The Good Fight

Ep. 29 - Economic Disaster Looming

Anthony Feist

Kerry Lake's election lawsuit is turned down by the Arizona Appellate Court. Meanwhile, Joe Biden makes a surprise visit to Kiev, Ukraine on the eve of a wave of economists back home giving grave warnings regarding the US debt. All these topics, and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, Marc Thielman. Stay with. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I am telling you good fight family. I am fired up and ready. You cannot make up what is going on. as it turns out the Biden administration is not. The American people. The truth. This misdirection is a fascinating thing that makes you wonder if any branch of our government is free to make, shall we say, constitutional and liberty based decisions without fear of reprisal or consequence. My answer, I don't think so. So let's get the good stuff out of the way. As predicted by yours, truly,, I had mentioned that Kerry Lake would not be treated well in the. State appellate court has she appealed her Maricopa County election lawsuit to the Arizona State Court of Appeals, You see, as predicted, the appellate court not only dragged out and extended the timeline for making their decision, but then without reasoning said, um, we're not picking this up. denied. And what's interesting is, they didn't deny it based on merits, what they basically said is, we're not touching this. Take it to the Arizona Supreme Court. Now, as I predicted her case will now go to the Arizona Supreme Court, who will decide whether they will or will not hear the case. I don't really want to bet a lot of money on. Which outcome will be. But remember, the system as it exists cannot handle a high profile election being overturned, and in my opinion, that is the outcome. But the Arizona Supreme Court will give theater that they're really, really looking into this and they are taking this situation very seriously and they will drag it out for as long as humanly possible, and then probably under the midst of tremendous pressure come out and say, we're not gonna hear it at all. Or if they do hear it, they will then find in favor of the, shall we say, status quo. Now, I know that sounds like bad news, especially coming from a warrior like. Look, the truth is the truth. As I said before, Kerry Lake's, Achilles's heel is being connected to the mighty and the very entertaining Donald Trump. yes. A very good president, a president that actually wanted to do right by the American people. And that is no longer the culture in our swamp governments, both state and federal. So that being what it is, the Trump Derangement syndrome will. Amplifying the pressure on the courts. But don't you worry, hope is not lost because right here in Oregon, the election integrity lawsuit filed, by Battleground Oregon, in which the lead plaintiff is yours truly, that continues to gain momentum in legs, in the court of public opinion, it is gaining ground. The original 12 counties, they immediately filed for dismissal and like, we gotta get this off the table. While behind the scenes, two counties contacted Battleground, shall we say, to see what could be done because there's some, you know, some interesting issues, then some behaviors of certain county clerks that ended up in the amended lawsuit. Well, that's a bit of a black eye for both Republican and Democrat, county commissions. It's a beautiful. So remember folks, a government is supposed to serve and work for the people. And our opportunity as voters, is to be allowed redress in the courts, the very redress that we have not been allowed largely by hook and by crook. So the fun part about all this is, we have a long, shall we say, war of attrition coming on, getting our voices heard as voters, but get heard they will. You have my word on that. And we'll provide some updates in the coming weeks and months as, the, Oregon election integrity suit works through its proceedings. It's a beautiful thing. Now, I guess the biggest. Somewhat of a surprise announcement is that Joe Biden actually got out of the White House somehow and he ended up in Kiev, Ukraine but the fun part about it is Biden then did a nice speech four days prior to the one year anniversary of the Russian invasion, the invasion that Joe Biden himself. Was negligent in addressing the very, invasion that could have been averted with a showing of strength and a little bit of application of skill, common sense, and reason none of which Joe Biden has and why? Because he does not use his woke main coffee mug. Yes, I know I say it every episode. And why miss another opportunity? Because, that's the solution, Joe. You put any liquid in it. Suddenly Hey, I think I'm making sense. My brain turned on. Hey, what are we doing in Ukraine? Yes, you could have done that, Joe, but you missed the boat. So Joe Biden did a big, long speech about how Putin really thought, man, see, he's still living off the energy of MSNBC saying, How he outsmarted Republicans during his State of the Union speech and made them stand for seniors? Well, Joe pulled the same tactic, except without, you know, opposition being present of course, cuz Putin and his cronies weren't there. But he basically created his own narrative saying, Mr. Evil Putin, he thought we'd be weak. He thought the West was disunified. Yes, and that's why we support Ukraine and we've opened up. To the Central Bank and to the world banks, and through the International Monetary Fund for Ukraine to fund its little war in hopes of defeating the evil Russians. Now good fight. Let me tell you what's really going on in Ukraine. I'm just gonna be really brash. This is the week for just being blunt. Ukraine is gonna lose the war. Ukraine cannot. win this war. The only way they could win the war is if the United States. and it's NATO allies join the war, which means we've gotta take our young people and our young talent and our future treasure in the form of good old fashioned American folks and send them to the meat grinder that the Russians have built. So let me give you an example. Joe Biden made it sound like the Russian army. Was incompetent, if you will, that it's too bureaucratic. It was not able to, to supply its troops. It lacked organization. Quality equipment. It was corrupt. Well, some of those things were true, but that was the Russian army that invaded Ukraine. And you see, remember the Russian army invaded Ukraine with orders to move slowly so the population could move out. Another smart move by the Russians. So let's go back and let's look at just some simple demographics, cuz I know what you're thinking. Mark, who side you want. Well, remember it's the Democrats and the Karen's driving Subarus like the three that passed me on the, interstate earlier this morning. Kinda was shocking. They had their Ukraine flags out and they were all. Middle-aged white women and by gum, they had their little Ukraine flag flapping out the window on one of the Subarus. And they were in a caravan coming up. Yes. Two from Oregon, one from California. I can only imagine. You know, they probably went to the same college together back in 1979. But here's the beauty of it. I'm not here to deride. Middle-aged white liberal women named Karen. Although it is fun and I have many jokes I'm here to say that Karens are people that want to be lied to, and if you're listening to the show, it's because you have a natural curiosity and you want to hear the truth. While I'm telling you the truth, Ukraine has 37 and a half million people before the war began, and the lowest birth rate in all of. Now within eight months of the Russian invasion, Ukraine lost 10 million people 9 million that went into Western Europe several hundred thousand of course, who were ending up here in the United States. And of course that created alarm in the Biden administration because apparently they only want non-white people immigrating. Across the border, however, they have been letting in Ukrainians in this country as well. And a matter of fact, right here in Oregon, there's this big push. Let Ukrainians come here and settle. Well, I think we should because just so everyone knows, Ukrainians that settle in the United States. They tend to be very productive people and they tend to be conservative. So I say Ukraine, come on in. Now the Ukrainians lost 10 million people in eight. So you figure a disproportionate amount were either non-military aged people or, and women and children, but in general, they lost about 250,000 fighting age men that, you know, hit the high road and got out of there while the getting was good. But it gets better. According to the mainstream American media, Ukraine has suffered a hundred thousand casualties. What they're not telling you is that those 100,000 casualties are actually the number of Ukrainian troops killed. Ukraine has suffered another 300 plus thousand wound. They're not telling you this now. You cannot win a war against a population in a country like the old Soviet Union, which is what Putin kind of, you know, kind of a aspires to, but Putin isn't an old Soviet, he's more of a paranoid Russian. Russians have a long history of being invaded by foreigners, and they like to have buffer states and buffer zones. Putin has been very consistent for the last 15 years saying, don't be adding any more countries to nato, because we take it as a sign of war that you're going to try to dismember, the Russian state further. And harm the Russian people. Well, Joe Biden then gets elected and what's the first thing he says? Russia's our greatest enemy. He then, does nothing while the Russians mass an invasion force to create that buffer zone in Ukraine. That is what that was about. Same thing in Georgia back in the nineties. And to some degree, in the Balkan states as well. same with the, annexation of Crimea, the illegal annexation that, President Barack Obama completely allowed to happen. And, he did it because he was weak, weak, and I'm gonna say it again, Karen Case, the Karens of the world don't understand weakness begets pain, and. So the real casualty rate in Ukraine, and this is very factual, is over 250,000 dead. I'm gonna say it again. Over 250,000, dead, nearly half a million wounded. Of those wounded, 40% are wounded to the degree that they will never see the battlefield again. At the same time, the Russians have kind of withdrawn and they, retreated back. They've created a defensible space and the last month and a. the lines have been somewhat stabilized, and what the media has not been reporting is the reason you're seeing, zelensky flying all over the world trying to garner support. What the Russians did is they retreated. And they took a lot of losses in that process. They drew the Ukrainians out, the Ukrainians fought very bravely, recovered a lot of territory, kind of got a false sense of, superiority in the sense that the Ukraine was like, Hey, we could actually win this war. No, you can't. Now the Russians then turned on their munitions factories and they started working around the sanctions. So they started selling oil backdoor to India and China to offset the damage that was done to the west through the sanctions and the destruction of the gas pipeline, the Nord Stream pipeline into Germany. Now, this is normal, folks. This is why sanctions are a tool, but they do not win wars, and they do not bring economies to their knees, at least not anytime soon or in a timely manner. So now the Chinese and Indians. Who sell the majority of their goods and exports to countries like the United States and Western Europe are then using that money to buy cheap subsidized oil out of Russia and providing Russia with some of the chips in, electronic components, in medicines, in particular in India, the antibiotics, battlefield medicines that they need in exchange for access to that sweet Russian crude, which tends to be of higher quality than a lot of the fracking based. so Russia has now created a workaround to the sanctions, and they have now taking that momentum and they have been running their, munitions factories, building guns, tanks, rifles, planes, you. they're running their factories 24 7. They've been doing so for months and they are setting up to do a major offensive in Ukraine. So in addition, they now have surrounded the Ukrainian border North and Belarus. East and south in Crimea, they've increased their combat strength, if you will, I should say their total strength, which includes combat, strength and support people to 758,000. Of that at least half are combat, so, so almost 400,000 troops combat. Now they're estimated to be a million to a million and a half in the next four. Poised and ready to go, which means you're going to have anywhere from half a million to 800,000, battle ready troops on the ground ready to, put the herd on Ukraine. But even more so, the Soviets have a reasonably sophisticated. Satellite system, they're going to use that system to identify targets and rather than doing the, uh, say it and spray it if you will, which is the type of, fighting they were doing, during their invasion, in their, shall we say, controlled retreat. now they're gonna coordinate their missiles, their air force, and their massive numbers of old-fashioned artillery, and they're going to create what is now common in modern day. And it's called the meat grinder, where they will literally use computers and satellites to target their munitions and their old analog guns. And they will literally destroy everything in their path. They will move cautiously, incrementally, and slowly, and they will eat up. Through attrition, what's left to the Ukrainian forces. Now, how bad is it in Ukraine, mark, because this obviously is not what we're being told. Mark, how dare you talk like this? Well, good fight. I'm here to tell you we wanna be ahead of the curve, especially if you have investments, which will be our final topic because we'll get to what's happening with US debt and dollars as this new Russian, Indian, Chinese, relat. And, also includes the Saudis in some of the OPEC countries as well, begins to take shape due to the absolute callous, ignorant negligence of Joe Biden in the West. But I want to cover a couple of things joe Biden's visit to Kiev is a sign that Ukraine is going to lose the war. He's there to shore up stuff. We aren't being told. why would he risk, you know, they had the air sirens going off after he was done with his speech in Kiev. You know? Now whether that was staged or real, who cares? My whole point. Joe Biden went there not to send a message to Putin. Like he said, he went there to try to keep everybody in NATO in line. Why? Because the Croatian military is losing their mind because they've been told that they have to give up their leopard tanks, their German bay leopard tanks. They're high. Quality, good tanks not as good as the M one Abrams, but they're very good tanks compared to what the Ukrainians are relying on right now. And they're, being told that they have to send a large portion of their tanks intact ASAP to Ukraine. Well, the Croatians finally came out and said, what are you talking about? We're we may need those when Russia takes over. and this is what started the, the massive push and leaks that are coming out. Because how do you explain Croatia saying, screw you, nato. Now Croatia's a NATO country and, and they're not the only ones. Poland is begrudgingly participating. But here's the other thing. Since these, perturbations started, Shall we say, putting cracks in the armor of nato? Because that kind of thinking is going to get. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, more people killed. See, Ukraine now is down to about 27 million people. They have the lowest birth rate, and they have a huge issue because a lot of people continue to pour outta the country, including fighting aged men. So what the Ukraine military is now doing is they're now doing what the Democrats want to do with voting. They're now conscripting, 16 year old boys. Into the Ukrainian military. Now, if everything was unicorns and rainbows, good fight, they wouldn't be under force. Conscripting young boys to shore up their beleaguered and deflated numbers. Ukraine has lost the war. and the only way it can be salvaged is World War iii. And here's the deal. That could be an option. I'm sure Joe Biden could probably use such a distraction. But it shows you just how incompetent and evil and amoral the Democrats are because World War III for. what can Russia provide to the United States and the Western Europeans that we don't already have? Let's see. Oil. Oh, no. We have the world's largest oil reserves here in the United States. okay. How about, metals, uh, mining, agriculture? No, we're more than competitives in mining and metals and natural. Hmm. Wow. Well, let's think about this. Um, what else could they provide for us? oh, nothing. So this is what I want folks to understand. If we're gonna go to World War iii, it ought to be for something other than breaking up the Russian regime and killing millions of people in the process. But it gets better. So if you do any inquiry, you look in the country of Germany, which in the 1980s and nineties was a solid NATO ally with a battle. Force of, of tanks and planes. But then the leftists took over in the late nineties and they've been in charge roughly ever since. Angela Merkel and a bunch of other moronic weak leaders. In Germany. there is only one battle division that they could muster. A battle division is roughly 10,000 troops. German military is only capable of fielding one division, I'm gonna say that again. One division. Now in a country of 80 million people, that's you can't make it up and it gets worse why? Because they relied on the United States and NATO to protect them. Forgetting that they're part of NATO But what about Poland? Look, Poland has about 300,000 battle ready troops. And they can sustain all out war with the resources Poland has and the munitions they have. Short of help from the United States, Poland could last. Ready? Dun, dun dun. Three weeks we are in deep, deep trouble folks. Now, is Russia gonna invade NATO countries? I don't think so. I don't think they want to. I think that this war has been painful enough for them. I do believe that in Russian culture and history, it's replete. With that belief, whether we agree with it or not, they like to have buffers because they're always being invaded. Well, I'm not saying Putin's the good guy, folks, but what I'm saying is if you think for one minute that the Ukrainians are gonna win the war, I'm here to tell you the, the opposite. And we, in the good fight, we'd like to land in. We like to be provocative, so being that what it is when the Russian offensive starts in the next few months, by the way, this whole situation was made worse by a very mild winner in Europe. That mild winter was great because people couldn't afford their heating bills. So there, there was a little bit of relief in that sense. But it's not great because it also allowed the Russians more time to build their defenses and to build their base of operations, solidify their control over the Ukrainian territory. They do control, and to let their munitions factories role while selling oil and getting all those deals to get around. Sanctions set up with the Chinese and the Indians, of which the United States has only limited ability. to interfere. Why? Because both those countries need oil. And where are they gonna get it? Because we're not producing it here in the United States. No, we're not. And again, if they buy from opec, they have to buy with the US dollar. But you see they're buying from Russia with their own currencies, which gives them some flexibility and gets them out of what they consider the tyranny of the US dollar, which is creating sounds of warning from. Because they are concerned that as these relationships continue, as the Saudis have signaled that they may withdraw from the OPEC rule, that oil producing nations must sell in the US dollar. Now why is that important? if oil, which runs the world, is sold only in dollars, then those dollars prop up the value of the US economy.. Well, the problem is, is if you start selling a large portion of the world's oil, on the open market based on random currency, that means fewer people are investing in US dollars. It's gonna threaten the integrity of the dollar, but made worse by the fact that economists are saying, look, All of the economic indicators, and I said this a while back on this show, normally we, there's three main issues. There's things like real estate, there's commodity prices, and then of course there's the stock and bond markets, right? all three of those sectors are kind of the main pillars. And usually, you know, you might have one or two, they're down, but another is actually strong. Well, now for the first time in many, many years, uh, we're talking since. Depression. We're now starting to see, devaluation of commodities, gold, silver devaluation in terms of investments like stock market, bond market, and an increased costs for borrowing money in the bond market. that's why banks, you know, with the raising of interest rates, banks are now charging more, et cetera. And then finally, nationwide on the whole. economists are looking at real estate prices beginning to flatten off and in some key areas beginning to drop in value, and that is the death nail as they're saying. They're giving us the warning. Now, don't panic. They're not saying it's going to all implode in the next 10 minutes, but what they are saying, Is that something needs to be done to change the pieces on the chess board as they currently exist, if you will. In other words, we have to start doing something different really quick to change these variables or. Long term, it's going to spell really, really bad news and hard news economically for the American people. So the way it works is very simple, you gotta remember that we're moving away from globalization, which is what we should be doing. but the problem is, there was pain moving into globalization, which we exported all our manufacturing to China and, and, Japan and Taiwan and among other countries, Mexico and others. Canada is another one., but we continued to be at the top of the heap. So instead of us producing goods in the United States, instead what we received to prop up the fact that we produce. in relation to what we consume was the strength of the world, reinvesting all of their gains. Chinese, industry, infrastructure, buildouts, et cetera. The Chinese would respond by taking their profits and investing them back in the US dollar. That's beginning. To be diverted. It's beginning to become politicized. It's starting to look like we're in the potential in which those dollars won't flow back to the United States, and we're gonna be in a world of hurt because we rely on China, Taiwan, Japan, and Mexico in particular, Brazil. For the raw supplies that drive, one, what industries left in this country, and two, our ability to create and maintain our lifestyles. So in other words, it's threatening the credit-based economy so what is the Biden administration doing? Good fight. Well, you would think that they would be sounding the alarm and working to get the war over in Ukraine ass. So that we don't have what's going to be the meat grinder chewing up hundreds of thousands of young men and women, on the battlefield for, nothing more than, more destabilization and more pain for the US and the future of the US economy in dollar. And you could include Western Europe with that. but instead we got Joe Biden out there declaring that NATO's more unified than ever, which is not true. We've got a court that won't allow us to take our country back by letting these trials like Kerry Lakes go through to trial. What are they worried about? If everything's on the up and up, let it go to trial. That's the best way to build confidence in a system. But we've gotta remember that we are being ruled by people who've made a career out of lying to us, and we Americans have been just too busy living our lives and trying to be good people. Well, that, that's okay, but that time is over, which is why you're listening to the Good Fight. Now I wanna make another plea because last week I said, Go to info at the Good fight and email me some juicy things that you trust more than Joe Biden. One of you sent a very funny, apparently this is a fad on YouTube. I did not know here. I thought I made it all up, but I stand corrected and there are some very humorous things. There are things that people trust more than Joe Biden that I don't even think. but I did hear a repeat that they would trust a drink made by Bill Cosby more than Joe Biden. That was on one of those YouTube videos and I got a kick out of that and here I thought I invented it. So, good fight. Keep your questions coming. a couple people wanted me to cover what's going on with the economy. Remember, goods and services are manufactured global. their profit made in those countries where things are manufactured, they then invest in US treasuries, which are considered a safe place to take their profits and get a little back, and then that props up. The US dollar oil, of course, internationally is dealt with on the dollar, which continues to profit the US dollar, and that has allowed. Liquidity money to maintain the lifestyle of most Americans in the American economy. on the whole, it's a good thing. However, unless we start not getting along, and once that happens, we are in trouble because we do want economic warfare with China, not strategic cooperation or competi. that is insane. it's best to rip off the bandaid and say, we are going to start investing in other safer nation states, if you will, like some African countries and other countries that have, ready and economically based labor forces That can make and manufacture consumer goods and those goods can be sent to the United States. That's smart. Not to mention we should be starting to relocate and repatriate some of those industries back to the main continental United States. In other words, we need to return to making iPhones in America. It's gonna take time, but it can be done, even Elon Musk has been sounding that alarm as he's learning that he can no longer rely on. to, supply his Teslas so even Elon Musk is starting to look at restructuring. his supply chain for SpaceX and Tesla, to safer countries like Taiwan, which the Chinese are beginning to threaten. But that will be for another episode. Listen, good fight. is there something that can be done between now and, late spring when the Russian advance begins in Ukraine? Yes. And that is, tell the truth. We can change the political forces that are, creating this nightmare. And we can save a lot of lives in the process. Zelensky, get to the bargaining table with the Russians. You're gonna have to make concessions if you want to keep your country and if you wanna save a lot of lives. And if you ever want to repatriate millions of your own people back to your country, I mean, it is a literal diaspora that's gone on 27 and a half million people. They cannot. Supply frontline military on a 1000 1200 mile wide front, like exists in Ukraine for much longer. You know, Finland experienced this in World War ii, the Russians sent 3 million troops into tiny little Finland. They had an even smaller population. Finland lost the war, and they had to do a negotiated piece, but because they fought hard and brave, They maintained the majority of their land holdings and maintained their national sovereignty. And right now that's the best Ukraine can hope for and short of World War III and NATO coming in to fight the Russians, which I think will be absolutely insane, especially since the Germans are weak. The poles are weak. I mean, taking the French to war is like bringing your ukulele to the campsite. I'm just being honest. Spain's Navy, I think we have more ships in the port of Portland than Spain has naval ships. Why? Because they have Grown their social programs at the expense of their militaries because they believed that Russia would never attack NATO and that they would be protected by the United States. Well, once again, the American people have been played the fool. So here's how this works. We have to collect our collateral. The nations of NATO owe the United States. They're fair share of the alliance. So they better be building some guns, cranking out some tanks, and they better be getting their populations into fighting ship shape as s a p because I got news for'em. no longer is America gonna be played, the fool, right now, if there was an election today, Donald Trump would. Which is shocking now they haven't factored in some of the others. But, the biggest candidate that Joe Biden is fearing is, Ron DeSantis. Because the early polling right now, as of today, shows that people more than half the country, which includes Democrats and Republicans, Don't trust Joe Biden. they don't support him. They don't believe in him. And, Joe Biden is very, very much being propped up by a favorable media and a media that lies to you and is owned by, activists, not truth seeking American individuals. Until next time, God bless you. And this has been another great episode of The Good Fight, and this has been your host Mark Thieman. That's Mark with asis. He stands for conservative. God bless.