe, you just win a bridge too far because here, President Biden talked about the value of voting and that encouraged all Americans to get out and vote, and vote their conscience the way they want. But if you don't vote for Democrat, You will be participating in the end of all American democracy. Now, why would Joe do this? Well, it's because the Democratic party sitting back at the Democrat National Committee, they are desperate. And so what they did is they've changed up their orders this past week, this past election, Hollowed Eve week, and they're now saying to Democrat candidates go out and say that you will be bucking your own party. Yes, Democrats across the country in Pennsylvania, Oregon. Arizona, California, Georgia, and North Carolina to name a few and in New York are all out saying that they will stand up against their own party or they have stood against their party. Now what does the historical record say about that? Let's see. I think I remember two years of Covid. Where Democrats voted lockstep to lock down the country, put kids in mass, force vaccines on people, said basically get the jab or lose your job. I don't recall too many Democrats bucking their own party, but you know, all I'm doing is sitting here. Remember it? I mean, come on. I mean, what does that mean? Matter of fact, good fight. I encourage all of you to take a quick sip of woke Bain. Yes, That mind stealing, Elix. That only can be created by putting any liquid inside a woke BA coffee mug. Let it steep for a few seconds and then consume. And what it does is it helps you recall all of the reasons why we should be excited about a red wave coming. Because you see, a red wave means balance. A red wave means that America. Is going to be, engaging in the democratic process as our friends and loved ones on the left might say, and they're going to be saying, um, course correction. I don't think we should do get the jab or lose your job. I don't think we should be blindly listening to the assurances of, you know, government agencies like the CDC or President Joe, or even. The Secretary of State in this great state of Oregon who has been sending out a public service announcement barrage saying that apparently, although no sources are cited, but for the first time in Oregon state history, it turns out that Oregon is now the gold standard of male invo security. Here's a new one, and meaning that when you vote, you should vote in a meaningful way. Now, remember, the Democrat Party has always enjoyed a media platform, a narrative platform that takes their, decrees and blurts them out on, CNN and other platforms. Every single, media Democrat platform will repeat those talking points. Well, here in Oregon, things have gone into overdrive, and I'm here good fight to help. Expand your mind and also make sure that everyone is aware of what we're about to experience, as this red wave washes through this coming Tuesday. You see what the Democrats are going to do is they're gonna change it up and say that they've always bucked their party and that they never really agreed with things like covid lockdowns. A matter of fact, it's already started they have now declared. At Covid Amnesty, Yes. Yes. They got some professor and some institution to write Covid amnesty. And here it is, Randy, We Garden of the second largest teachers union in the United States. She is becoming, shall we say, raked over the coals right here on national news. And it couldn't have happened at a better time. The weekend before the Great Red Wave election in which she liked the article that said, Yeah, we pretty much got everything wrong. And now we're dealing with an entire generation of children who have been educationally harmed. Whose mental health is the lowest in, history who have suffered dearly. And, yeah, it was all our policies and yeah, we, we pushed to keep schools locked down for safety and we threw kids in mass and, and yeah, there was record youth suicide and now we have a massive fentanyl problem that is now trickled down into high schools in which we're. Arming teachers with Narcan, a, medicine designed to help. young students who might find themselves suddenly overdosed. I'm telling you, this is the Great Oregon Education Association, the National Education Association. Yes. I'm telling you, it is amazing how folks on the left continue to try to absolve themselves and when they screw up so horribly that even they admit, that, I mean, they can't put this chinny back in the bottle. So what do good leftist do, such as our illustrious leaders in our, in our public teachers unions, they come out and say, yeah, you know, everybody was trying to do the right thing. So, I think we should just declare a covid amnesty and we should not talk about it anymore. And. Now, I don't know about you, but that's why it's beautiful to take a sip of woke vein and simply lean back and remember Here, let me model for you. Good fight. Taking a sip of woke vein. Here we go. Remember when they said it was 15 days to flatten a curve and then everything would roll back to normal? I know I do. Do you remember when governors, especially governors in Blue States, said that yes, you could go to the essential business of Home Depot, but you couldn't go to the garden section? I know I do. I remember that. Do you remember the part where they said that unless you wanted to kill grandma That meant that not wearing three masks you were okay with killing people. Do you remember that? I do. I remember these things and good fight. I want you to remember them too, especially as you go to vote this Tuesday, because after all, we should be voting for a change. Of course, we should be voting for balance, and we should be voting for our liberty based on our morality. It turns out those people in. Such as Mr. Fauci, Joe Biden, you can name'em on down the line, cdc, that they were completely flat wrong. That they put their political interests ahead of what was best for the people of America and the constituents that they are, supposed to be serving. So remembering is a good tool, but it doesn't stop there. You see, the Democrats have even gone so far as to. we will now employ the Antinomian fallacy. The Antinomian fallacy says that, we employ a belief that facts. which count least count best. So that's the very fallacy that President Joe just made this weekend as he, gave a long speech stating that the right to vote, is the pillar of America. But then he warned that voting for anything other than a Democrat, will be fomenting the end of all American democracy. The facts that count least. count best cuz what he's saying is, is we Democrats care. And any vote any other way, regardless of the reality on the ground. So no amount of inflation, no amount of misery, no amount of a violation of privacy or rights or medical freedom. None of that should get in the way of voting for the people we tell you to vote for because you see the facts that count least, which, in this case is supporting Democrat candidates who have a clearly failed track record. Okay, because he's saying that that counts best, that in order to preserve democracy, you have to vote for Democrat candidates who then engage in anti-democratic behaviors such as coercion, force and fiat. It is amazing to me that Joe still hasn't got the memo ready. It's important to remember that those who put the entire world. through crazy chaos, Karen, crazy chaos, who tried to guilt and shame people into compliance who have now created the least. Capable generation of high school graduates in the history of public education. Not to mention saddling them with massive anxiety and uncertainty and a mental health crisis, only to be apparently self medicated by a massive drug cartel fueled fentanyl epidemic with huge, open, porous borders, pouring drugs by the billions of dollars To completely, harm and erode, the sanctity of our communities in all states in America. It is time good fight that you start talking to your loved ones on the left, what did Democrats try to get everyone to believe should be the most important issue in this upcoming Red Wave election? They said it was abortion. Abortion should be number one. Well, the verdict is in, the number one issue is inflation, crime, homelessness, et cetera, et cetera. Matter of fact, abortion is ranking number four or number five, depending on which poll you look at. all the polls agree that inflation fuel prices, instability in the world, porous border. All of these things, are contributing to a real shift in the voting patterns of free and liberty loving Americans. Now, you're gonna love this one because you see Portland, Oregon has been weird for quite some time. I remember back in 2007 there was a, beautiful store right across from Nordstrom's in downtown Portland and I'm here to venture good fight that Had the Portland City Police the, governor in Oregon at the time, all conspired together to do something simple called enforcing the law and respecting the rights of, in this case, a first store owner. called Schumacher Furs.. And, in 2007, The Portland City police and the Portland City mayor decided that it would be okay for protestors to literally strip nude and pretend to be various animals like baby seals, and, refused to keep the protestors away from the front doors. And when Mal tall cocktails were thrown at the store, and the store tried to defend itself by calling the police. The police came and cited the store saying that they were interfering with people's right of protest. And I do recall in 2007 there was a video of a Portland City policeman handing out cards to the shall we say, uh, pita type, protestors saying, That if that evil store security, cuz the store had to hire private security, gives you any trouble. You call us and we, this Portland City Police will be here to straighten them out so that you can once again, completely decimate their business and, have insane radical behaviors, in violation of our laws but you see, we had a chance in 2007 to send a message to these crazy radical extremists. And what did we do here in Portland, Oregon? We cited with the radical extremists. And that trend continues to this day, and now the entire downtown area of Portland has billions of dollars in economic damage, but all of the major hotels specifically, let's try these names, Marriott and Hi. Are now in foreclosure. They used to be these massively beautiful hotels with awesome conference centers, and they're having trouble making ends meet. And, Portland, Oregon is facing some serious issues as most of the downtown area, especially around the Moton Noma County. courthouse are completely boarded up. And Tifa has now declared as they're looking at the high wave of early Republican votes coming in, they have now said that in order to support the anti-capitalist revolution, it is. Everyone's duty to vote at least twice a day up and through election day. And sure enough, they give examples of how to do so, about how to collect votes, about how to vote for other people. And they even recommending voting for the recently deceased. After all. For some reason, the recently deceased are having trouble filling out their ballots. Now it's not just Antifa because, a lot of editorial boards here in Oregon have picked up the same thing. They say that voting is your patriotic duty This is, the Corvallis Gazette Times editorial Board. it says here, it's frustrating that people refuse to vote because there are major issues on the ballot. So they're looking at a depressed Democrat vote here in Oregon, and they're now trying to shame people into. And they're saying there's so much to vote for. they go through all the measures like universal healthcare. You get to vote for that, or allowing, a language that you can't have prisoners do community service work detail anymore as part of their punishment, because apparently that's now slavery according to these measures in Oregon and even. They're going to now treat legislators like high school students, and if you get 10 unexcused absences, you're not allowed to run again. I mean, these are really important things to vote for. And they can't believe people aren't turning out on the left in droves to vote for them. And finally, regarding gun control, including the prohibition of certain ammunition magazines, what they didn't tell you is that it creates an automatic gun registry. It basically declares gun sales illegal, and it forces every law abiding citizen who wants to either purchase a firearm or use a firearm to have to go through mandatory. Provided by the police with no funding, and, the government can take as long as they want to qualify you. I don't see any problem with that. I don't know. Uh, I see a lot of problems with that actually. So here are these editorial boards. Who, by the way, are leftist woke people who have supported Antifa, who. Putting in their newspapers. We gotta do something about this. Antifa Misinformation going around telling people to vote more than once. That's not what they're saying. Instead, they say, Our local election coverage of Lynn and Benton counties is unparalleled. So here's how this works, folks. They say this, We won't tell you how to choose, or at least not in this editorial, we've already made endorsements, and then they put links in for all the candidates. The Democratic left-leaning candidates, they want you to vote for. And then they say right now the most important thing is that you fill out those bubbles. This is after they listed the links for you to go to so you can vote for who they tell you to and make your voice heard at the ballot boxes. And then as if that's not good enough, you unpatriotic people who have yet to vote. It says here, others have suffered sacrifice and died. So that you can cast your ballot ungrateful, unpatriotic, non-voting leftist. And that's especially true of women and minorities. Well, let's be real. I love the way they say suffered sacrifice and died. But the died part is most interesting because I assume since they're talking about the patriotic duty to vote, here in the month for a Veteran's Day coming up on November 11th, that they're saying it's all of the, military personnel and all the wars in American history no offense, but most of those are men. Yeah, men of all race. Green color doesn't mean that some women haven't died. I'm here to say that regardless of whether it's women, minorities, or men, that we as a nation have sacrificed dearly that freedom is not free. And that, yeah, we all have a duty to participate in our grand constitutional republic that they love to call a democracy. These are what I call assurance type tactics. So I was giving a speech just tonight up in Lynn County, Oregon, and I was explaining to folks It is a new phenomena in this historic red wave election here in Oregon, we have a failing majority party and they're looking at things they've never experienced before. It's kinda like if you were a stockbroker and you graduated from college and you went, in the, in the early to mid nineties. And remember, we. 10 plus year run of a bull stock market. And there were, 10 year veteran stockbrokers who had never understood what a bear market looked like until the dot com crash in the early two thousands. Well, the same. is occurring here in Oregon with leftists and, woke idea logs who have dominated and been in power for nearly 40 years here in Oregon. And they are having trouble understanding that it might have something to do with the fact that they have lost touch and that their policies are not, making life easier. For the average voter, but see, even this newspaper can't get it. So what they're saying is your racist if you don't get out and vote for the people we tell you to vote for. And your failure to do so threatens democracy and it won't be our fault. Nope. Not according to the Gazette Times editorial board. No, it won't be their fault. Why? Because as they just state. They've done a unparalleled, brilliant job of trying to show you who you should vote for and how dare you consider voting. For,,, a Republican candidate who might be saying inflation's bad? covid, draconian lockdowns hurt children, that parents should be in charge of their kids, and that we have to get back to teaching, reading, writing, and arithmetic, and reestablish. Balance standards so that kids can graduate being competent and ready for the world of work or the world of job training or the world of higher education. I don't want to say that anything's in the bag, but you gotta understand that we're looking at this early data and it means a lot that that if there is a massive election day voter turnout by the remaining Republican candidates in states, especially New York, in Oregon, other states like Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona, these are some of the biggest ones. If that happens, well then we're gonna see some real catastrophic shifts. We will. Dr. Oz defeat, John Fedderman in Pennsylvania. Yes, Beta O'Rourke will go down in flaming defeat as Greg Abbott maintains his, governorship in Texas and we will see. folks like Carrie Lake take up leadership of Arizona and do crazy radical things that she professes she's gonna do. She's going to try to have all people follow. immigration laws, I mean, this is radical stuff following the law, so this is powerful stuff. So here's what I'm. Good fight. If you haven't voted yet, get that vote in. If you, are excited to vote on election day, I know I am, then make sure you turn in your vote on election day. It's very important if you want your vote to count voting on election day is, the biggest political statement. So many of us on the, Republican right, if you will, can make, because what we're saying is that election day is valuable. For the day that it is, and really shouldn't election day be a holiday if we were ever gonna have a shutdown of anything, it should be election day for one day only, where the entire country. It takes time and just like we do at Christmas and Thanksgiving to make voting a hollowed uh, activity right here in America. You know, I can't think of a better place to leave this episode. God bless all of you here on the good fight. I'm telling you, I'm your host, Mark Thalman. That's marked with a C stands for Conservative. And please check out our. In the good, go to it, check it out. Go ahead and check out the merch page and, hopefully that'll be up and running here in the next couple of days. Yes, you. Will be able to go and shop out your radical common sense radical T-shirt. You'll be able to purchase your own woke Bain coffee mug. Or even better the woke bein Stein. After all, you know, I'm, I'm kind of a, a German guy culturally, I like to clock that Stein up and watch the beer foam flush out the top. As I drink common sense from my woke bang coffee mug Stein. Yes, you too can enjoy American traditions. And none too soon With the holidays coming up, as we get together with our, Wokes leftist members of our families and our neighborhoods and our friends, we too might be able to mix up a little woke Bain. And yes, don't be afraid to sneak a drop or two here or there into a squirt gun and shower. Loved ones on the left, so that that common sense can seep through their pores. And yes, they too can be glad that the red wave have washed through and brought reason and balance back to this great republic of ours. God bless you. Good fight and God bless America Once again, I'm your host, Mark Thalman. That's Mark with a C. Until next time.