The Good Fight

Ep. 27 - Full Tilt Election Integrity Lawsuit: All Oregon Counties Included

Anthony Feist

Democrats vow to make Banana Republic the new American way as a means of squelching election integrity lawsuits nationwide, as well as any other issues they don't care for. I am your host, mark Thieman. Join us all this and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. Stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. We are going to dub this week's episode, a special episode. Why? Because this is an episode of Epic Proportions. Yes. The theme through January has been, and unfortunately, will continue to be as we roll into February. Karen Nuclear. Crazy. Now, as if enough isn't enough, Vice President Pence is now beating back the media for his irresponsible handling of classified documents. Former president's, Obama and George Bush kind of well modulate that they don't think they have any classified documents, but, uh, neither of'em want their house to be searched. It's a beautiful thing. And, apparently Joe Biden just found out that we have a crisis at the southern border. And all of these issues, none of them raised to the level of the insanity rolling in Arizona right now as Kerry Lake. Is on the verge of an appellate court decision regarding her election integrity lawsuit that, all legal experts of any kind of credibility, both here in the United States, in Arizona proper as well as Canada said she got a raw deal. Now, the beauty of it is, that, Arizona Supreme Court said to Kerry Lake, we will not pick up and expedite your process. Why? Because apparently, the Supreme Court trusts the appellate court. Now, I would love to be a fly on the wall in the room of the three panel appellate judges in Arizona once the cameras were off, and they probably most likely got on a secure phone. Gave some, shall we say, curses of disrespect to the Arizona Supreme Court for forcing them to do their job and to rule based on fact procedure and law. Yes. Now, if that's not good enough, Kerry Lake has been out doing some media, pushes to explain to people how she was wronged in court, how she more than proved what she needed to prove. And in doing so, she sent out a tweet, which has been, resent, oh, I gotta know a million and a half times now. It's beautiful. You know, once you open that genie of Twitter, it's hard to put it back in the bottle. And she shared 16 ballots that, she says are illegal ballots that were counted in the election, and she's claiming there were 40,000 others just like it Now. The new Secretary of State. Yes, the Secretary of State of the great state of Arizona is a Democrat, cuz the Democrats kind of swept most positions in Arizona, as you know, yes, you cannot make this up. It says in a January 30th letter that the Secretary of State, Adrian, Adrian, yes. Adrian Fontes has put on the gloves a good virtue signaling Democrats, secretary of the State, who has replaced Katie Hobbs, who's now the governor. this, Adrian is so unbelievably objective. He's probably got IA the Tiger playing and he's like, I'm going to get her, okay, so Adrian says Attorney General attack, he is claiming that she shared voter information, of course, that she was able to get through her court proceedings through discovery, and he says, you must investigate and take appropriate enforcement action. You know what I'm saying? Kerry, for potential violations of Arizona law committed under her Twitter handle at Carrie Lake, the Eve Carry Lake, using the Elon Musk owned. Twitter, how dare she exercise her right to free speech and commit the most caral sin of all by telling the public the truth by gum. She must be stopped. So they hired Rocky, I mean, Adrian Fontez is on the job. The nice thing about it is, that everybody's excited to see, you know, the, the hopeful or saying that, well, Kerry Lake might prevail in the appellate court. Now I am here talking. To members of the Good Fight family, and anyone who might be listening for the first time. because of my daily use of my woke Bain coffee mug, the mug that transforms any liquid into the mind stealing common sense. Rolling fueled brain. Yes. I'm here to tell you. There is a snowballs chance in hell. The powers that be are going to let Carrie Lake prevail in court. Even if she prevails in the appellate court, it will go to the State Supreme Court and they will drag it out for as long as humanly possible. Allowing Katie Hobbs to be entrenched and established. Kerry Lake is not alone in this fight. as you know, this show is sponsored by Battleground Oregon. And Battleground Oregon is a coordinating political entity designed to give conservatives a place where they can send their information. And I'm telling you, as the recipient of a lot of this information, I've got stuff from way out there. We're talking like, uh, U F O level all the way. How is it that the media hasn't been pushing this stuff for years? Because that's the beauty of connecting with we the people. Now, in Oregon, battleground has been coordinating all kinds of election integrity work, working with all kinds of county election integrity committees and encouraging people through this podcast and other venues on radio, et cetera. To get involved and talk about their genuine feelings about these mail-in elections that we have, that the Oregon Secretary of State Shamia Fagan assures us, your elections are safe to cure and transparent, I'm simply trying to give people the flavor of the arrogance, if you will, that fuels these leftist Marxist wokes like Shamia Fagan and Adrian Adrian Fontez down in Arizona among others. Now, the humor of it is, is they're in. So they get to define the meaning of terms. Up here in Oregon, as you know, battleground had filed an election integrity lawsuit that was mocked and geared by the media on the left, and it was celebrated and, lauded by people that want to be able to have one citizen, one vote. They want their vote to count it's full weight, not to be watered down by illegal votes or phantom vote. Or algorithms, et cetera. And remember, battleground is a bipartisan organization. It is not on the right or the left. It simply says we exist to make sure that the vast majority and when they, they define majority is nine out of 10 people. Polled have confidence in the integrity of elections, and right now that is not the case. On the contrary, in Oregon, 72% of Oregonians polled said that they believe that there is a significant degree of election fraud in Oregon elections Now. Again, 27%. voters are Republicans. So obviously we have some non-affiliated and even some Democrats, some clear thinking Democrats, yes, they exist. God bless you. Clear thinking Democrats, you are welcome to follow the good fight. Yes. So that you too can be brought to that healthier. Ground that is on the right side of your left. Yes. That is where you need to go. My friends and common sense will get you there. So I am here to share and debut on this show, this special edition that the plan that Battleground instituted to write a generalized case based on Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas that talked about the psychological impact on people's confidence when they're disenfranchised. Or, they don't believe their vote counts. And even if they participate in voting, they have a, shall we say, a negative kind of pessimistic view about the frivolity of the act of voting. When in their opinion, things are rigged or negatively influenced, or the system is structured in such a way that, so, Evil, bad actors. You know, like the S C I U, the largest union in Oregon Public Union, by the way, that intervenes in elections all the time and is the number one ballot harvester, not to mention the number one funder of, state representatives and, state senators. So basically they, they buy the legislature, if you will. The goal was to do that and not give details so that the state would get arrogant and that they would come out, through the process of responding to said, claims, if you will. They're just too general. these election deniers are now saying that election fraud is called an election anomaly. Those are actual words, right? I'm reading it right here from their response. And the beauty of it is, they're saying, look, just because you have feelings, just cuz you believe that things are fraudulent doesn't make that factual. That's their argument. And then they go into a very detailed arguments about why, the lawsuit as it was originally filed, does not have standing. And here's what it says, modern election systems require reliance upon the government, the very government that the plaintiffs are alleging they don't trust, but they're not experts, the plaintiffs, myself and others, and therefore, they need to trust the experts. And that is us. We the government. it's a fascinating circular argument. So I was able to plot a strategic course in which we are going to endure the slings and arrows of leftist Marxist arrogance. When, remember, we only sued 12 counties because it made it cheaper to have, have people served. You have to pay for that. See, save some. But what happened is the state came out with all their guns a blazing. They put it all in this nice, motion to dismiss and wrote all their arguments so that now we have a sneak peak at what we're up against when we get to trial. And in order to do that, We had to meet our in order for, their original complaint to be amended? So the state asked for extensions. They, they put a lot of time and energy. They wrote a basically a 40 page response. It was kind of, thorough, if you will. A lot of time and energy went into it, working with the Secretary of State and the attorney General's office And then we filed the real case. Yes, the real case, not written strictly by attorneys like the Carry Lake case is. but a very unique case because the Oregon election integrity lawsuit was written by we the people. So all those people who reached out. With testimony and canvassing results and, copies of letters and public records requests and some of their, uh, complaints they had filed with their counties and the response of those counties. All of this in their, you know, their own witness testimony to what they considered was, the county's not following election law and rules. All of that data came to one hub. This is something that conservatives must learn. Because Battleground was set up, information flowed to it that otherwise would not have been coordinated. And now we have a coordinated conservative fueled, shall we say, tri partisan by the way. Because yes. Even, patriotic Democrats, are,, included in the list of declarations and people that are concerned. It is a beautiful thing and it shows that this whole polarization about election deniers and, those who wanna blindly accept that the government's on the up and up. That is bad for society and it's going to further divide the electorate. And if we lose confidence in the vote, we have essentially lost the republic. But I wanted to read a couple excerpts, there's some really juicy stuff because in the first case there were very few details. But in the second case, there are lots of details. So the case goes out similar to the original and it talks about, the people who cast their votes don't decide an election. The people who count the votes do Oregons desperately need to regain control over the counting of the votes, which now that's a new argument. We're saying, look, the fact that we have to trust the government and it's, self-appointed min. to run our elections that are supposed to be run by the people. See, originally elections were set up where you had all these little tiny precincts they were local people. So if somebody came in, a lot of'em were known. So there's some security in that. And then they went into a private booth and they picked up their ballot. They registered, they identified who they were, they picked up their ballot, they went into a private booth and they voted so that even if the union boss and the mob was outside the, the union boss and mob. Still did not have a hundred percent assurance that their minion, if you will, voted the way they demanded. And that's called anonymity or secrecy of the ballot. But in mail-in balloting in Oregon, we do it the opposite way. Nope. It, it's really simple. We, we mail out millions of votes that were printed off voter rules that have not been updated, even though federal law requires that a large percentage of. Roles be updated in order to match and meet federal requirements? Yes, all of this has come to light. It says here, Oregons have been presented with widespread indicators of election fraud and anomalies that undermine confidence and drive de facto voter suppression and disenfranchisement. Now, the beauty of it is. I had a very anonymous person send me some beautiful documents from Judicial Watch, which was sent in 2021, notifying the Secretary of State's office. That they were in violation of the Federal Elections Act, if you will, of 1983. And, the Federal Election Commission requires that voter rolls be updated and they notified 13 Oregon counties, one of them, the most populous, molten Noma, has almost a million people in it. And they said to Multnomah County for the last four years, I'm gonna say it again. For the last four years, you have removed a grand total of five people. Five people in four years. They removed five people from the voter rolls. Now, just so people understand why it's important to update voter rolls, you see over the course of four years, people. They pass on and it's unfortunate, but they do, you know, death's always outside the door their name when they pass away within a week, they usually are notified either by social security department cuz they don't want to keep paying benefits or by the hospital database. and, there's a couple other agencies too that, that notify. So like in, Oregon, osha, et cetera. Then, that information sent to the Secretary of State with the specific purpose for them to update the voter rolls and in Multnomah County, guess what? They didn't do it, not don know about you, but in the city of a million people. uh, in Portland or a county which is in, you know, Portland metro areas 2 million actually, but it spans more than one county. But in Multnomah County, roughly a million people, and they removed a whole five. I would argue that unlike the assurances of Shamia Fagan in Oregon, the Secretary of State who said, we assure integrity by making sure we. Accurate and up to date voting rules. Those, that's a quote from an email she sent the day before the November 4th election. That was on November 3rd, 2022. Yes. I don't know about you guys, but she's either smoking something or she has very different definitions of the term up to date because the Social Security Department gets up to date every week cuz it saves billions of dollars nationwide if you have updated, lists of who's alive and who's not in terms of benefits to the taxpayers. There's more juicy details. All of this information I'm providing to you came from we the people. This is regular people who care about this country as every listener and member of the Good Fight family should it gets better in 2021, the Oregon legislature passed House Bill 26 81, which was signed in the law by Governor Brown. And codified as O R S 2 4 7 0.2 75. The new law prohibits removing registered voters from the voter roll because they do not vote or update their registration for any period of time. So here's the official position. This came out. It's in the lawsuit when question. County clerks in the following counties, lane, Marion, Washington, molten, Noma, and Clackamas all gave the same answer. And I quote, well, you know, we receive lists that people die on a weekly basis, but how do we know they're real Ada now that's me. Editorializing their, their actual deal was, uh, we're not here to verify whether somebody is not voting because they're alive or dead, that the actual. Repeat it again. We're not here to verify why someone's not voting or whether they're alive or dead because you see if they're dead. That could be possibly why they're not voting, or it could be a reason why we might have a problem because so many dead people in Oregon apparently are still voting. Why? Because their ballots are still sent to their former registered address. Now, I don't know about you, but could a nefarious government that gets weekly updates from various sources about who's alive and who's dead, and who's voting and who's not voting, and it's even better. There's still databases on a, on a monthly basis about who moves and changes registrations from the post office on a monthly basis sent to the Secretary of State. To help update voter registrations as people move around. Now, I don't know about you, but in four years in a million person county, I have a feeling tens of thousands of people move around. This is a huge problem. You cannot have secure voter rolls if you're not regularly, weekly, monthly, updating the voter list, but they don't do it. And instead, they actually added names back on after they were removed because people were found to be dead. And then they forced the families for a second time to prove that they were dead, to get them, not removed, but moved to what's called the inactive list. Now, inactive voters still can get a ballot. It's amazing. I don't know. The security of our elections is paramount. It's, it's incredible. Now I'm gonna share one more juicy detail from the case. By the way, if you wanna read the case for yourself, you can get a copy. It's a pdf. It's been posted to the Battleground Oregon website, so you just go to battleground again. Battleground You can download the pdf, read the entire case for yourself. I think you'll enjoy it. I, I know I did. and largely because, I had a fun role. I got to coordinate a lot of this information and then I gotta write a lot of the case. I shipped it over to the attorney, the great mind of Stephen Jonas. By the way, you wanna put your best, Steve, on the best and toughest cases and by God, Oregon's best. Steve is Stephen Jonas. Okay. Jonas Law, he is like the guru of patriotic. Lawyering. Yes. Not loitering. Lawyering. Yes. Jonas is the man. So between the great minds of Jonas and yours, truly, we whipped up some stuff that's gonna be hard. For the courts of Oregon to throw out and say that we, the, taxpayer, the voters do not have standing because we do. But my favorite is the following. I'm gonna read this right to you. It says here, All students at the University of Oregon received two ballots. Yes, it's a miracle. One at the university and the other at their home address. Many of whose homes are out of state. Karen Kaplan was a manager of the University of Oregon that's in Eugene, by the way, recycling department. She was known for her partisan nature and often displayed her American Communist Party membership card to her student, employees, friends, and coworkers on campus. What could go. Under her directive beginning in 1998, she had separate recycling receptacles specifically for ballots placed in student mail areas and other high traffic places on campus. Students were encouraged to quote, recycle their ballots, so you know, Hey, I got two ballots, but I don't need to. I've got one at home. I'm going home. I'll vote at home. I don't need this ballot. I'm gonna put it in the ballot Recycling. Why? Because I care about Mother Earth and recycling is good. Now, rather than put it in the, you know, the paper recycling bin where all papers get mixed together? No, no. We have to separate them and say, recycle your ballot here. Now, those ballots were then apparent. According to witnesses, uh, affidavit level witnesses, by the way, who said University recycling employees would go around daily prior to election day to collect the ballots. The piles of discarded ballots were then driven off campus and delivered to the S E I U office, located at the time, at the Yano Credit Union building in the basement of Eugene, Oregon. There, the S E I U is a public employee union representing healthcare workers and other university employee groups, with ballots in hand, the S C I U then sent out emails to its members. You know, people they represent from the field office to university employees soliciting help with number one phone banking and or number two. Filling out ballots. Yes, this went on for years and up until this witness retired in 2012, this person witnessed this for years and is still to this day, sick about it considering that we had a Republican candidate for governor who lost by a mere 22,000 votes, and knowing that 34,000 student. It's been the, pretty much the steady, population of, university of Oregon. And if each one gets two ballots at 64,000 ballots, you do the math. I have a feeling that in a close election, this kind of malfeasance and voter fraud, Could be instrumental, but the fact that a public union would be so brazen that they would fill out ballots and then deliver them to ready, dun, dun dun. A like-minded county election operation. So it goes back to what we're saying. They can't tell you if your vote was counted. They can tell you they received your en. but they can't tell you they counted your vote. So what's to stop bad actors, like S E I U, by the way, the S E I U supplies a lot of volunteer support work to the Lane County election team during Lane County elections. I wonder if there's some bad actors in the S E I U. Let me think about that. Hmm. Oh yeah, there are. So all that being. we have a problem. We have a crisis. Good fight. And now, there's a lot more I'd like to share, but I think that gives you the flavor. The first was a generalized complaint that kind of defines the foundational legal argument. Brown versus board of education. You have to have confidence, you have to have equal protection. All ballots should be equally secure. All people should have a reasonable level, somewhat, kind of an equity of confidence, if you will. If you say an election is. Secure and transparent, then that means things are safe and secure and transparent in a verifiable way, and there is no security on millions of ballots mailed out in Oregon just willy-nilly out to the wind. There's no security on those ballots. They, they only have some level of security once they're delivered to the election office, and ironically, we are delivering. To a very small number of government biased government actors. Now it gets better. Obviously, we're getting under the skin of a lot of counties because unlike the 12 that were originally filed against, this new complaint now lists all 36 counties in Oregon. We're going statewide, baby. yep. We're eclipsing Carrie Lake on that one, but God bless her and I hope she has. Nope. We're going to every county and a county has now responded ironically, and you're gonna love this, I'm gonna read it to you. This is hot off the press. You cannot make this up. It says, To Steven j Jonas. It is from Douglas County it says here, we're hearing from people in Douglas County that the reason that you listed Douglas County in your complaint is because of the high fee that the election, clerk is charging. For, copies of the cast,, vote records. So in other words, copy of the ballots. if we could come to an agreement on this issue, would you be willing to drop the suit? Ah, I love it. You hear that? Good fight. You gotta laugh. Obviously people are nervous now if their election in Douglas County is on the up. I wonder why they would want to drop the case. Oh, that's right. In the new complaint is actual email quotes from the moron, Dan Loomis. He's the county election clerk who made the mistake without conferring with county Council of trying to suppress people's free speech rights. putting out counter-arguments in email out into the ether and forgetting that everything he says can and will end up in the lawsuit. It's a beautiful thing. Thank you. Douglas County. God bless you. Nope. It's just between you and I, Douglas County. It's not like there's thousands of good fight members out hearing. And getting ready to tell their friends all about it. So once again, I'm gonna round up there. Good fight man. It is crazy. In 2023 we are going from see crazy, you know, the good, crazy to the bat, whatever. Crazy. Into the K crazies, that's the Karen crazies and the nuclear Karen crazies. It won't stop. I'm not quitting. And by God, I'm asking all of you send this podcast out to everyone. You know, so that we can reach. More of our members and loved ones on the left and bring them back to, to grace. Love, self-control, and common sense. Until next time, good fight. This has been another exciting episode. I am your host, mark Thieman. That's Mark with a C. C stands for conservative and God bless.