The Good Fight

Ep. 23 - Dutch Farmer Crackdown

Anthony Feist

Facing massive public support across Europe for the plight of Dutch farmers as they faced their brutal crackdown by the EU central government. The EU government has now come out and declared that the great reset plan, which by the way, the farmers were protesting, is nothing more than a myth. Sound familiar? Meanwhile, the communist government in China releases foreign travel restrictions on its people. As covid cases in China and among the population are at an all-time high. Their veiled attempt, if you will, to hit the great reset on the global Covid pandemic. And finally, yours truly will respond to feedback from the mailbag about the Judeo-Christian tradition and its role in making the United States the last bastion of hope and freedom in an increasingly authoritarian world. All this and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thelman. Please stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thielman. That's Marc with the c e. C stands for Conservative. If you have not already, please refill your woke Bain mug and have it handy as you listen to this podcast because the insanity that we will be facing in this hopeful new year of 2023 has all the probability. Of being even more Karen, crazy, if you will, than 2022. And believe me, we're less than a week into 2023 and it's already getting nuclear, Karen. Crazy. It turns out that government surveys in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Even countries like Italy are suddenly finding a kindred spirit in support of their Dutch brethren, who they realize now provide all good 40% of all Europe's food. And it is those Dutch farmers who have been told that because of their efficiency, because of their industrial, high yield farming practices that they all must now go out of business or become demonstrably less productive. Why? Because they're putting not too much co2. No, that was the first try. But then it was methane. Yes. Back in the nineties and early two thousands. It was those evil Dutch farmers who were producing too much methane from cows, too much methane from, you know, the production of, crops that were flood irrigated due to the windmills and the pumps and the pushing back of the sea. Yes, those evil Dutch farmers, which have created more land in Europe, well, at least since the last ice age, if you. God bless them. Good job Dutch way to say, if we can't conquer our neighbors, we'll conquer the sea. God bless you. Yes. It's that kind of spirit, that love of farming that says we will create farmland. Out of the ocean. those evil people are now destroying the world, not because of co2, not because of methane, but as I said in my prior episode because of this thing called nitrous oxide. Yes, the gas that Dennis gives you to make you laugh before they drill into your teeth and cause you severe pain. Yes, nitrous oxide, my friends. Now, as I've mentioned before, good fight. It's important that we arm you with facts. This nitrous oxide crisis that they're saying is caused by the, uh, nitrification of the land. In other words, using fertilizer and, having large, livestock operations that create a lot of, Manure that creates, methane and. Creates nitrous oxide in the breakdown of those nitrates because, you start running out of oxygen as, cow poo gets pressed into the ground, you see, and then that cow poo starts going anaerobic, and one of the byproducts is bacteria latch onto that and they produce nitrates. And one of the nitrates that becomes gasified is nitrous oxide. Yes. It's the same thing that we use. To soup up our police cars. If they're suddenly being outrun by an electric vehicle, yes, they can hit the nitrous and by gum, their torque goes up to 1100 foot pounds and they're going about 200 miles an hour. Yes, nitrous oxide. Why? Why is nitrous oxide used? Because under high compression and temperature, or in the presence of UV light, nitrous oxide, which is a nitrogen, And an oxygen o breaks down very quickly in those certain conditions. So UV light is one of the best ways to break nitrous oxide down into nitrogen and oxygen. And what does that oxygen do? It scrambles through the air and it tries to adhere, shall we say, to other oxygens. As a matter of fact, it is this process that creates ozone high up in the earth's atmosphere that protects us from UV light because oh three. Can withstand and absorb UV light without breaking apart, but nitrous oxide can't. And this is why methane and nitrous oxide only exist in tiny percentages in the Earth's atmosphere because we have this giant digester called the sun. Our great star that fuels all energy on earth. Yes, that evil. Is the thing that breaks down methane and nitrous oxide. But if you talk to the crazies that are running the government in Europe, they will tell you that no, they had an internal report, by the way, just leaked that was written in 2018 that said that Dutch farmers had to be target number one. Why? Because they were the most productive farmers and two, Per capita per acre, they were creating or generating more nitrates than other farmers in other areas of the world, and therefore those evil farmers should be quote, and here's the exact word they used in the report. Targeted. Yes. It turns out. That the European Union, the central government in Brussels is purposely targeting Dutch farmers. Why? Because they care more about their imaginary climate change, which by the way, all new indications based on 2022 data, say, is not increasing, that the temperature of the earth continues to remain roughly level in spite of climate models. 102 of them, all of which. The temperature should be two to three degrees Fahrenheit, a K a 1.4, or 1.2 to 1.6 degrees centigrade higher than real data that exists in real time. That really happened. Says it is. Yes, my friends, something is wrong, with our government climate models, all 102 of them, it sounds like we might need a hundred and third, but I digress. a lot of people are saying, Hey, wait a minute, if we shut down all these Dutch farms and we produce less cattle and less wheat and less rice and all the crops that,, they produce in Holland, which is a tremendous amount, matter of fact, they're the number one supplier of beef to Europe, by the way, even more so than New Zealand, Australia, and the United States. And what's scary is, by doing so, you're actually making food prices. Higher and going to potentially create food shortages, which might explain while the great reset that the EU now says doesn't exist. You know, the one that Bill Gates talked about, is why they're studying, you know, feeding everybody insect protein. I mean, after all, it's more efficient, produces less nitrates and tastes well. There's a reason why we haven't been eating crickets, uh, you know, predominantly for thousands of years. I have a feeling, uh, a t-bone steak might be more savory or a, a chicken breast, if you will. Now, what's even scarier, and this isn't even Twitter, leaking this out. These, these were people in the EU government who were so upset about the brutal violent crackdown, and the government seizure of farmer's bank accounts, farmer's ability to purchase new equip. limiting the supply of fertilizer to those farmers and basically forcing them to sell. And in some cases, and it's already started, the forced government shutdown of farms that are productive. In other words, the government comes in and says, yeah, you own the land, but you're not allowed to farm anymore. Unbelievable. It's happening right now in 2023. And it turns out that it was on. That in spite of the government saying, no, we're just trying to care about climate. We're not here to target the small Dutch farmer, which, by the way, 60% of Dutch farmers are small farmers. And guess who is already offering to buy the shut down Dutch Farms. Hmm. Shall we say large conglomerates? Yes. Even Bill Gates is willing. To buy farms in the Netherlands? So he can shut them down and turn them back into, well, maybe the bottom of the ocean. I mean, after all, wouldn't that be the most natural? I'm thinking just let the ocean come on back. Just take out the little dykes and the dams and just let'em roll on in. Government can be both good. but in my opinion, government, it can start out good, but it always tips too bad. And you see this in history. Let me give you an example. I was talking to a gentleman in a nonprofit just over the holidays. And I had mentioned that government in general is one of the great evils. It's a necessary evil, but it's, it is an evil and it must have checks and balances and it must be monitored. And the relationship between the government and the people, must be set up. So, That it is self-regulating in the sense that government never becomes too tyrannical or too overbearing or regulates to the point where whole industries must be shut down. You know, like what's going on in the Netherlands. And this person looked at me and he said, and I quote, he said, what are you talking about? Government is the greatest Good. Government is the reason poor people get help. Government is the reason mothers get milk through wic and the guy goes on and on and on. and I said, well, that there's some truth to that. Some benefits, I suppose. generally those programs tend to be wasteful. I tried that argument on him, and of course he comes back and goes, how can you put a price on helping a mother feed her baby? And I said, oh, okay. Highly emotional person that we're dealing with here. So if you're dealing with a highly emotional person and by the way, it was a. and it was a cisgendered man who, his pronouns, I believe were he and him. He asked me what mine were, and they were F and you. I'll let you fill in the blank, however. I said to the person, I said, really? So government is all good? And he said, yeah, all good. I said, so it cannot be bad at all. He says, well, it, you know, I mean, there are things that can always be improved. I said, but you just said it was all good. And he said, well, it is the most good. I said, great. So if government is the most good, then how did the Holocaust happen? And he said, what, what are you talking? What do you what? I said the Holocaust. The final solution was ordered by the government. How about the massive gulag and massacre? the starvation of Ukrainians under Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union? I said, I asked him if he was familiar with that. He said he was. I said, well, who ordered that? I said, it was the product of central planning under orders from the Soviet government. How about Mount Saun? The a hundred million Chinese people that died and starved to death, or at least Anci died with the bodies coming down the river through Hong Kong back when it was owned by the British and relatively free. How do you explain all that death and destruction? Oh, that's right. It was ordered at the hands of the government, it was hilarious because this gentleman did not back down, but he turned literally beat red, like broke out in hives and that's when I knew. I had made an inroad. Yes, my friends, this is why I drink liquids from a woke Bain coffee mug. If you haven't ordered yours, go to the in the good website and get one ordered today. Now, as this pertains to the, European Union they all agree to bow to the central government for the benefit of their economic and social health. So basically what they've done is they have, seated their authority as an independent culture and nation to a newly created entity that's supposed to represent all of them on a federal style. Similar to the United States. Well, let me tell you how it's working. The Dutch government, obviously the Netherlands houses Brussels, and so it's not that far from this, capital of Europe. they're saying we side with the European Union and our climate change goals. And we are now going to shut down these farms by force. And so when farmers block the streets with their tractors, this time the government came in with, big giant forklifts and tipped the tractors over and started forcibly arresting people and seizing their bank accounts. that's why this report was leaked out, and the report says that, In order to meet their nitrate climate goal, they will need to shut down 11,286 farms. This was the whole issue from the Dutch farmers saying, you are trying to shut down all farming in the Netherlands. Are you insane? You're trying to shut us all down in the government for the last four years has said, No, we're working with you. So it gets better. So the Dodge farmers actually played ball and in the last four years they've dramatically reduced their nitrate emissions because they see what, this government is capable of doing. But they weren't able in four short years to reduce them enough. Yeah, you did a little bit, but you haven't reduced them. So the EU central government cracked down with force, and that caused a backlash crossed Europe, especially in Italy. With the new. Prime Minister, the First Lady Prime Minister, by the way, who just happens to be a clear thinking conservative, so suddenly there's all this broader support. the oligarchs in the eu, the idea ideologues, quasi Marxists, if you will, these people that believe that they can control and, plan everything and that they really have a better insight than the people who elect them, if you will. Well, these. Are now saying in a public, service announcement campaign, a psa, that the great reset plan, which is what these Dutch farmers have been pushing out, so they're seeing great reset all over the internet in Europe. A bunch of people are starting to chime on and say, you know what? This great reset thing is real and we don't want it. And so they're nervous. So what they're going to do is they're gonna do the same thing that they did with c r T in the United States. Yes. They reached across the, the pond, the Atlantic, and they said, Hey, quasi progressive, far left radicals in the United States. What did you do when The jig was up on your c r t in highly sexualizing children and indoctrinating. Well, the folks over here said, well, you know, we did. We just said there no CTE. There's just comprehensive sex ed, which is the same damn thing. But you see those people are going to be too stupid figured out. so the EU in desperation has just launched Yes. For 2023. It's. Reset Plan is a myth. Public service announcements. Now, let me show you why we don't want to elect leftist radicals into positions of power, for example, they do not deserve it. Remember, good fight. We in this audience always know that the purpose of government as it exists in the United States is to serve the citizens the. Now in eu that's not the case. The people are there to serve the whim of the agenda, the government, and it's a fine line. It's like the frog in the pot analogy, right? Well, in Europe, anytime you see a government come up with something as crazy as the great reset plan is a myth that usually means that they've miscalculated. And we saw that with C R T here in the United. We're gonna be seeing it here with this great reset plan. However, the World Economic Forum, which by the way, is bowed in Europe with Klaus Schwab, you ever noticed that Klaus Schwab, I've said this before, but you know, 50, 60 something aged bald white guy with a German accent. Is that not the epitome of Dr. Evil? Klaus Schwabs like that? No. Klaus Schwab is out outside. That very great reset plan was just far philosophical discussions. It was not an actual plan. It's a myth. Now the problem is, Klaus, you gotta check your. If you go to the World Economic Forum website right now, you will see right there, right up for you to read the Great Reset Plan and all of the subpages that it incurs. So, listen, I don't know, eu, I mean, I know governments can be inefficient and incompetent, but if you didn't change that website, people right now are going to that website and they're seeing this and they're saying, uh, the government's lying to us. I would like to throw the full support. My full support, if you will, behind the Dutch farmers. I mean, I'm a farmer myself. I've spent years farming, I'm a tree farmer. It's a little easier, but I'm having a good time doing it. Why? Because those trees are locking up all that carbon. Every year they grow and they make things that will create other green things called cash. When I log them, it's gonna be beautiful. in the United States Forest, They grow back. It's a, beautiful cycle of nature. as if things aren't bad enough in 2023 crazy. Can't just be for Europe. Nope. It's gotta also be in Eurasia because they don't want to. Demarcation between Europe and Asia now. I mean, if you're gonna take over the world,, eventually we're gonna call like the whole world, like Gaia or something. I mean right? But in China, after the massive multimillion, person protests all over the country, protesting the draconian lockdowns as Covid counts started back up with sub variant number 19 or whatever it. and they started, you know, welding people back into apartments, et cetera. And it was created, I should tell this gentleman that at the hands of the government, yes, government can be good, but it is right now also the greatest source of tyranny that's ever exist. on the planet. So government must have checks and balances, and it's up to we the people, a government of the people to make sure that we take our votes seriously. And we are informed because if we're informed, just like they're starting in Europe, more and more people are no longer giving their consent. Well, that's what happened in China where these younger people came out and said, you're never gonna lift these l Covid Lockdowns. It's been three years. Everyone else is. So what did China do? They waited till their covid epidemic reached all time proportions. And then they said, okay, global travel. Now this has caused pandemonium in the global scene, especially, airports all over the world The European Union, from Brussels scent, and they even have their seal on it saying. It is irresponsible your people and allow them to travel freely. How dare you. Cool. And the Chinese government's like, well, if we don't, we're gonna be overthrown here any minute. things aren't good, so we're gonna let a few people out. Sorry. Uh, I guess this is Covid, uh, great reset of the pandemic round two, because these new variants that right now are mostly in China are now gonna be all over the world. Thank you. And how did our president Joe Biden respond? Did he say, well, that's great that you're lifting travel restrictions, China, but no Chinese are allowed to come to the United. For our protection as a mitigation on your new outbreak of Covid? Nope. Nope. He said that we will require testing 48 hours. Now, I don't know about you guys, but you used to have to get it 24 hours when they originally started this crap, but now you have to get it 48 hours. Within 48 hours of. you must get a covid test. Well, what happens if you pick up Covid after you're tested negative? Anybody? Hmm. Things are pretty ugly. Rolling into 2023 in China. We're gonna have to see how this all plays out. obviously it would've been a stronger statement to say Yank flying here. unfortunately they didn't do that, and so we can anticipate that we'll have a whole new round of covid variants, which is kind of, you know, normal. This used to happen naturally. It was called the common Cold, and we used to have new variants every year. it was always just an accepted part of life. Yes. The common cold does kill people every year, and we're seeing that in China, especially the elderly. Of course, anytime you're super elderly, And you get sick of any kind of sickness, it's generally not as good as being super young and fit. So, in China, they're averaging 25 de thousand deaths a day, and they're estimating that they're gonna be around 3 million deaths however, unlike the last rounds, Because it's so widespread. The infection rate, what they're not telling you is the death rate is tiny. It's less than 1%, but because there's 1.5 billion people in China, that's millions of people. However, some of this happens. The flu kills tremendous numbers of people every year until the year it disappeared because they started calling the. Covid. It turns out that the flu never disappeared. The best thing you can do is be. take your vitamins and be fit and do your best because wearing masks is not going to stop this pandemic. They don't work, they don't stop it. It's a lie. and again, even in China, they're lifting mask restrictions. why? Because they're finally recognizing the fact that the gig is up. People aren't putting up with it anymore, and it's scary that it took three years. But remember, the Chinese populace is used to, being controlled by its government. So I got some great feedback. My last episode, I talked about the Judeo-Christian. and why it's critical and why it's important. At the same time, I said, Hey, it's the new year. if you're Jewish, you know,, happy Hanukkah. if you wanna celebrate Kwanza, my hat's off to you. If you wanna celebrate Festivus from Seinfeld, go for it. well, we're not here to downplay anybody's faith, including spiritism cuz this was a spiritual person who contacted me and we had a, a very interesting conversation, uh, by the way. This person who is, critical of my analysis in the last show said, I'm a Christian, but, I also hold the belief that wisdom can be found in other religions like Huk or, the Muslim faith et cetera, et cetera. Confucianism, ancestral worship spiritism in Native American cultures. Right? So, this person was hyper-focused on me assigning certain values to the Judeo-Christian tradition, which they associated with the authoritarian churches of Christianity. You know, that, pervaded for a couple thousand years and, still pervade today. And she felt. That was putting one religion over another. And this is a really, really important point, I can absolutely see based on, you know, re re-listening to the show, why someone might draw that conclusion. So I want to clarify, and we, in the good fight, our job is to reach out to people just like that gentleman. About whether or not government is all good. Remember he started out, it was all good and then it was kind of good. And at the end he did concede that, you know, government shouldn't be without limit. And we ended up. Breaking bread. Not fully agreeing, but having some mutual respect for each other in that, that dialogue. Well, it was the same with this person here not wanting to put one religion over another, that was something that, that this person held in a high value or high regard. My response was, I absolutely understand what you're saying, there's common values in a lot of religions that doesn't necessarily make one better than the other. that's the value of this person. You may agree or disagree. That's where this person's at. We want to meet people where they're at. And I said, well, actually none of that was the point. for example, if you look in Oad, they talk about alms giving. If you look in the Muslim faith, they talk about the giving of alms as one of the five pillars, of Islam. If you look into Buddha talking about. Not to be possessive or to covet anything and to help others. that's the giving, of your time and your, your treasure. those things are a common value. Yeah. The thing is, I said just because there is a value that exists in the Judeo-Christian tradition that also exists in many other faiths in spiritual, uh, belief. That does not say that the Judeo-Christian tradition has more value. It simply says that this value in the Judeo-Christian tradition, that the founders of our country and the United States were steeped in the Judeo-Christian tradition really, really took hold with the concept that maybe we have some inherent freedoms and that's what's so critical here. Those values of the Judeo-Christian tradition were held in high esteem by the founders. And founders said government's a necessary evil. Which is why we have to set up a system of checks and balance. So that it doesn't tip to tyranny the beauty of it is, In order to do this, we have to take all of the Judeo-Christian principles, the concept of charity, which is something the French philosopher to Tocqueville noticed when he came to the United States in the 19th century. He noticed that people automatically gave charity way ahead of the. and he noted that the Constitution sets that up where people are free to follow their passions. So if somebody had a bad crop, farmers would show up and give them, some support or feed them. Or if they got injured and they couldn't get their crop out of the field, farmers would get their crops out and then show up and, and help their neighbor. Toto Field noted that and he thought, wow, this is an interesting kind of an industri. This rugged individualism, if you will, that really denotes the culture in the United States. And the founder said, we have to have checks and balances based on these Judeo-Christian values. In other words, that's why we have freedom of religion. I'm gonna say it again. It's why we have in our constitution, first Amendment, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. The government has to allow those things. The founders were very clear that those things preexist go. because they came from God. You don't have to adhere to the Christian faith to see the values as they manifest in human behavior. You can be an a. And still exercise, grace, forgiveness, giving, caring about your community, being loving to your children. It's the value itself that's important. And the United States is unique because it's the only government that's ever been created in which both the culture and the document me. In other words, the Constitution was a product of the general values. Of the 13 original colonies in the Judeo-Christian tradition, in the American culture, the first person you're supposed to fix is, the first person you are supposed to make right before you go out into the world is yourself. It is what creates the prosperity and the freedom that we enjoy. In other words, I'm not here to judge my brother. I'm here to judge myself and granted, there are things we all agree on, like stopping at a stop sign can be a healthy thing. I think most people agree with that. Why? Because we all benefit from not getting T-bone. Because somebody didn't stop at a stop sign. I think everyone should pursue some sense that there's meaning and purpose beyond ourselves, that we have a role to play in this life that can be meaningful again, beyond ourselves and throughout time. The United States has done it best, Our Constitution is the only government document. in which the Judeo-Christian traditional values. That say each individual person has value, that pre-exist government, that has rights, that pre-exist government, that you, the individual, are what's important and that, yes, we live in a collective country. We live in collective counties and states, cities, and those have their own individual regulatory government. But, it is the individual that matters. And that is why the United States attracts so many people to come and live here. Because in America there's a higher tolerance for you making decisions about you. And if you don't believe me, look at the situation. Europe in which the government boldface lies and says, we're not trying to shut down 11,268 Dutch farms, when government removes accountability from its culture, tyranny is the obvious and only result. That is why we have this show. I'm gonna round this up. I hope this answers and clarifies for the, the person that had that, uh, feedback for me. I always love your feedback. Feel free to email at in the Good fight. just say Mark in the Good I really appreciate all the feedback that I get. It's almost all positive, but if you're a naysayer out there, Some, uh, questions about something I might say or think, please let me know this is what drives the healthy conversation. Now I'm going to sip from my woke main coffee mug as I fade away. Good fight. this has been yet another episode of The Good Fight and I have been your host Mark Thelman. That's Mark with a Sea. C stands for conservative. Until next time, God bless.