The Good Fight

Ep. 26 - More Documents Found/Spending Out Of Control

Anthony Feist

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen declares federal fiscal responsibility irresponsible. Whereas world leaders, yes, the G 20, the top 20 economies in the world, Are concerned by the growing perception among their populations that G 20 nations are being led by. And I quote, elitist, morons. And finally, Mike Pence possesses top secret documents at his home. 2023 continues to roll, folks. All these topics and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, mark Thieman. Stay with us. Well, hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Good Fight. I mean, wow. We are on week 4th of January and it is not slowing down. Yes. Yours truly fueled by Liquid from a woke Bain coffee mug. Forecast the future four weeks ago and said that there was no conclusive evidence that would cause 2023 to be, shall we say, more sane or reasonable than 2022. Nope. Pedal to the metal folks on crazy. Yes, we are on week four and it is Roland. Top story for this week I wanna really keep everybody focused because we are winning this. Culture war. And I know it doesn't seem like it. I know that there's all kinds of mayhem going on, but the fact that the Republican Congress one was able to, elect a speaker of the house, which was a miracle in and of itself, but two instituted different rules, which is very much changing the game. President Biden said that he will not entertain anything other than a clean bill. Yes. These scripts have been 180 degree flipped. Normally it's the Republicans saying we want a clean bill, and it's the Democrats putting, basically everything under the sun, including the kitchen sink in the earmarks, if you will, of that bill. And they always get a few greedy Republicans to join them so they can say it was a bipartisan thing. So what's interesting is, McCarthy is being forced. To tow the line when it comes to fiscal responsibility. Why? Because it was one of the concessions that he made in order to get enough Republicans to vote for him, mcCarthy rolled out that, hey, he would tow the line with fiscal responsibility. And that has led to something historic. The United States has. It's debt limit yet again, and the Democrats are out saying, well, you know, this is terrible. It's terrible legislation. I mean, after all, we Democrats were the one who passed this rule that says, if you're going to raise the debt limit, you gotta have an act of Congress to do it. Folks during the Reagan administration as the debt ballooned. Why? Because Reagan and tip O'Neill, they compromised. Democrats got their increases in Social security and other spending programs. Reagan got his military. Now, what resulted from that? I don't know. The destruction of the, evil empire of the Soviet Union and freedom breaking out all over the world. However, the were political of course, and rolling on into, George Bush seniors presidency. They began to harang and harangue of course that caused the re mine lamps now near Texas taxes. And boy, that didn't work out. And every time the Republican party caves to the insanity of the left, because let's be real grieve, is. See, we should have known better back then, but it was the Democrats who clamor that we need to have debt limits. Why? Because they wanted to curb the portion of the budget that rolls out into the military spending. And of course there was, bipartisan people that ended up voting for that. And now Democrats are saying, this is a terrible rule. We gotta get rid of this rule. So this is what the left doesn't understand about the Global Monetary System. Which is dominated by what's called fiat currency. I've covered this before, but hey, we'll just review real quick. Fiat currency is money that a nation produces, okay? So in our case, the United States, the US dollar, which is shall we say, the most dominant currency in the world, but there's others, the German Mark. You know, the Euro, which is kind of a conglomeration that represents a bunch of European economies. So the British pound, the Chinese won and the, Japanese Yen. These are some of the big ones. Now. The US dollar is dominant. So it's an exchange rate. Now, this is rudimentary, and I'm not trying to patronize anybody. I just wanna start at the very basics because our friends on the left really don't understand this. And why the national debt does matter, which is what these Republicans are trying to say. So when you have a fiat system that. The US dollar is not backed by things that are tangible, like, you know, so gold and. The thing is if you have more gold, you can print more money, and the money is of equal value because the gold backs the dollars. So you can exchange dollars for gold. So Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard. We've now been on what's called a fiat currency, and the, the thing with fiat currency is it creates a thing called tempt. and Reagan took advantage of. Because He became president and he started putting pressure on the Federal Reserve to not print as much money because they kept printing more money because inflation was rolling outta control and the economy was overheated. So unemployment wasn't high enough. We had what was called stagflation. So you had high inflation and high demand and no, no ability to curb the spending because money was flooding into the system. So Reagan curbed that and what happened was, the value of the dollar increased and inflation started to go down. So as the dollar became more valuable, inflation came under control and there were a lot of surprised economists now. where to get the idea from Milton Freeman, the Nobel Prize winning economist, you know, God rest his soul. But Freeman was the one who said, Hey, here's what's causing the inflation. Don't worry. We'll get the economy rolling, and it'll help build the manufacturing sector, which it did. Because the value of the., slowed a whole bunch of issues like wage growth and, cost increases that made business even more expensive to, run in the United States as opposed to somewhere else, where there wasn't such an inflationary, push going on now. we roll in from that around 82, 83. Reagan was under tremendous criticism from the Democrats because he began, with the next round of two year fiscal budget in 82. The Democrats were his haranging on him. How dare you, how dare you restrict the money supply, blah, blah, blah. And of course, the nation was rolling out a new budget and they needed to borrow more money. And that's what created what eventually. The requirement of Congress to raise the debt limit. In other words, we set a limit. Once we hit it, we're not gonna spend anymore. And the belief was that that would curb things like military spending and then they could use it as a political wedge to say, social programs are more important than military, so we should be spending more on welfare than military. Now that's a little historic review, and I want people to understand that because it's still going on today, except Reagan broke. By saying We will deficit spend now that inflation is under control. He worked with, the Fed under Freeman and Hayek and some of these other ingenious economists to keep inflation anywhere from one to 3%. And bring interest rates. remember when they came down to 10%, people thought they'd died and gone to heaven. That allowed a ton of people to refinance their home loans and pull their equity out, and there was a huge, massive economic boon and prosperity that ruled through the eighties and nineties and into the early two thousands now, eventually, that runs itself out as the deficit grows in relation to the value of the dollar over time. then the party ends. In other words, the purchasing power of a dollar in 2023 is about 60 some odd percent what it was in 1990. So 200,000 today doesn't go as far as 200,000 when in 1983. In other words, the government continues to print. even though inflation's outta control, which obviously they've printed way too much money with covid. So our, deficit is now 33 trillion. It's hit the debt limit under Barack Obama. It was 18 trillion under Trump. It ended up around, what was it, 2320 4 trillion. And, with Covid and everything under Joe Biden, it's now pushing, you know, 33 trillion. Joe Biden has spent more money than any other president in history. Nice job, Joe. So the beauty of it is, is that the value of the dollar is declining while prices and inflation, even though they're flattening a little bit, are still incredibly high. And, the. Confidence that people have in the ability of the United States to pay it. Bills is disconcerting, so now we have a small number of Republicans who are very bright. They understand the situation, they know we've gotta get spending under control, and what they're saying is we will raise the debt limit so the government can pay its bills in exchange for reason. Cost cuts on a variety of programs. So, the Republicans are talking about cost controls on that 17% discretionary money where nobody loses the benefits promised. Now it's not being reported that way in the mainstream media, which my friends is why we do this. So that's what the Republicans are talking about. They're not talking about cutting social security, they're not talking about, cutting Medicare. and Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary. Now, Janet Yellen used to be the chairperson of the Fed, so she used to be like the chief fiscal officer of the United States. She was the one who said, yeah, we'll print some more money. We'll, quantitative. Et cetera, et cetera. She eased during the Obama administration, and this is what makes 2023 so radically amazing. You see, I mean, I can understand Joe Biden not getting it because Joe came out and said, well, I mean the, the debt's not a problem. It's only 500 billion a year. What Joe doesn't understand is that a large portion of the United States, or 33 trillion of debt is amortized over a period of 15, 20, or 30 years, depending on what they're called, treasuries. if you're going to sell new treasuries, or even better, you've been paying the interest on treasuries from the past without really selling or buying down the principle, per se, you have to re amortize those when they come due, or you've gotta pay the whole bill. Well, the United States isn't gonna do that. So we have a large portion, I believe it's 16% of our 33 trillion that's going to be coming up in the next 18 months for re amortization. Well, the problem with that, Is that. interest rates that we locked in for 30 years at, you know, 1.2% or 0.8% interest are now gonna be having to rere amortized at what is currently 2.8 to to 4% interest. Well, Joe, I got news for you. Your 500 billion now becomes 1.1 trillion and suddenly it's the law of diminishing returns. And that is what these Republicans are trying to stave. There is a way to do that by cutting spending. That is the way to do it. Now, Janet Yellen came out and echoed in a more coherent manner. Joe Biden's comment. She said, well, Yeshi, in this time, with the United States' obligations, cutting spending and being physically responsible is actually irresponsible. So Janet Yellen, this is the same woman who said that she didn't understand that inflation wasn't transitory. The same woman who is supposed to be a global expert in global finance is now saying that the government deciding to spend less. Is actually irresponsible on the contract government it is lunacy because of all people that know better it should and ought to. Janet Yellen, but that's what she said. Now, good fight. It's important that we get out and we talk to people about this very issue it's reasonable for Congress to, negotiate with Joe Biden for some reasonable appreciable tax cuts to the tune of hundreds of billions or maybe even a trillion dollars. I think it's reasonable. Here's why. let's take an analogy here just for fun. Let's say you had a teenage kid, 19. He's moved. And you find out that your kid comes to you and says, hey, uh, yeah, I, I'm having trouble, uh, making the interest payments on my credit card so what advice would you give to your child who, let's say, racked up their credit cards and maxed them out and is now having. Making just their minimum interest payments each month. Not even going down on the principle, because you can see the analogy that is what the federal government is doing. Now, if you said, as a parent or guardian to the child who you care about and love. Well, the first thing you're gonna need to do is, is look at making some cuts and spending. You're gonna have to start spending less and looking at your income and try not to spend more than you make, at least for the time being so that you can start to pay these cards down. So you can get ahead and you are able to save a little bit. And then you won't need to put everything on the credit card cuz you can dip into your savings. But that is not what Janet Yellen would say to her child. Nope, Janet Yellen would say, well, I think if you're having trouble making your basic interest payments, it would be irresponsible to stop spending on the credit card. So what you need you is go get another credit card or three and use those cards at zero Balance to pay the interest on your other credit cards and that. You can stay ahead for the time being. Slowing your spending and, and stopping the accumulation of more debt would be irresponsible. That is what Janet Yellen would tell her kids. the Global economic Forum has concluded in Davos, and I'm telling you, it was fun watching all the world's elites fly to Switzer. In their private jets burning up massive amounts of carbon emitting fuel and then landing in DOLs. What? Hey. They could have got into some electric cars and drove the one hour car ride from, the airport in Davos to the actual, convention center where the, the forum was held. But that was not good enough yes. They had a valet helicopter. You see you can't drive in an electric car for an hour. Oh, that's so D closet. I mean, I just flew on my private jet for hours to get here. you don't. Instead, they got on a helicopter and went to the global foreman. What did they do? They all got together and said, we're here to save the planet that all the little people are ruining. That's exactly what they said. That's why I drink woke main people. My mind is like tungston. It's stronger than steel. Right woke epithets. Just bounce right off like thick armor on a tank. That's what I'm talking about. Huh? You think what? We're gonna send the Ukrainians Abrams tanks. No way. We ought send'em Woke Bain coffee mugs. That's what I'm thinking. So the world leaders are all there and they're all giving value and virtue signaling to everybody al Gore sounded like an angry old man, and he looks like hell, by the way. He's still got some hair though, so we'll give him credit for that. Good work. Good work, Al Gore. But the beauty of it is, is they all talked about how we must act on climate change. But the funny thing is, is they were in an echo chamber and then there was a follow up survey because, you know, in Europe, the World Economic Forum got a lot more coverage than even here in the United States. So in, in Europe there was a survey in the survey was conducted in all G 20 countries. But turns out that the vast majority of regular, hardworking. You would think it would be socialist oriented. Nope. They basically strongly agree that trust in world leadership, has been dramatically eroded in the last four years? That was the question. And I was like 67% of people surveyed either agreed or strongly agreed with that answer and that has got the global elites really concerned. Matter of fact, It is probably what's triggered the old yelling at Elon Musk for allowing, both sides of the climate debate to go viral on Twitter. So the liberals and the elites the progressives, communists, I should say they are losing their ever-loving minds. Yes. The pendulum is swinging good fight, all because of your loyalty and dedication to this show. And your ability to get out there and reach out to our loved ones on the Communist Marxist progressive left, and to try to bring them back to reason insanity. Because you know what? We have a good country here in the United States and we need to stay good because I assure you, whatever our problems are in America without America, the world is gonna go full authoritarian. And if you don't believe me, look at the crazy in China. Oh man, what a mess with the covid thing. Now the Chinese. sticking with the Make 2023 crazier than 22. Yes. They're now telling people to hurry up and get covid. Why? Because they are losing hundreds of billions of dollars in future investment. People are like, you know what, China, we're done. We're gonna start investing in Vietnam. Big old deal. Janet Yellen herself over in Africa right now saying, look, we're gonna start putting money into the African continent in places because we're gonna get away from Chinese Communist one party crazy. Now what's scary is Janet Yellen is probably a communist herself, and, uh, she's probably, you know, crying and gnashing her teeth as we speak. But the writings on the wall and the elitist know it, By the way, that was the takeaway from the Global Economic Forum is the elites, they harang on their, crazy 2030 agenda while recognizing that it ain't working. So that's the beautiful takeaway. We are winning this fight. Now, Mike Pence, former Vice President under President Trump. You know, he was interviewed, after Trump's house, was, invaded by the F B I in Mar-a-Lago. And this was the best, cuz I remember him. He was asked, have you ever taken home top secret documents to your house, Mr. Pence and Mike Pence? You know, he like modulated on this thing. He is like, well, um, um, um, um, no, I have not. It turns out Mike Pence is liar. Neither he nor President Biden were the president. Only the president can declassify documents, which was Trump's defense, and in my opinion, Trump at least has a defense guess who does not have a defense? Joe Biden has no defense, and now Mike Pence has no defense. Now wonder why Mike would volunteer to have his lawyers go and look at the documents and then volunteer to break this story? Well, because Trump and Pence have been fighting it out, man. You don't think that there's some division going on because Pence from sources that I will not disclose, but very credible, knew about the Democrats push to, harangue Trump, including. Searching his home regarding classified documents and mom telling you, good fight paybacks are painful, but the paybacks are rolling. So now Mike Pence, rather than have it break like and leak out like Joe Biden, Pence is a little smarter and he thought, well, it's bad news, but we will break the bad news and then we'll roll from there. So the question that I have is, is it possible that shall we say some massive reform within the federal government is needed and that we need to get back to electing one kind of leader? Here's what matters is if they believe that government exists to benefit and serve the American people, and they believe in things like national security and they believe in a thing called accountability, and they don't exempt themselves from that accountability. It's a quality that we have to get back to that has been summarily attacked and canceled because what we have is a bunch of leaders in Washington, DC. Have done nothing, but shall we say, redefine the term hypocrisy. It's not even about Republican and Democrat at this point, although I would argue when are they gonna search Obama? because it has already been known that Obama has classified documents that he took out of the White House. You mark my words, it's gonna go on down the line. There was a survey. about Joe Biden oh, God, it was great in which they surveyed just random people, but random Democrats were surveyed, and you're gonna love this. It turns out that the majority of Democrats believe that what Trump did. was wrong and worse than what Biden did, however, there's still hope for this country. There's still hope that our loved ones on the left have enough reason. Insanity, because you're gonna love the follow up. The follow up question was, do you think what Joe Biden did was. oh my gosh. 87% of Democrats surveyed said that what Biden did was also wrong, and it may not have been as bad in their minds or their perception as what Trump did. But wrong is wrong. I mean, it's like this, it's like a, a guy goes and robs a bank and then he gets caught and then he says, yeah, but, but that other guy stole more money than I did when he robbed his bank. That's literally what's going on. well listen, good fight. I'm gonna round this up today. It's been another great week. I'm 10 in 2023. It just keeps on rolling. I'm telling you. Rolling away. we've got a lot going on. next episode, next week I'm gonna give some. Serious updates. We'll be refiling our amended case in the Oregon election Integrity lawsuit, forcing the state to start all over again. I can't wait, and where did I learn such a thing? Well, I learned it from my friends on the left. Yes, I'm treating them the way they treat us. It's not I for an I folks, it's because I care about equity. I mean, after all, things should be equitable and there's only one language our communist Marxists understand, and that is. Force. So we're gonna apply some intellectual force and we're gonna force the government to start all over and it's gonna be fun and I'll give you all the details and highlights next week. Well listen. God bless everybody. Thanks for listening. And thank you for going to the in the Good website and ordering up your merch t-shirts, woke, main coffee mugs, steins, get'em ordered today. God bless you folks. Until next time.