The Good Fight

Ep. 28 - Balloon Fallout

Anthony Feist

M S. N B C declares Joe Biden the most successful president in US history. Meanwhile, balloon Fallout picks up following the State of the Union speech, and sadly, congressional Republicans. Fail to heed common sense advice on how to market their fiscal responsibility reform proposals. Yes, all this and more wrapped up in a pretty bow on the next episode of The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thieman. Stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, Marc Thieman. That's Marc with the c. C stands for Conservative, and I would like to start out with a humble apology. So many. Listeners to this wonderful podcast have reached out. It started on Thursday. Hey, where's the episode? And then Friday, Hey, it's been two days., I need my woke, man. I need my dose of weekly common sense. Then yesterday, oh man, did I hear it? I was attending the Clackamas County Republican, get together a little shindig to raise money. Awesome Republican party that has taken over K Clackamas County here in Oregon. A beautiful red county filled with wonderful red people. I'm telling you it was an awesome event. Yes. And many, in attendance were listeners to this podcast and I told them all the truth, the same truth. I'm now going to tell my entire good fight family. I was unbelievably inundated last. I was so busy, I didn't even know what day it was. And if you don't believe me, ask Mrs. Thieman. Mrs. Mark with a c I'm telling you. I was requiring several days of mental health recovery. You see, I made the mistake of tuning in to the State of the Union speech live. I do not recommend this moving forward, at least not until we have a real president back in the president's seat, you see? I have an affinity for the truth I am repulsed when people blatantly lie to me, especially people who lack common sense and intelligence. You know, like Joe Biden? Yes. He got up in front of both houses of Congress and he then wrangled in what was perhaps the most, shall we say, combative and polarizing state of the union. In US History and Democrats know this because you could kind of see the tension in the room. You know, you could hear the, right after the speech analysis. Most of the Democrat punts, see, they hadn't had time yet to say. Well, what are we gonna say? Because they were all poised to say Joe Biden was, was poignant. Joe Biden was on to point. Joe Biden just really brought it, man. It was like chasing the raccoon through the southern pines. Yes. That was what they were planning. What they didn't expect was the raucous response from the Republicans in particular. The 20, shall we say, good patriot Republicans, including Marjorie Taylor Green, who nobly wore what appears to be a fur-lined parka because. She knew that the reception in the house during the State of the Union speech would be, well, shall we say, somewhat chilling, and she was correct. So Joe Biden gets up and in my opinion, makes a complete mockery and fool of himself. But remember, good fight. We in the Good Fight family, we consume daily doses from our woke Bain coffee mugs. If you have yet to order your Woke Bain coffee mug, you can go to the in the Good and order yourself up that mind stealing cup. It transforms any liquid into a common sense elixir. That is 100%. As a remedy against nuclear care and crazy, which is what keeps coming week after week. Unbelievable. Now, as busy as I was last week, between. School choice stuff and all that work and the radio spots and the media recordings, and trying to do my regular job and running up and down the Willamette Valley, fixing Amazon vans because no one else wants to work. Yes. In the midst of all that crazy, I was as calm. As calm could be Why? Because When my anxiety would rise, I would simply gaze at my woke Bain coffee mug and I would be instantly carried away to a happy place knowing that common sense is my good friend. And I'm gonna roll some out here. Yes. The pundits at msnbc, it took'em over 24 hours to recover from the shall we say, raucous state of the Union speech. And then they started picking out pearls of Joe Biden, like the time he said. You guys are all going to cut. You're trying to cut soft security and then of course, that caused the Republicans to lose their minds because. They never said they were going to cut Social Security. Matter of fact, they don't even have a proposal to cut Social Security. There is a proposal from one congressperson, a senator as a matter of fact, who said that he would prefer replacing social security with something, shall we say, that is more reliable and, less of an economic drain on the American taxpayer. Something that allows each individual recipient to have more control over their benefits. See, this is the part that the Democrats never tell you, but it is a fascinating thing because when Joe Biden said, I think we're all gotta stand up for Arthur. Oh, we gotta stand up for seniors. And of course they, you know, no re no Republican or Democrats gonna not stand for seniors because seniors vote. But the beauty of it is, that slide of hand doesn't make Joe Biden smart. If anything, it makes him manipulative. You see, social security is the number one source of potential bankruptcy in the United States Federal budget, not because it's not right to take care of our seniors. On the contrary, it. But because it has lost all of its accountability and it promises benefits to young and old without any accountability from those individuals. In other words, because it's a pension system and I'm here to help good fight listeners, what do we tell our loved ones on the left? When they come in, they lose their mind and they go Nuclear, Karen, and they. I don't care. I'm gonna vote for Joe Biden, even though I think he's an idiot. Because he cares about changes. Yes. This is what you tell them. You say, well, social security is a pension system and it is not a retirement plan. It's not a retirement system, a pension system. That when you retire, you receive fixed benefits, which social security benefits are not fixed by the way you receive fixed benefits. For as long as you live. Now, that's great if you only live five years because you may never get your money back that you paid into it after your 35 year working career of paying into your pension. No, social security is a beautiful thing. We all pay into it, but all of us, because we're all living longer, we'll take much more from Social Security because it's a guaranteed entitlement. It's a pension program, okay? It's not an IRA or a retirement. Where you put money in and you get out what you put in, and then you gotta stretch those dollars for as long as thou might live. Nope. A pension system says you get the money no matter what. And if you're in the federal government, because they're trying to garner senior votes, they say they pass laws over the years to say, not only can you not cut social, but you don't even have to back it with real money and it automatically goes up based on the C P I index, which is the, basically the inflation index. So, so while the rest of the country has been struggling with inflation, social security recipients got an 8.6% raise the highest in the federal government. Now, I'm not saying that's bad, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to rip on seniors. On the contrary, social security is a promise that we've. And even though it's been, shall we say, radically screwed up mainly by Democrats, who passed policies trying to garner votes, kind of quasi dependency votes. We care, here you go, causing seniors to get checks in the mail that they never asked for but. Because they were conditioned by the left, and this is prior to woke Bain coffee mugs. By the way, prior to the only treatment out there known to be 100% effective against the mind numbing insanity of the woke left. Yes. They came out and said, Hey. Not only do you get these payments that you don't know where they come from and you haven't earned, but by God, if we miss one payment, we want you the recipients to raise Holy Living Hades, if you will, so knowing all this msn B. C. Kind of fixated on that social security gaff that, Joe Biden, cuz he got the Republicans to stand up and support seniors. Yes, they were supporting seniors, not unlimited, completely, unaccountable social security pension benefits for every American for all the rest of time. That is not what they were standing for. They were standing for senior. Because that's what you do. Because without seniors, there wouldn't be younger generations. Thank God for our seniors. They've worked their lives. They've earned every bit of what they get. But the problem is they have been promised things that are unsustainable and it's comparable to being lied to. It's kinda like lying by omission, I mean, you want to talk about gaslighting., he makes comments that were absolutely embarrassing to the country. he puts unity in his speech and then creates raucous disunity and mayhem only to come out later and to say, boy, I outsmarted those Republicans. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm thinking we in the good fight should. Sending through the Good Fight in the good, it's info, at in the good Yes. Email me things you would like me to include on a top 10 list of things we trust more than the words of Joe Biden. You see, I would trust things like, oh, I don't know, human rights initiatives drafted by the Chinese Communist Party. I would trust that more than Joe Biden. I would trust, holding an event. That was made secure by the security guards that were watching Jeff Epstein on the night of his murder in jail. Yes. I would rather have those guys guard me at an event because I have, shall we say, more trust in faith in them than I do something that comes out of Joe Biden's mouth. I mean, we're talking about a president who prior to the State of the Union speech got. When he was under massive fire because the Chinese had their high altitude spy balloon that they brought down. So it could be seen by the naked eye over US nuclear facilities in Montana. And only when it was published in local media did Joe Biden suddenly panic and say, oh wait, wait a minute, watch watching her for days not realizing what a stupid thing that was to say, oh, So you've been watching it for days, you know it's a Chinese spy balloon, and you're just letting it float over the continent, unchecked and not shot down. So things got up to a crescendo. See, it's where the, the cacophony of, of angry Americans got so loud that Joe Biden finally ordered it to be shot down, but only over a quote water. Why? So he could be super smart. You see, Joe Biden said, Well, I, when I heard about it, h h said Shoot it down on Wednesday. But the leaders at the Pentagon, they were worried that it might cost property damage. I mean, this thing had quite a payload. Ah, quite a payload. So what we did is we played a smarter game. We let it take all the pictures that wanted as. West and then east and then north and then south, and then eventually traversing the continental United States. And we waited until it was off the coast of South Carolina. And only then did we shoot it down? Yes, we shot it down. And did we do it economically? No. We used an F 22 Raptor with a side winder whatever, Ames. Nine missile. Each missile costing the taxpayer 280,000. Hey guys. Hey Joe. It's a flipping balloon, Joe. couldn't you just throw an attack at it? How about a bullet, Joe? They're a lot cheaper. I'm telling you. Did you know that there is a a gun on the F 22 rafter? Yeah. Oh yeah. I'm just saying you could have used the 20 millimeter. I think it's a 28 millimeter. Actually, I stand corrected. They could have used that gun that would shot a bullet that would cost a taxpayer$12, but. They had to really shoot it down, and because they used this big exploding missile, it blew the payload. Two pieces. Now listen, good fight. I'm here to help, but if you're gonna shoot down a giant balloon, I recommend poking holes in it so that all the gas, the helium and side said balloon leaks. And then it gently drops to the ground or into the ocean, depending you what, Hey, you choose. And guess what? You don't blow the payload into 20,000 pieces that there still haven't recovered. And my favorite is, well, we're being intelligent, we wait to tell. It got out over water. And then we shot it down and now we can't get all the pieces cause they're under. This is a true story, This is unbelievable. I'm telling you, it's like, the three stooges shoot down a weather balloon. You see, our president is completely and utterly incompetent, but this is way beyond the scope of msnbc. Yes, I will get to the punchline because despite all this craziness in which the president of his story is true, says on Wednesday, shoot down that mulloon and they don't shoot it down for almost another. Who's in charge? Who's running the country? If the commander in chief says, shoot something down. I would think he would get shot down. Who's running the military? I'm telling you it's not Joe Biden. We are in big trouble. Good fight, but don't lose hope. Sip on your woke bank coffee mug and keep up the good work. Now, msn b c, in order to engage in what they would call slight of hand, they came out and they fixated on Joe Biden getting the Republicans to stand for seniors. And then they declared him and I quote Joe Biden. Is the most successful president in US history. They then said, what a speech, Joe Biden has reduced the deficit more than any president in the last three decades, which is a boldface lie. Now let me help you. Good fight folks. This is what you tell your friends on the left who might believe this absolute moronic dribble. You see, here are the facts. Joe Biden, in his first two years as. Has done a triple whammy. Not only has he spent more money than any other president in the first two years of their term in US history, and I'm telling you we're talking about dang near 4 trillion in additional spending in two years between covid relief between the Reduce Inflation Act, which didn't reduce inflation, as you know, and his military rebuilding and his infrastructure. These things add up to a little over$4 trillion. Now it's kind of like, well, shall we say, well, in a, in a marriage? Okay, if you can still say that if, if marriage hasn't been canceled. Well, you know, in a lot of marriage relationships, there's a spender and a saver. So let's just say that the spender comes home and says, Hey, can you help me unload all of the bags out of the back of the car from my 14 hour shopping spree? You are not gonna believe all the money I saved today. You see, it's a mentality that says, had I paid retail price for all these items that I purchased, it would've cost me twice as much. But instead I got all of these items for half of what I would've paid. you know, in any marriage you're gonna have some of that. I mean, I've done that. I remember the time I came home with the tractor and, you know, I, I had to explain that I had to buy the tractor because, It was such a good deal and I told my, my wife, think of all the money I save by buying this tractor. And she didn't really seem to be very persuaded, and I think it was because she drinks woke Bain and, kind of exercises a thing. I believe it's called common sense. So here's the deal. What Joe Biden, the reason that he came out with this idio. is he got the, uh, congressional budget office to come up with some make belief stuff. He said, well, if we hadn't have passed the inflation reduction Act. Inflation would be even higher than it is now, which isn't true. Inflation would be just as high, actually probably lower than it is now. But because they passed the inflation reduction act and then snuck in a bunch of green energy projects, which are nothing but a waste of money, they actually. Made inflation more protracted and worse because they, they didn't take taxpayer money to pay for that. They printed it, and when you print more money, you create inflation, so Joe Biden flat out lied boldface to the American people, and here were his statistics Check it out, Mer. Yeah, for those who don't believe, check it out. Come on man. I believe Joe Biden said that was his, substantiation. Check it out. Well, Joe. Hey Joe. My mind has been steeled with woke Bain, Joe and I did check it out. And you are full of horse pucky, my friend. You see, he looked really weak because I believe the last week checked the Chinese or Chinese and they said as they looked to their book, the Art of War by Sun, Sue, and they said, wow, we had to like basically land the balloon on an interstate before the United States military did anything about it. And then once they discovered it after we brought it down so that any idiot could see it with a naked. Well, then they let it go wherever we wanted it to and we took all the pictures we wanted and then they had the gall to shoot it down. But that's only after the Patriots, you know, the ones with all the guns in America started screaming. So the Chinese are paying attention folks, and we are in big trouble. So it gets better. So what do the Chinese do? They send a whole pote perilla balloons following the State of the Union speech. But don't you, We are in good hands and by gum between the United States and Canada, we have shot them down. We've shot down two balloons in the last three days. Man, we're tough. And once again, we blew them to smithereens with an ames, Sidewinder, whatever, a mx, whatever they're calling it, missile these days. Basically we took a jet, we put a pilot. We loaded up with extremely expensive missiles and we used those missiles to pop a balloon, and now we're trying to piece back things together while telling the American people how smart we are. You see, we are so smart that we blew the thing to smithereens rather than shoot some bullets through it so that all the, gas leaks out of it, so it slowly and gently comes down and lands. So we could take a look at it with the least amount of damage you see, that would've made sense, but. No good fight. That is not bold enough. Not bold enough for Joe Biden. All right. I think, Joe Biden and Omar Koffi went to the same school of how to be both dumb and bold Now. Contrary to all the balloons that are falling from the sky. What has the military in the United States done? Well, they've now said, you know what? We think those Chinese are gonna keep sending these balloons. Yes. You see, they don't drink enough woke. Banin one. Any moron could have told them that the Chinese would do that. Why? Because of our weak response and inaction. But it gets even better. Joe Biden goes out and says, well, we don't want to have any conflict with China. We want to have strategic competi. Now. Good fight. You know what we want with China? We want conflict. We want economic warfare. That's what we want because we cannot rely on China in perpetuity anymore. they're not into globalism, they're into global domination. You have to call a spade a spade. It's the old adage. Yes. My grandfather always told me he was an old crotchety German guy. Grandpa Ed. He was quite a guy. Matter of fact, he was the kind of grandpa who would give you the what for and for some reason you appreciated every tongue lashing he gave you. Because the man oozed wisdom, I mean between telling the neighbor kids to get off his lawn and lecturing us grandkid. On how not to be a moron in this world, in this life. My grandfather was very wise and he said two things. He said, mark, never trust the Russians and watch out for the Chinese. And I said, grandpa, this is 1988. Why would we worry about the Chinese? He said, because they're communist. Man, grandpa Ed is a wise guy. It's too bad he's passed and left this earth. He's looking down right now shaking his head at Joe Biden going, man, I wish I'd never voted for those Democrat presidents, cuz my grandpa did vote for a couple Democrats. Why? Because he tried to vote for what he thought was the best person. Those days are long gone. God rest his soul. Soul. Unless you're a Chinese weather balloon and you cross into the US or Canadian airspace, by God, you can rest assure that ain't crap gonna happen to you because Joe Biden isn't gonna act. Now I'm glad we've declared war on balloon. I mean, they're kind of annoying. But all that aside, they have now designated a large swath of Lake Michigan. You see? I don't know about you guys, but when I look at a map of the United States, actually the whole continent of North America, there's these little blue dots kind of in the middle towards the east, up north or along the border of the US and Canada, and they're called the Great Lakes and they take up, I don't know, some tiny, tiny portion of the vastness of the great continent of North America, but by gum, the military saying we may need that airspace to drop a balloon when we shoot her damn to save lives, Look, our military is impotent. This is what happens when you're more worried about pronouns than you are about protecting the free world from all enemies foreign. In domestic. God help us. Which brings me to my third and final point. Good fight. Yes, my friends. The re congressional Republicans. did not respond very strongly to people like Ms. N B C who were out touting all week about how Joe Biden outsmarted the evil Republicans. So I am here to give our Republican friends the advice they need, and I'm gonna encourage every listener to this show to write to their Congress people and tell them. The truth. Send him a woke be coffee mug. That's what it's gonna take. So here's how this works, Republicans, when you're talking about fiscal responsibility, surrounding entitlement programs, things like welfare, things like Obamacare, things like social security, the first thing you wanna do is take a page from our friends on the left and you actually can use lefty tactics without lying. See, here's how this works. Republicans, you need just to propose. Shall we say strengthening Social Security Reform Act? That's a good one. I'm gonna repeat it. The Strengthening Social Security Reform Act, and in that act you talk about why it makes sense to raise the retirement age they just did in France from 62 and a half to 65 or 65 to 68, depending on what elderly category you want to be in. And what that does is it, it causes you to work a few extra years before you start claiming your social security, which makes it more affordable. Why? Because we have fewer and fewer people working. We have the lowest. Labor force participation, which by the way is why Joe Biden could count a record low unemployment level because he's not counting on the people who just go, I don't need to work. Uh, I don't need to work. You know? Okay. So this is what I'm talking about. We've created a massive disincentive to work. And fewer people working means fewer people paying into social security, fica, federal programs, you name it. And what that means is more people on the dole, more burden on the future of the Social Security program. Now, there are experts in the federal. Informing both Democrat and Republican senators and representative congresspeople about the dire situation. They are sounding the alarm, but the media won't cover it. And that is what's causing the Republicans to say, look, let's solve the problem. But Republicans, you've gotta do it the old fashioned way. And when I say the old fashioned way, it's because, you know, selfishness, lying in deceit. Well, those things are pretty old. And standing on your laurel, laying your reputation on the line, standing in the breach, right? Selflessly in telling the truth. Well, that's not very popular today. So here's how you do it while confusing those on the left. So step one, sip from your woke being coffee mug, and get that daily dose of 100% of common sense that you need. Number two, tell the truth, but do it with a catchy title. I'd like to introduce my proposal to save Social Security for all generations in all time. I am now introducing these strengthening Social Security Reform Act, and in that you put all the good stuff, you make all the sense in the world, and then when the Democrats come out to say, you can't do that, you say, why do you hate seniors? Hello you guys. Oh, Congress, Republicans do me a favor, figure this out. I'll send you an email in awoke main mug. It's gonna happen by next week, so good fight. Listen, we've got a lot on our plate and I'd like to round up by once again, encouraging every listener email info. In the Good and send me something that you trust more than Joe Biden. I'm going to compile this great list of wisdom that only can come from the steeled minds of the Good Fight family. we are gonna write a book, folks. That's what I'm telling you. We will read the top 10 list every week till we're out because there's a lot of things I trust more than Joe Biden. You know, it's kinda like, what was that? Uh, space Balls. By Mel Brooks and in it when Dark Helmet was fighting Lone Star, now you will know that evil will always triumphal for good because good is dumb. What I did not know is that Mel Brook. Is a genius. Good fight. If you've never seen that movie, don't show it to the kids, but check it out. There's a lot of funny stuff in there, but my favorite is the wisdom that Mel Brooks has bestowed to the entire country because, hello. good fight. We are the good fight and we're not dumb. God bless you. Good fight. I'm gonna end it there. Don't forget your woke Bain mugs. Don't forget to send in your top 10 things that you trust more than Joe Biden. If you only have one thing, send it in. We're gonna be compiling a, book of wisdom and we will disseminate said book and hopefully help our Republican colleagues in the federal government learn how to fight the good fight way. God bless. Amen. And God bless America. This has been another exciting episode of The Good Fight I've been your host, Marc Thieman. Marc with a c. C stands for conservative. Until next time.