The Good Fight

Ep. 19 - Twitter Files Reveal Democrat Collusion

Anthony Feist

Twitter file leaks verify that Arizona Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs, colluded with the Federal Department of Homeland Security and Twitter to silence their political opponents. Whereas in contrast, Elon Musk, just this week, single handedly saves democracy. And finally, the European Union in its ongoing war against climate change. Is tripling down on Dutch farmers for providing reliable and adequate food supplies to all of Europe, all while restarting coal fire power plants in the face of massive energy shortages this winter. Yes, the far left never miss an opportunity to make things worse while professing their virtue. And driving Western civilization back to the Dark Ages. All this and more on the next episode of The Good Fight, I am your host, Marc Thielman. That's Marc with a C. C Stands for conservative. Stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. Yes, you heard it here, folks. It has been a humdinger run of news. As a matter of fact, I'm going beyond saying you can't make it up. I think that's just gonna be standard operating procedure from here on out. You see, this week we had the, Julian Assange of the 2020s. That would be Elon Musk. spend 44 billion, you know, Trump change for him. I think he had it in his laundry jar. And he'd say, yeah, what should I do with it? I don't know. I'll buy Twitter. So he buys Twitter for 44 billion. And as part of the deal, all of Twitter's data and archives become property of Elon Musk, who then reviews that with his crack team lawyers, if you will. And they. Strategically leak. A whole boatload of, emails, Elon Musk has dubbed them quote the Twitter files. In the Twitter files, politicians were heavily engaged in, competition to suppress thoughts and beliefs that they didn't like all running up to the 2020 election. Not only did the Donald Trump campaign participate in similar behaviors, but pretty much every single Democrat in the entire United States also participated. Now, I don't know about you, but if you remember 2020, the Democrats were quite loud. I remember them blaming Donald Trump for every Covid death, and then later saying, well, they didn't all die with Covid, or they died of Covid. They. With Covid. Now I know it's hard to follow. So here's the deal. Elon Musk leaked all this stuff to a reporter. And, he is quite a guy. He, uh, used to be a well respected journalist. Unfortunately, though, now that he has committed a sacred sin, if you will, yes, he has come out and said, I think I'm gonna report the facts. Mr. Tayebi is a great American and he's also doing something that we used to call. Journalism. You see, a journalist takes the facts and they get a scoop, if you will, and they report the scoop and they say, look, we'll let the readers determine what this means. it's kind of interesting because, Elon Musk, him. Fired up as Mr. Tayebi's, news releases, are launching little brush fire after brush fire basically there's a whole lot of actors, secretary of States, hunter Biden, of course, Joe Biden. Many, many others to come according to Elon Musk. We're just gonna have to wait and see how all this rolls out, but apparently he is caught. Miss Katie Hobbs? Yes. The Secretary of State of Arizona. Now, for those who don't know, Arizona is kind of on the national news for running what, kerry Lake is alleging a sham election and that she has colluded with social media and non-profits, uh, the Democratic national, committee, et cetera, to steal yet another election. Now there's. Schools of thought, There's the side of lake who says, look, this is a sham. They, basically knew more Republicans were gonna vote, so the machines weren't working on the last day. And it disenfranchised a lot of voters. And a lot of those people never even voted. They went home and had they voted, we would've. And it's a violation of people's First Amendment right, to, uh, disenfranchise them from free speech, which voting is a form of free speech. Katie Hobbs through her incompetence and or. on purpose. Either way, we've got a problem, has violated people's rights in that now we have a election that not only is not certifiable in Kerry Lake's opinion, even though it was certified today, but that the election is a sham and that it should be either reevaluated or reconsidered or redone. That is Kerry Lake's position. Now opponents of Carrie Lake are saying it's another conspiracy theory and she's not generating evidence. However, the lake team, pretty good team in my opinion. It has a huge, group of lawyers they've taken a page outta the old Rudy Giuliani and they've gone out and started collecting affidavits, but even more so as they began collecting what's called declarations, which are testimonies in which people say, I too want a, a dog in this fight. I would like to join the lawsuit. Now, this is important because if you're gonna build a. in support of election integrity, which is what Kerry Lake, seems to be setting up to do by challenging the election in court, declarations and affidavits are really important. Now, I do want to caution people. It's easy for reporters on the left, they're basically saying that Kerry Lake's plan is, set to burn down. I wanna say it again. Burn down Arizona, Australia. Burn down. So they're claiming that Lake is merely trying to get attention and stay relevant and that, her plans to sue Maricopa County, which is the largest county, to overturn the election loss. They're saying she, this is just a stunt to start a movement so that she can make. And what's really interesting is this is in contrast to a video that Carrie Lake put out where she said, stay tuned. Adding that her lawsuit includes at least one smoking gun. Now, don't get too excited people. We've heard of smoking guns before, but hey, I'm gonna go with it. Whistleblower and a team of patriotic and talented lawyers on a legal case to challenge the botched elections. Now, unlike some of the elections that Ru Giuliani, and Trump, et cetera, were trying to push through with the 2020 election. Kerry Lake, in my opinion, has a lower bar because she's not necess. It's saying that it's all fraud. What she's saying is, incompetence in the behavior or the culture of Katie Hobbs and her leadership in the Secretary of State's office and general flavor of the culture in Maricopa County. I have colluded, if you will, to cause all kinds of voters to be disenfranchised. Now, disenfranchisement, has happened in our nation's history disenfranchisement for groups of people. Obviously the segregated south is a classic and somewhat recent example of when. A whole portion of people, in this case, people of color were segregated based on the tone of their skin, if you will. Now, the Supreme Court came to its senses in 1954 with the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, case where Thoroughgood Marshall, African American, by the way, later a Supreme Court Justice pushed that there was a psychological disparity created. A violation of the 14th amendment, the equal protection clause for both black and white children. Now, the Supreme Court eventually cited with that. And of course that led to, uh, landmark legislation, which, became the Civil Rights Act of 1964, so not too shabby. Good work, that is actually the position that Kerry Lake's attorneys are trying to allege. They're saying that, hey, regardless of what side you might be on, Katie Hobbs, you have a duty as Secretary of State to make sure that all votes are counted, that all votes that want to be cast or cast, and that we have a fair and open process. And that involves, you know, Voting machines working on election day? I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I'm just thinking Good fight. I'm thinking that that might be a basic, if you had a basic list of things you wanna make sure happen, having the, uh, the tabulations machines working and the printers, you know, set rights so that they're able to print ballots and, configure them correctly so that tabulators can read. One would think that that would've been done, which it turns out it wasn't done at least for 70% of Maricopa County. And the Carry Lake campaign has a valid point, and it's a point that they can actually produce evidence of. Okay. Cuz there's data and you can look at trends from the past. There's a whole host of ways. You can do, uh, scatter plot data and in addition, individual testimonies and declarations. So I will be looking forward with excitement to see what kind of evidence the lake legal team can produce and whether or not it's persuasive. Now, remember In the 2020 legal cases, all of them alleged fraud and they were gonna prove that fraud and then that fraud would be so apparent that they would have to overturn the election. It's a pretty high bar because what Howard is, the opposition, aka the leftist communist Marxist, come back and go, well, that was just a few thousand and she lost by 18,000. Those were only a few thousand votes, so she still doesn't have, doesn't have enough to win the election. go home, Carrie Lake, go home. It's kinda like the old man, you know? Get outta my line. That kind of thing. So remember, that's a high bar. However, if you can prove that the government failed in its duty to provide access to all voters. On election day in particular, or for the duration of the election, that is a very different, standard to meet because then you get into the mojo of, hey, if even one person's disenfranchised, this could be caused to either de-certify or recount or hold a new election potentially. So that's the hope that the C Lake campaign is hoping for. I do think that her. is a little bit more founded than some of them in the past just because we're farther down the road and people have learned a lot. And, uh, it really is about disenfranchisement, not so much about every single incidence of voter fraud. It's kind of interesting because the Twitter files alleging Hobbs in the federal government conspired with Twitter and other lawmakers have called for an investigation into the governor elect. Now here's what's really interesting. The leak Twitter files tied into, the Secretary of State's behavior in 2021 in Arizona, and that's Katie Hobbs. Katie Hobbs is Carrie Lake's opponent. The acting Secretary of State, so she's running her own election for governor, and that creates, a conflict of interest. The legacy media in Arizona is taking a very searing approach. They're taking the standard, oh, she's a sore loser. Which is really interesting because you know, in journalism, you would really be looking at the fact that if there are thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised voters, regardless of their political affiliation, a journalist who believes in democracy should be saying, maybe we need to do our elections differently or structure things so that we don't have half the electorate. not having faith in the outcome of elections. But I wouldn't hold my breath, you see? it's going to be a hum dinger, if you will. now the Arizona Central, is a publication that's saying, the real reason she lost, she just plain lost because she didn't cater to moderate voters. And, she just plain lost the election because she took too hard a line and she went with the Trump, mark fin kind of mojo. And ultimately it cost her the election by 18,000 votes. The pundits are saying Lake claimed that she had evidence of fraud in her own parties. 2022 Primary, but. Presented no evidence to make her case after winning that contest. So here's Lake saying there was fraud in the 2022 primary, and now they've done it again here in the general election while providing no evidence. Now that's interesting because, generally you, you don't always provide the evidence to your opponents. It's kind of fascinating. You know, usually if you're thinking, Hey, I might wait and sue, generally you sit on some of the evidence. Now on the flip side, Kerry Lake will need to produce it, and I'm anxiously awaiting, as I said earlier, to see what she can generate, if you will. it's even more interesting because, the ability for Kerry Lake to produce a long list of disenfranchised people should be relatively easy, especially with the technology of today. The question is, will the judge accept it, and will that be enough to, persuade a judge or a panel of judges or the, US Supreme Court, or at least the Arizona Supreme Court maybe we have a crisis of confide. And that something should be done it is a hum dinger. Now the other thing Democrats are saying is that not only is Carrie Lake a, a poor loser, but she is unfairly criticizing Katie Hobbs, who merely threatened all county commissioners with, federal prosecution if they didn't perform their ministerial duty and certify the election declaring her the winner. You see, even though the Democrats talk about how they're all victims and they're being unfairly maligned that, that they ran a credible election. You see, cuz this is what communists do when they're exposed, they've been exposed, they've got these Twitter file leaks talking about suppressing a misinformation. You've got a narrow election victory in which the opponent is alleging fraud and they're very thin skinned. And so what they do is they immediately go to attacking the people who. Pointing out their obvious hypocrisies, such as taibbi, for example. They're saying that he's merely doing the, PR work of the world's richest man. You know, he's just in it for the money and the. So what they're doing is they're not looking at any of the leaked emails and what they might be leading to or indicate, and what they indicate is something very profound. A huge percentage of the electorate, even, even a large part of Democrats believe that there is a bunch of manipulation and, potentially election fraud going on. And this is what Hobbs hasn't done. See, liberals never catch up. They never catch up with reality. So, Katie, I want to help you out, and I do this because I care. You're not a victim, Katie Hobbs. All right? And we need to let the judicial challenges move forward. So let's, let's look at some perspectives based on the Twitter files and what they say. Well, you've got people like Katie Hobbs who oversee their own election, who are then threatening people, who may not feel comfortable certifying the election, a couple who voted under duress, declaring herself the winner, whereas, she is also. Tagged by the Twitter files for colluding prior to the 2022 election for trying to silence her opponents online, if you will, which she claims were just a bunch of people who said that the registration roles were in the hands of the Chinese And it was only two tweets, but I got news for everybody. Elon Musk said, Moore is coming. That's gonna, continue to highlight the Arizona Secretary of State's behavior. So I'm looking forward to that. But let's just hear it from Musk himself, Elon Musk has come out and he said, why are you picking on the reporter that I gave the information to? And why are you all suddenly declaring yourself self righteous in victims? Elon Musk said, this is why social media must be a platform for the marketplace of ideas where people are allowed to disagree. Where one person's disinformation might be another person's. And within reason, we need to allow those conversations and that information to flow freely because that is what democracy is about. Good job, Musk. Now what's even more interesting is Elon Musk not only see the world's richest man, but part of me believes that he knows the potential that he has as the new owner of Twitter to set up this free marketplace of. And to create a haven, if you will, in which people have to put up or shut up. In other words, Katie Hobbs and Carrie Lake can, have at it, if you will, and the most persuasive and well reasoned should win, and that should guide our democratic society. So I think, Musk just might be onto something here. Good fight. he said, Twitter basically acted to suppress information,, acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a First Amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech with no judicial review is smoking gun people. Ooh, ow That is very painful. So when the Department of Homeland Security rolls in and says, we don't wanna allow any that Russian misinformation, and we don't wanna have any of these crazy right wing extremists putting their blather all over the internet you see, apparently left wing extremists believe that Americans are so stupid that they're not able to interpret the things they might read and hear. So when Joe Biden gets involved, which he has, he's given directions. We already know the Justice Department declaring all parents who might disagree with what. School district Mike do is, terrorists. all of these are examples that Musk is citing, and obviously a lot of it was played out, by the former, administration of Twitter in which they literally engaged in purposely suppressing really important topics that, shall we say they believed might, make it harder for their candidate or their political ideolog. To become the party in power or the ideology in power, so, I think what we have here is a beautiful framing of the playing field. It's okay for Twitter to say we're gonna suppress things. However, it is not okay for them to engage actively as a private entity with the government into picking winners and losers. Because once the government says we want you to pull these because we don't like what they're saying. The government is now, acting in a form of, oppression called tyranny. The government is suppressing people's free speech, and the government does not have the power to do that because free speech is our first amendment right? People thank God for the bill of. Thank God for the founding fathers. Now this is powerful stuff and we are going to seize in the coming weeks and months, a lot of fallout and just watch. We're gonna see some shakeup here. and it's really sad that, you know, Elon didn't get this out prior to the midterms because I really do think. That some of these leaks would've been very useful during the red wave, but timing is is what it is. Good fight. things are going beyond crazy. You see, the good fight has, its woke Bain coffee, potency gauge, which I will be bringing out on a mug soon. And at the first level of the potency gauge, you can put a liquid in your woke bean coffee. That might help you combat standard crazy, you know, the usual crazies we face on a daily basis. Crazy at work, crazy with the kids. The washing machine breaks down crazy. You know, the standard stuff and then some of that crazy can be good. And then you get into the K crazies. Yes. Right at the midway part of the gauge there is what we call. Karen Crazy with a K. Now that requires woke bae of a much higher dosage and that is some of the stuff that I've just highlighted in the earlier part of the show. But I always like to save the best for last. And yes, for this last topic, we must turn the wolf vein dosage all the way up to, full nuclear Karen with a K. Crazy. Yes. The European Union and its Wotus leftist World order Government has lost its ever loving mind. They have decided to move forward with the forced shutting down of 3000 Dutch Farms in the Netherlands. Now, I don't know about you, but the Netherlands is the most agriculturally developed state. It's, it's, it's has, it is like the bread basket of Northern. and, these evil, Dutch farmers for the last, you know, 300, almost 400 years have slowly pushed the sea out. And, created new habitable, irritable land to grow crops and raise cows and, and grow meat and milk, et cetera, and make some wooden shoes. You know, the wooden shoes they make. God bless the Dutch. I mean, I dunno if you ever tried a pair. They're interesting. They're quite comfortable. But the European Union has said, Nope, we're not going to, delay. Climate change is too real. So they've now shut down all of the protests for Dutch farmers, including tipping over tractors with people in them, disappearing people, if you will, crashing them with military style, take down a free speech and, legitimate protests in the Netherland. Why? What have these evil Dutch farmers done? You might ask. Well, you see the. European Union says that there's this gas that gets produced when there's a lot of manure and a lot of fertilizer pour onto soil, and it's called nitrous oxide. Now dentists use nitrous oxide. It's called laughing gas. They also use it to, you know, turbocharge up, give you a shot of power in your race car. But nitrous oxide is produced naturally, in agriculture, especially in dairy farming, cattle production, where you have a lot of manure and a lot of night traits Now, I know what you're thinking. Doesn't cow manure create good soil for organic farming? Well, as a matter of fact, good fight, it does. But in Europe, they're saying nitrous oxide levels in Earth's atmosphere. are much more potent, a greenhouse gas than carbon, and therefore we have to have fewer gals and fewer farms, so we produce less nitrogen oxide so that we have slowed global warming. Now it gets better. You see, the, problem is, is that if you shut down 3000 Dutch farms, it makes food, which is already in shorter supply in Europe due to the war in Ukraine, even. More, shall we say, restricted, which causes the price of everything to go up. And they have literally the highest inflation in Europe in the last 50 years. These people are living literally on the trolley. Yes, make believe has taken over because they're saying to the Dutch farmers, how dare you provide four centuries of reliable and adequate food supplies. You evil dogs. They are now going to be shutting down these farms and once again, making the production of food, even more restricted. So supply and demand price of everything is going up prices in Europe have already responded to this, declared move prices are going up. Congratulations, European Union Way to serve. But it doesn't stop there. This is the same European Union and the same leaders who are quietly, especially in Germany, by the way, slowly resurrecting the moth balled and shut down coal fire power plants. So here's how this works. The Dutch farmers who produce nitrous oxide because they're growing food for millions of people in. Supposedly producing too much, by the way, because the, amount of nitrous oxide in the Earth's atmosphere is so negligible. But it is a more potent greenhouse gas. But here's what the scientists aren't telling you, nitrous oxide does not last long. In the atmosphere, carbon oxide does, but you see nitrous oxide goes into the atmosphere and it gets hit by UV radiation, and it breaks down into free oxygen and nitrogen, which then react with other molecules in the atmosphere to create. Either ammonia like N oh two or N oh three, or to create oxygen or to create nitrogen, et cetera. So nitrous oxide does not have a long lifespan in the atmosphere. And this is the part that the European Union experts never talk about because you see, if you have more nitrous oxide in the atmosphere, that means more nitrous oxide molecules are gonna be hit by UV light, sunlight, et cetera. And that means that the breakdown. Actually accelerate. And they are actually seeing that, that the, the increase of nitrous oxide is almost negligible over the last 10 years, all during which Dutch farmers have been producing adequate and reliable food supplies for 400 years. but more so even in the last 50 years as Dutch farmers are the most technologically advanced, probably in the world. And, per acre, they produce more food even than, many of their American. Technologically blessed farmers here over in America, which, you know, United States comes in kind of a number two. So go Dutch Farmers way to go and how dare you innovate? How dare you feed? All of Europe and provide meat and milk and cheese. Tasty cheese, by the way. How dare you. You are now an enemy of the state. You see it's okay for, the EU to crack down on Dutch farmers brutally, but this is the same European Union that talks about the abuses of human rights in China. I don't know about you, but I think that x ping in. And the leaders of the European Union are the same people, but they are refiring these coal-fired power plants in particular in Germany and including nuclear. By the way, the Germany was supposed to close, its last two big nuclear, power plants, but somehow they've decided to leave them. Wow. Now they can't build any new ones because the regulations in Europe are so unbelievably restrictive on uranium that Europe doesn't produce any, they don't mine it, they don't produce it. And the United States under the Biden administration has stopped all uranium refinement in production all while the Iranians are, enriching nice job Biden way to go way to make the world a safer place. So they have no choice but to refire up the coalfire power plants, which as of this week, Germany is now the dirtiest. Yes. of all Western developed nations. Germany is now the dirtiest power producer in all of the Western world. So I don't know about you guys, but here's the deal. I'm thinking they shouldn't be cracking down on the Dutch farmers. They should be thanking the Dutch farmers. For being the productive and amazing people. They are, and they should be honest about the fact that, the green energy economy is not yet ready for primetime. That is a fact. So you get, Vladimir Putin making fun of the West like he did this week saying, I provide all the oil my country needs, all the energy my country needs. You guys are crazy. And here you are behind closed doors, refiring up your supposed dirty coalfire power plants. while I could be sending you. clean, efficient, natural gas through the North Stream pipelines that you in the West blew up. Way to teach Vladimir Putin a lesson. I don't know about you. Good fight, but there's only one real antidote and we all know what that is. It's going to the in the good And hitting the merch page and getting yourself the mind stealing resources you need to protect yourself and your loved ones. And not only that, a woke man coffee mug under a Christmas tree opened by a member of your woke left family who you love and you're trying to. Could just be the backdoor Trojan horse that restores them to common sense and reason. So I wanna encourage everybody to go. Every woke bae coffee mug comes with free shipping. Shipping is now included, and for one low price, you can order up your Wang coffee mug and it will be conveniently shipped to you and or your loved one. God bless America. So with that good fight, I'd like to thank the sponsors of this show, battleground Oregon. As you know, battleground, Oregon is involved in its own lawsuit here for election integrity in this great state of Oregon and Battleground. Oregon continues to promote this show and push it out on its platform, and I want to encourage everyone to hit those like buttons and send this to everyone. You know, if you enjoyed this, And I wish you all a happy American Christmas holiday. God bless America. Until next time I've been your host, mark Thalman, that's marked with a c. C stands for conservative. God bless.