The Good Fight

Ep. 25 - Hand Vote Counts Work!

Anthony Feist

Joe Biden reaffirms his commitment to make morons great again, whereas Blue States collaborate to implement mileage based use fees to track all drivers and tax the tar out of them per mile driven. And finally, Loudoun County, Pennsylvania in their effort. To show that there was no voter fraud performs a hand recount of the 2020 election results in seven races and accidentally proves that hand recounts are both fast, accurate, and cost effective. All these topics and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, mark Thieman. Please stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. It's really important, good fight that we listen to the show, we sip from our woke Bain coffee mugs, and we use that mind stealing common sense that flows from every sip. Yes, it flows ities the brain. It causes logic and reasoned insanity to just, eek out of every. Tina Kotek needs a woke Bain coffee mug and you can order one. If you go to the in the Good website, you can order a woke Bain mug. And why not? Hey, send it to Tina and while you're at it, change your voter registration because apparently in Oregon third parties can do that now. It's a beautiful thing. Our illustrious President Joe Biden continues his three, almost four week now run of 2023, nuclear care and crazy. Yes. You cannot make it up because Joe Biden in his infinite wisdom is now. Facing what we call the storm. He has now been identified on the naughty list amongst the Democrat Party. And like I said in the last episode, Joe Biden made the mistake of saying he was going to run again. That is a no-no. He did not check in with his oligarchic global authority. world Forum, Klaus Schwab, Dr. Evil types, if you will, because Joe Biden still thinks that he gets to decide whether he runs again. Well, I'm here to tell you a good fight. I don't think he gets to, you know, Tucker Carlson did a nice rendition comparing what's happening to Joe Biden with yet another discovery. Classified documents, we're talking the highest level of classification discovered both in his garage in a box next to his Corvette and. Over the weekend. even more documents discovered in his house. But don't worry, there weren't as many documents as were seized in Mar-a-Lago with Trump. I mean, Joe Biden is a piece of work, but the reason why he qualifies for making morons great again is he actually thinks. The majority of Americans are going to believe that his quote irresponsibility the term he used on 60 Minutes when, he was asked about Trump, it's truly not even close because he didn't mean it. That's literally what he told the press on Monday, that it's not the same because I did not intend to leave boxes of documents in my garage next to my Corvette, you know, on the water, soaked, stained, whatever floor. Joe Biden has taken it from C Crazy all the way up to Karen k. Crazy. And then. Full nuclear beyond. I mean, after all he does possess and have access to the nuclear football. Why not go full nuclear Karen? But it doesn't stop just with the hypocrisy of his documents where it's irresponsible for Trump, who actually had the power to declassify documents to, uh, preserve and, have some keepsakes, if you will. It is okay for him to do it. Why? Because he's cooperating. See, that was excuse number two is not only did I not intended, But I'm cooperating. And it gets worse because he's had a whole series of senators and house reps. Trying to stump for him, including some really oligarchic, old-fashioned, voices from the past, like Bill and Hillary Clinton. Yes, they're out saying that Joe Biden is one of the greatest, most progressive, presidents that we've ever had, and that Joe has done more in his two years to help this country than any other president ever. but what's the reality? Good fight. Joe Biden has done nothing but demonstrate why we should not be electing. Radical quasi Marxist, communist incompetent Democrats. Let me give you an example. The Supreme Court came out and said you're gonna keep Title 42 because things are so chaotic at the border. Title 42 was imposed by the Trump administration that said, due to covid, we can just kick you right back out of this country the second you walk yet, and you gotta stay in Mexico. So Joe Biden now takes the bull by the horns and he travels down to the border and he says, we can't keep all these people out. I mean, title 42, is it, it needs to go away. Because the pandemic's over except Joe. You just extended the state of emergency in the United States for Covid just last week. So, which is it? Joe? Is the pandemic over down at the border, thus Title 42 should go away? Or is the pandemic still going? See a good fight. I bet you didn't even catch this. Why? Because the mainstream media isn't covering you see Joe Biden and his party of crazy leftists, you know, they parade around and they say that women aren't women and that men can have the capacity to be pregnant the insanity, is that having the capacity for something. Requires that you actually have the capacity for. So there are zero males born male with a Y chromosome and an X chromosome. There are zero biologically born males who have ever, had the capacity to be pregnant. So if a male. A man decides that he's going to be identified as a woman, that's great, but that man does not have the capacity for pregnancy. So strangely enough, if you're a woman and you decide to identify as a man, you still have the capacity for pregnancy and you're a man. Having babies yes. we must steal and gerd our loins and carry on. What have you heard from the Biden administration and the Senators and the Democrats? Even Adam Schiff, the guy who just got kicked off the intelligence committee, the one who helped impeach President Trump twice, even Adam Schiff came out and said, while it's very serious, these classified documents At the same time, it doesn't rise to the level of evil, Trump evil, Yes, you too. Get to pay the great Blue State Joe Biden charged by the mild tax. Yes, they're clamoring now. Good fight. You'll hear a lot about this. Where the left is gonna come out and say, well, once we shift to electric vehicles. We won't be getting those gas taxes and because we enforced all the automakers to build cars that get incredibly good mileage and burn super cleanly, well that cost us revenue and now our roads are crumbling, but we will send a hundred billion dollars to Ukraine. with no audit or accountability. Oh, that's right. Cuz as Joe Biden would say, well lovey accountability, that's only for people who have the capacity to be wrong. You see blue states, come up with these hair-brained schemes and then they see the obvious problem. You would need a system that could track the 200 million people who have the capacity to drive in this country, and you would have to take those people with the capacity to drive and you would have to track their every movement because not only do they want you to pay by mileage, people who drive too much. Yes, they're gonna charge you more if you're on certain kinds of roads. I know you can't make this up, and they're gonna need a computerized system to do that. So basically the government wants to create another version of Google to track your good fight every driving move. Since they're already getting pushback from a lot of people asking questions like, well, isn't that invasion of privacy? The government has a perfect solution. Well, we the government won't be tracking you no You know, we are gonna hire third party private companies to do it for us. You know, kinda like they had. Facebook suppress free speech and, uh, affect, you know, the old, outcome of the election. By the way, mark Zuckerberg, has just been declared, the nation's leading, source of election bribery. Yes. Those big 400 million payments he gave to nonprofits and democrat leaning, organizations and the Democrat party itself so that they could go to the Navajo or Indian reservation in Nevada and tell every Native American who might be struggling economically, that you can get a$50 gift certificate if you just hand over your ballot and let us vote for you. And that is exactly what happened in 2020 in Nevada. That will come up at the end of this episode, so please stay with me and I'll circle back to that. But here's the part that you're being lied to about, I believe I'm the first to say this, and I've done a lot of research. The left is out saying that this charged by the mile is the only way. That we human beings who went to the moon and back multiple times without a real computer. Yeah. That we are so incompetent and incapable of innovating and coming up with ways to replace the waning fuel tax as we. Slowly electrify, hopefully very slowly over time so that the economy and the grid don't collapse. But that does seem to be the trend. So as we do that, I Mark Thalman. Yes, mark with the c. C stands for Conservative, am going to introduce to the entire world. An alternative to force tracking. So here's the way around it. Let's say everyone buys a plug-in electric vehicle. and you're going to have a, plug-in jack installed at your house so that you may recharge your electric vehicle while you sleep at night. Well, you see, they could, I know this is gonna be catastrophic, but the state could put a little tiny meter on that outlet, just on the outlet, not on the rest of your house. The power company does that so that the power that goes from your power company meter. To your car charging outlet would have its own little meter on it, and so that as you charge your car, you would end up being charged just like on your utility bill. A modest tax. I mean, after all, what the government wants to do is tax you at 1.90 cents per mile. Not all about you, but if you drive, like uh, I do doing politics, driving around the state, working all over, fixing Amazon vans up and down the Willamette corridor, well, that would mean that I would. a boatload of attacks, if you will, and what gets me. the work I'm doing is kind of important for the economy, so why am I being punished? This is fascinating. I mean, think about it, but don't worry. Mass transit gets exempted, so there's no bias in the system, but you could just pay, just like you, when you fill up your car with gas, there's a gas tax woven into those gallons in those dollars that rack up on the pump. Well, you could do the same with a meter and you would get the same or similar revenue. Except you wouldn't have to track everybody and build another Google Run and overseen by the government in which they know you're every move and can track where you drive, when and on what roads and under what conditions. What could go wrong. I mean, after all, the government would never. Ever abuse its power or the data it collects on you. Am I right? Good fight. No, they wouldn't do that. So I'm gonna let that hang there please start spreading that solution. Because it's so simple. It's so easy to do. You can do it like tomorrow. With current technology, I mean, it'd be like it's a no-brainer and we can implement it quickly For people who own electric vehicles, who currently aren't paying any road tax at all, but are driving on the roads, I mean, if we're really up on equity, I think we should do it. So here's how this works In Loudoun County, Pennsylvania, there was a petition of 5,000 people turned into the election clerk in that county. It's, it's not the largest county by any stretch in Pennsylvania, but it is a county and they had around 60,000 actual voters, it is interesting to see how hard, county governments across the country are working to convince you that there is no such thing as voter fraud and that these computer tabulation machines and voting machines. Are completely secure and safe. So what they did is they went back to 2020 and they hand recounted the entire 2020 election based on seven different candidacy. And what was interesting about it is, even though the results weren't exact, they were only off, a difference of 15 fewer votes. During the hand recount versus the machine count on one of the seven races, all the others were less than 15 vote differential from what the tabulation machines concluded. So what is the mindless idiocy of our county government election officials who are working hard to convince you that, that everything's on the up and up when clearly common sense tells you. Not all is on the up. they come out and say, see, these machines are accurate in Loudoun County, and they have not been hacked and there is no algorithm manipulating votes. Wow. Wow. One county out of the. Tens of thousands of counties in the United States gets a reasonably consistent result, and then they completely obfuscate the real point. You see, 31 people recounted over 60,000 ballots. The county was off by 35 votes compared to the 2020 results. Now that's all seven can see added up, which included that 15 gap that I talked to you about. Yeah, it turns out that Donald Trump ended up with, 15 less votes and Joe Biden ended up with seven less votes. But he was convinced that there would be a myriad of human ind. Errors. So he said, we don't expect that any recount of that many ballots is going to match one-to-one with the voting system. Layman said, we expect there will be human error committed during the hand count. So already he's showing his bias. Machines are more accurate than people, but the reality is it turned out not to be the case. The county dedicated A whopping 31 total staff people to do the task. Now remember, they've got all these ballots in one spot and they gotta go and they gotta calculate and count them. So of the 31 people, 28 were counting and it says here, while they thought the counting could go on for the rest of the month, so they expected it to go for basically. almost four weeks. It turns out they were done in less than three days. And here's the comedy of it. What they didn't report or what they failed to see as all they have done is prove that hand counting is. and it's efficient, it's effective, and especially it's cost effective because the total staff in a normal election cycle, when you're dealing with people, hand counting votes instead of paid staff. The vast majority are, guess what? Dun. Dun. Non-paid volunteers. I rest my case. So you would. That the newspapers would be pushing out. That hand counting is fast, efficient, and accurate. And what's even better is it's decentralized. But that is not what they reported. But you heard it here first on the good fight. This is what the government wants you to believe. They want you to believe that. Counting machines, the tabulation machines, not the voting machines in particular, but the counting machines in mail-in voting states like Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, there's a huge elephant in the room with these. So anytime you hear counting machines are accurate, good fight. I want you to fire back to people and say, oh, hey, did you know that in Loudoun County, they found out that hand counting is also fast, effective, Because that's a fact. And then here's the other one. Number two, the outcome of the 2020 votes were correct, but here's the elephant in the room. Yes, the. The hand count verified that the machines were very good at counting paper ballots. However, the machine is not able to verify that all those ballots were illegally cast by citizens or that they weren't phantom votes or, weren't illegally cast votes, or even worse, they weren't mailed in or shipped in, which was the allegation in 2020 from, a printer in New York. So in other words, people can feed the system with phony ballots and then the counting machines would count them, and then the hand recount would count them, and it doesn't dispel the concept of fraud. What it does say is that the election counting machines in Loudoun County, were not. Wow. Big revelation there. Kind of a minor county in a, in a high population state, wasn't hacked. Hmm. I'd love to go to Philadelphia and see what the deal is. but the thing is, there, there is some value in this audit, don't get me wrong, because it is good to know that the machines are reasonably accurate in this incident and that things weren't hacked. But it doesn't. That there weren't all kinds of other pieces of fraud going on. Now, the third one that they want you to know is that vote totals were not skewed by hackers changing numbers erroneously. Now, it's similar to the the machine being accurate in the outcome being correct, but what they mean by this part about hackers is,, there's not hackers hacking into the Secretary of State computers and manipulating the vote. in opposition to local results in individual counties. Well, that's great. but it doesn't mean people aren't doing many of the other types of fraud that are readily available and have existed in this country for well over 150 plus years for example, one of the first fraud organizations was the Democrat TA Hall in New York, in which, ah, Mrs. Mag. How are you doing today, Mrs. How are you? Getting along? Okay. I see you got a walker and a cane. I tell you what, if you be having a times a trouble keeping you, yourself warm. I see you, you've got four shas on, so I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna have a load of coal delivered to your apartment. And all we ask in return is for your vote for the people we tell you to vote for. Does that sound good? Mrs. Magi? Oh, thank you so much. Now, that was Tam Hall back in the late 18 hundreds. It was very powerful. And they had, kind of mob control and they would go around and they would use graft and greed to get your votes. Very similar to, I don't know what Mark Zuckerberg did in the 2020 election. Yes. Now it gets better because so many of you have reached out and said, Hey, mark, you know, just how much voter fraud is there and what can we really believe about all this? So, just because one county does an audit doesn't mean that there isn't voter fraud because most of the fraud will occur in high population counties if you're gonna have fraud, it would most likely be in those. It was like Antifa when they kept putting out social posts, educating people on how to vote multiple times in Portland. I don't know if that would cause people to lose confidence in the system. I mean, It only went viral So here's a couple of the tricks of the trade going back 150 years and all of these things can, and still do. So number one, I'm just like a top 12 list. Artificial migration. Yes, you can bus in voters or you can bus in ballots. That was the accusation in Pennsylvania in 2020, and there were affidavits and sworn testimony of truckers who were told to drop their trailers off in open lots, and they knew their trailers were loaded with ballots. I don't know about you, but the trailers were gone the next morning. It's bizarre. It's weird. It shouldn't have happened. But that is an example of artificial migration. Now, the other one is disenfranchising voters as alleged with Carrie Lake. Like, I don't know, maybe the voting machines aren't working or the printers are screwed up and they can't run the ballots through and they can't run'em through the counting machines, and they're not set up to hand count. So they just tell you to put your ballot in a box and then they go out and say, but your ballot was counted. You don't. You have no idea. The only way you know your ballot gets counted with any reasonable degree is if you go to your local precinct, you show your id, they give you your ballot, you go into the booth in private secret. You cast your vote and then you dump it into a locked box and it gets mixed up with everyone else's, and then they don't know who voted for what, and you have what's called secrecy. Yes. That's the only way not to be disenfranchised, but I'm telling you, that doesn't exist in Oregon because it's illegal to vote in person in a precinct in Oregon. unless you go to your election clerk's office, now here's another one. It says a division of the opposition. In other words, you could say it's Russian dis information. and anybody who disbelieves that the 2020 election wasn't totally secure in the most secure election in history is a fool. So if you're, gonna play into that, you can divide your opposition. And of course, that creates confusion and allows the bad guys not to be held accountable. And why should they? They're never. Here's another form. Ready Vote Buying. Yes, mark Zuckerberg. We already know this happened in Nevada the next form is misleading ballot titles or confusing ballots and papers. that still goes on today. Here's another one. Ballot box stuffing. Anybody seen 2000 mules? It's where you go and collect a bunch of ballots, or even better, you get some bad actors to print. and then you fill them out and you fake signatures and you get them from lists. St. Vinny's DePaul has them and the dmv? Yes. Lots of government agents who are not so legitimate have access to that data, and so you create those lists. Anyone who ever signs a petition, if you've ever signed a petition, somebody has your signature and your address and your information. So congratulations makes you wanna sign more petitions. Well, only if they're conservative. If you have ballot box stuffing, you can affect an election, and none would be the wiser because the tabulation machine and the hand recounts think they're legitimate votes when they're not next. Mis recording votes that can happen. Which is kind of why they did the audit in Loudoun County and they found out that things weren't mis recorded in that one county. Congratulations. I mean, after all, we can't extrapolate that We would have to do a hand count of the entire election in every county to get a sense of whether or not other forms of fraud didn't occur, but. 2000 mules did a beautiful job pretty damning and conclusive. and they did allude to mis recording of votes so that you could have actors in the tabulation room who are biased and they might accidentally not record certain votes, and they might discard some of those votes or even better. Take the conservative, ballot that they don't like and swap it for a less conservative one they do, or vice versa. And the beauty of that is that's called miss recording of votes cuz you can either replace it with one that'll pass us legitimate, or you just get rid of the vote altogether. Now it gets better misuse of proxy votes. This one is less common, but it does occur. For example, they actually got people to believe that you can send out two ballots to every college student in Oregon, which is hundreds of thousands of. and it's okay because, if they end up voting twice, like back at their home and at college, well, we have a system that won't allow it to be recorded. Well, I did some checking. I've called five counties now and. Of the five counties I've called and directly asked, Hey, what system do you use so that you know someone isn't voting in some other county, or someone might live outta state and receive a ballot that you mailed to them in Texas, which actually happened, and that person in Texas cast a vote even though they live full-time in Texas and have residency. In Texas. Why? Because we don't update the voter rules in Oregon. Well, this actually happens. Those are called proxy votes. You can misuse those. So you could have an organization like the S E I U and they could send out all kinds, of votes to quote. People they might declare are snowbirds that actually live full-time in another state and they might be retired. And they would end up casting votes both in their regular state and, back here in Oregon or in multiple counties in Oregon. And there's no real way to track them more Calculate them in spite of the fact that the Secretary of State said that that can't happen. No one can tell me the system they use to verify and identify those things in real time. It's fascinating to me, but it gets better. The next is called destruction or invalidation of ballots. Well, we saw a lot of conservative votes, in a ratio of almost four out of. votes that were rejected were conservative, at least in Lane County. I think that's a little strange. now, I'm not saying I have scientific date on that. It was more of a, what we call an internet survey, but if it's even remotely accurate. It's scary, and what you can do is if you say to a conservative, well, your signature didn't match, and you gotta go back and verify that you're, you, well, not a hundred percent of people that received that letter actually take the time to go back and fix it. And, that's another way. So you get more conservatives than people on the other side not voting. So that's another form of fraud. Now, I know this goes on and on, but I want it to be thorough. Voter impersonation. I know this could never happen in Oregon, where it would be legal for third party nonprofit entities to register people to vote without the actual person participating in that voter registration. I know that would never be allowed or passed under law and or, oh, Oh, that's right. During Covid, they made that legal here in Oregon. So good fight, spread the word. Did you know that a third party nonprofit, maybe one that purchases your signature and maybe gets, some data from you, maybe your birthdate, from some other survey you might have filled out at some point or from. I don't know if Google's a biased organization. I mean, they have a ton of data on you. I don't know if that would ever leak out so that a third party could register you to vote and they could register you under your name and send your ballot to a different address, and they could do that within three weeks of ballots going out. And then the week before ballots go out after the wrong ballot and envelope has already been printed, they can change it back. So you are none the wiser because you receive your new corrected ballot while the old one gets mailed out. Oh, I don't know. Did that happen in Oregon? Oh heck yeah. And then finally, last but not least, registration of fake and phantom voters. So this is most commonly done where in the dead. or illegal immigrants are allowed to register to vote because they get a driver's license and they have a birthdate. And since they get a driver's license at the DMV with motor voter, they end up getting. A ballot. Now they're told they can't vote in federal elections, but yet they don't get a separate ballot that doesn't have federal candidates on it. I mean, this is just be blatant incompetence. So this is how we know that, that a lot of illegal immigrants are voting. Now, how do I know? Because illegal immigrant friends of mine, Have blown the whistle, if you will. Yes. That's why I'm doing the election integrity lawsuit because we have wonderful people and many of them are illegal immigrants that don't think this is right. God bless you, welcome to America. Now, there is an all-encompassing, comprehensive list of all the ways you can cheat, which is why the current mail-in balloting system in Oregon is so fundamentally flawed. It lacks so many safeguards and chains of custody, it just lacks cred. And what's really important is I'm alleging, that this system is so broken that it will never create. Widespread confidence from people on both sides of the political aisle, which is why we're doing this show. Take the communists and move them to the right rather than them taking our children and moving them to the left. That's what it's about. Good fight. So listen, I'm gonna end there. God bless you. God bless America. Well, once again, I've been your host, mark Thelman. That's marked with a c. C stands for conservative. Forget to go to our merch page at in the Good and get you a fancy t-shirt, get you a Wolf Bane coffee mug, because I'm telling you it's the best protection. It's better than vitamins people. God bless you. Until next time,