The Good Fight

Ep. 30- Bombshell Racketeering Report Out of Arizona

Anthony Feist

President Joe Biden over promises and under delivers in Poland. Meanwhile, representative Marjorie Taylor Green triples down on her national divorce narrative and finally bombshell news coming out of Arizona. That exposes government corruption and election fraud, including money laundering that allegedly implicates the newly elected governor, Katie Hobbs. never boring my friends. All these topics and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, Marc Thielman. Please stay with. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, mark Thieman. Excited to be back for yet another round of insightful inquiry into the news. Yes, we want to go beyond news for this episode. I have SED from my woke Bain coffee mug. I have sealed my mind and uploaded several doses of common sense. Why? Because it's necessary. Because the news continues in its nuclear. Karen, crazy Mode 2023 is proving to be a banner year. Joe Biden he's out telling all of Western Europe That the United States stands steadfast behind Ukraine. As long as it takes. Now I'm amazed that Joe Biden was able to deliver these speeches. Why? Because when Joe Biden landed in Warsaw, Poland, after his great surprise visit to Kia of Ukraine, it was in the middle of the night. It was dark, it was rainy, it was slippery. And Joe Biden took one step, two step, and then the third step he slipped. Grabbed the railing and went flying down. I mean, sliding just like a bowling ball in the strike zone. And he took out four or five staffers at the bottom of Air Force One. It was a beautiful, beautiful site. Well, kudos to the Polish mainstream media because they literally had a headline that has been translated to say, welcome to Poland, Joe. Now, as I said last week, Joe Biden went over there because countries like Croatia. Romania turns out now, as well as, as more news has come out, countries that were formally part of the Soviet Union, they were like, hey, is it a good idea for us to give our tanks to Ukraine? Don't you think we might need them? So Joe Biden, flew over four days before the anniversary of the war. Because The tenuous bonds of NATO were beginning to fracture, and Joe Biden had to shore things up. And to give some tough talk to Vladimir Putin. And how did the Russians respond? Vladimir Putin pulled out of the nuclear arms treaty. I personally think the world's a lot safer, don't you? Good fight., what could go wrong so now that Putin has responded by building and testing new nukes, that puts more pressure on the United States. The sad reality is, is that we in the United States will have to. D mothball, our entire nuclear warhead industry, which most of it's been dismantled or it's been converted to either private use or to research. So, I'm sure we'll start hearing about it. Assuming the Russians follow through with testing of nuclear weapons. I don't see why they won't. I mean, after all, they've been attacked and maligned I don't know about you, good fight, but I'm thinking I'm gonna need two woke main coffee mugs, I mean Biden needs to go back and take a leadership refresher course I don't know who's working in the White House, but, isn't this the same Joe Biden who just yanked us out of Afghanistan after we had said we were gonna be there as long as it takes? I think we said that for 15 years, but it gets even better. Biden then in Poland says, you're Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia. So what he's saying is that no matter what happens, no matter how badly the Russians bloody the Ukrainians in the coming offensive, the United States will never let Ukraine be a victory for Russia. You know what I think is going on? I think that Joe Biden actually believes the woke nonsense you know, like, you can just immediately, instantly decide to change your gender so let's say the Russians take over 90 to 100% of. Joe Biden's saying that even in that circumstance, it will not be a victory for Russia. Joe Biden says, we have to be honest and clear-eyed. This is the guy who said that he never talked to his son about his son's business dealings when all the evidence shows that that's not true. but he said that we gotta be honest and clear-eyed about the current status of the battlefield. He then says there will continue to be hard and bitter days, victories and tragedies. So good fight. A tragedy is something absolutely horrible to someone or a group of people or a country that does not deserve it. So I think what Joe Biden was trying to say is, there will be victories and massive. Defeats setbacks might have been a nicer way of saying defeats. He knows that the Ukrainians are gonna get their backsides handed to them in holy bloody fashion. He knows that the United States has sent 2 million artillery shells to Ukraine. which is about 20% of the US strategic reserve of arms, Joe Biden has not ramped up the replacement of those munitions in the United States. The US factories are not running 24 7. It gets better. He then promised Ukraine long-range missile systems that the Pentagon said, Hey, Joe, first of all, those are complex. Second of all, we don't have assembly lines set up currently for those systems because we made a bunch of'em for ourselves and we planned on not shooting them all in the next 10 years. So we're gonna have to ramp those back up. And it'll take us about a year to do that. So So, you know, if I was President Selinsky of Ukraine, I would be very nervous right now. Official quote unquote air quote reason that Joe Biden went four days prior to the anniversary is he was gonna outsmart the Russians because, you know, I mean, the Russians might have anticipated that he might sneak. On the day of the anniversary of the invasion, a braver, thing to do would've been to show up on the anniversary because that would've sent a real message to Putin, hey, shoot me now, moving along, rep Marjorie Taylor Green is hated by the left. She's the one who wore that fur line park at the State of the Union, address, but Marjorie Taylor Green has said she believes that the United States. The red states and blue states should get a divorce and she has called it her National Divorce narrative. I mean, after all, I'm not a big fan of divorce. You know, I'm a divorce guy. I know what it's like. It's When you look at the fact that the Supreme Court following the US Civil War,, set a precedent that says secession is not constitutional. Once you're in, you can't get out. even though it was constitutional before, Marjorie Taylor Green is saying, red states have a right to defend their culture, defend their values, and now they're being invaded by Blue State people fleeing blue states because they can't live and they can't function, at least not without homeless people, you know, dropping needles on the sidewalk, et cetera. In the suburbs, such as in California, Oregon, and Washington in particular. Nope. She's saying, if you move into red states, Maybe those red states can decide that you don't get to vote for five years kind of a tribal thing, but the humor of it is, the left is losing their ever-loving mind. As a matter of fact, they're saying that Marjorie Taylor's Green's narrative, about divorce. is actually how she really thinks and feels, and this is the humor of it. Marjorie Taylor Green is a straight shooter. And like Trump, she likes to say sensational things, not unlike some of her other congressional colleagues like Andrea Ocasio-Cortez, aoc, yes. Or Ilhan Omar? Although she's been kicked off most her committees. She's a straight talker as well, especially when she's talking about hating Jewish people. You know, it's okay if Ilan Omar says horribly inflammatory things, but it's not okay if Marjorie Taylor Green says people have a right to divorce from crazy blue states in the union. Not only. Highlight some of the, shall we say, double standard of the left. But it also shows that conservatives can become the focus of mainstream media, I should say, conservative, leaders other than Trump. Can take over mainstream media from other people in the left, like Ilhan Omar, and be competitive in the world of free thinking ideas. So I want to give Marjorie Taylor Green some kudos. Personally, I don't think it's good for the country to split up just yet. That's my personal feeling. Why? Because we have so many loved ones on the left. Especially here in Oregon that we do love and care for, and they are coming over to our side at a steady pace, if you will. Yes. Maybe it's woke Bain, maybe, or maybe it's the common sense that woke Bain proliferates. Either way, we are slowly, steadily. Winning this culture war, speaking of culture, war, the final topic. This was breaking news, yesterday, and this came out of a hearing that was held on Thursday, but it was kind of snub by the mainstream. So naturally conservative pundits picked it up Liberty Daily, it's a conservative alternative to the Drudge Report kicked this out sent straight to me from my allies, who are affiliated with. The folks down in Arizona, Carrie Lake, mark Finchem, they were excited to get this out because now can be talked about because it's out in public. The Liberty Daily has an article and it says, installed Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, laundered cartel. through fake deeds and mortgages to rig elections, including her own. Now that is a good headline, there. I think that that pretty much sums it up. I guess my job's done. this is pretty raucous. It's pretty out there if you really think about it. I mean, If you think about Katie Hobbs, who was formerly the Secretary of State, who, you know, obviously is connected to the left powerful in Arizona and beyond, who is a mass proponent of an open border. speaks about community safety but doesn't do a thing about, human trafficking. At the Arizona border? Katie Hobbs has a little bit of splaining to do if this stuff is true. So let me give you a flavor of what's going on. the Arizona legislature, is majority Republicans. So the Republicans set up a hearing, they gave it like seven hours. They notified the Democrats 24 hours earlier, which is that's like trade craft for Democrats. They always surprise the Republicans with hearings and meetings, and then are very angry if the Republicans can't. calling them cowards. Well, apparently Arizona's cowards are members of the Democrat Party on the left because the Democratic members of the committee, declared that they will not be going to the meeting. Why? Because they weren't given enough notice. They weren't treated with respect. Ya ya. The humor of it is, a gal named Jacqueline Bri. She presented compelling testimony and evidence to the Arizona Joint Elections Committee on Thursday, and believe me, it is a humdinger. during the meeting, legislators considered a presentation by Jacqueline Bragger, which of true exposed, absolutely bombshell information regarding massive corruption and collusion between American Politic. Appointed government officials, so bureaucrats, And the son, oh God, I love it. The son cartels. Yes. The son cartels the money laundering and racketeering scheme allegedly uses fraudulent mortgage real estate transactions and insurance claims, in Maricopa County to hide money made through cartel human trafficking, drug trafficking, and bribery of elected officials. And to Rigg elections, intimidate or murder, those who threaten the operation, I mean, you know, this actually, if it's true, could explain a whole lot of Katie Hobbs' strange behaviors, especially the way she acts in a variety of settings when she's called to the carpet, or asked questions about a variety of, her decisions or, circumstances, shall we say, in, in her life. You know, like, where'd you get all this money? That kind of thing. But most importantly, when Katie Hobbs. took office in the governorship. On her first day, she announced that they would be removing the illegal containers that were set between the gaps in the Trump wall. By the former Governor Ducey and the Arizona State legislature. basically they were answering calls from the border patrol that worked in Arizona saying, you gotta do something. So they put up containers. Texas did similar things and they kind of, you know, short up their wall and guess what fewer people were getting through the border. I mean. Just think about that. Good fight I. It's almost like common sense. Makes sense. See if you have a hole in something and you patch that hole, it makes it harder for whatever it was leaking through to leak through. Now it gets better. It turns out. They would basically use database and, corrupt people in the real estate industry, law, corporate attorneys, and even university of Arizona was part of this, where they would create, shall we say, corrupted people who didn't have cred. And they would create fake degrees that would help the cartel continue to roll money through And then these officials would be rewarded through deliveries of cash through this racketeering scheme. ironically, the governor herself has 13 allegedly warranty mortgage deeds in her. Now, maybe she flips houses. I don't know. I mean, I don't know. A good fight. There's a, there's a lot, of questions we want to ask, and I'm gonna be fair and balanced and I will give you the left answer through the Arizona mirror's response in just a minute. But I want to give you the flavor of how this works because it kind of answers a lot of questions like, why would Katie Hobbs be in such a hurry to remove those containers on day one when the vast majority of poll Arizonans, including de. were happy those holes had been shored up. Why would she do that in spite of polling from her own party support base Well, I don't know. Maybe it's because she didn't want to get whacked murdered by the cartel. So it says here, the companies use real estate transactions such as real estate brokers, mortgage companies, tile and escrow companies, real estate inspection companies, service companies, you name it. two, create the chain of, custody, if you will, that would legitimize these fake warranty deeds and run them through the entire system. Stem stern. This also included houses that don't exist and, properties that were actually owned or had warranty de. taken out, processed and paid for multiple times. So some of these properties are kind of real, but the deals and the, transac. Are definitely fake. It says here, the US Attorney's Office in Illinois, Idaho, and in Indiana investigated the laundering of drug cartel monies through a complex series of single family home purchases in those particular states. By 2009, numerous real estate agents, escrow companies, and title insurers had been indicted, charged, and convicted of racketeering. Now, the reason that they included this in the report is, that the cartels were setting up these scams all over the country. However, there was one state where business was easy to deal with, and that was Arizona. So Arizona kind of became the capital of money laundering for the cartel. So it says here, the reason for this was we were asked to determine whether the monies from the sale of the properties had filtered, the properties purchased in. because when they were indicting people in, in those other states, cuz those states were actually concerned about it and followed through and and convicted people, it turns out that the main hub of money sourced back to Arizona specifically in Maricopa and Pima counties. We. these are the people making the allegation that several real estate agents convicted in Iowa had set up laundering systems in Arizona, and thereafter had transferred the proceeds of sales to Panamanian corporations. Now, this is pretty heavy stuff, and the reason I'm chuckling is duh. You know, none of this is new. these rumors have been going around just massively four years now. There's a guy who the left hates. His name is Mr. Taylor. It says In 2018, Mr. Taylor discovered incidental to a completely independent matter, a series of trust deeds evidencing that cash laundered through single family residences in Arizona was pervasive and ongoing. With that, a new investigation began to. On money laundered and related racketeering activities in Maricopa County, as well as several other Arizona. So in 2018, the Staler guy, he's got an inside source. it turns out that his now ex-wife was one of the participants in this racketeering. I'll just leave it at that. So I'm just kind of jumping ahead, but I wanted you to understand that that's his source. This is now ex-wife, who he doesn't like very much. and we'll hear all about it from the Arizona. They began investigating and they had over 120,000 documents that they have produced and compiled in a giant report. And it turns out that this entire report was given to the former Republican, Arizona governor Ducey, and Mr. Ducey did nothing. He did not deduce, in other words, he handed it to. the outgoing Attorney general, if you will, and he and the Attorney General did nothing, and this was back in May during the primaries. Quite interesting. Why? Because had they rolled that out, it would've indicted the sitting Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs, who was also running for governor and as Secretary of State constructing and setting up the election. By the way, statewide, I don't know. I mean, if you're gonna be a centralized person and have all the purse strings and controls, why don't you be the Secretary of State and run for governor and, launder money for the cartel. And then the cartel provides protection for this beautiful racketeering, staff, that includes election fraud. So here's all the lists of things that this team of people that, apparently had business dealings with Ms. Hobbs. They've evidenced multiple racketeering enterprises at states, which includes narcotic sales, money laundering, tax evasion, payroll theft, bankruptcy, fraud, life insurance, fraud, auto insurance, fraud, bribing of elected and appointed officials, and creating and modifying public record falsifying professional licenses. That's the part where I said they made up fake. And related credentials. Swatting, you know, where you, you take the government and the SWAT team, and you stick it on people who, who aren't towing the line, swatting those who pose a threat to these enterprises. And last but not least, election fraud. Now, I don't gonna go too much into the details it's fairly extensive. All I'm saying is it wouldn't be hard for any credible journalist to pick up a copy of this report. and sift through these documents. All of them are being made available now to the, committee in the Arizona legislature. if you already gave it to the governor and you already gave it to the Attorney General and they also dropped a copy last May of 2022 to the fbi, the same FBI that knew about Hunter Biden's laptop and is still doing nothing, it's not hard to believe that nothing was done. Americans America. We are in trouble. Good fight family. It's time to step up to the play because it's gonna take a whole lot of common sense to wash over this madness. And believe me, I have a feeling that most of this, if not all of it, might be real. And the reason I'm saying that is obviously I have some insight information talking to several of these people now. People who spend four or five, almost six years investigating this kind of stuff and going over 120,000 documents, you know, over four years. We're talking about 10 to 12 people. They have to be very focused and very motivated because life is kind of busy. And when you're talking about that much time, it's easy to get distracted. But apparently they stuck with it they have dropped the big one. Now is this all true? I'm not here to say it's all true, but what I'm saying is Yeah, most of it's probably true and, uh, it's pretty ju. we'll see what the mainstream media does with this information. Now, one more little juicy piece of detail, if you will, as you probably want to hear a little bit more about, Katie Hobbs. And who are these people that are supporting her that work with Katie Hobbs that implicate her in the election fraud piece? Cuz, you know, I'm a fan, of free and fair elections. Well, it says here, the city of Mesa is a racketeering organization as the term is defined in 18 usc Section 1961. To protect the enterprise, civil rights are systematically violated to preserve racketeering activities. This would explain a whole lot of the way election integrity cases have been handled and treated because. I don't know about you guys, but if racketeering is going on, it almost always implicates judges as well especially judges because, people still get arrested and you don't want judges ruling on things that could be a threat to the racketeering operation Anyway, it says here, fines and outrageous cash bonds are used to collect monies, which are then skimmed and redirected into the racketeering enterprises. The city of Mesa Police Department, gee, what a surprise is a private police department that is used to support and protect. Racketeering enterprises, hence the swatting, if you will. OP officers participating in this force are compensated. It says, now this is fascinating. They're compensated with monies paid through phony mortgage schemes and other related schemes. Officers operating within this private force systematically violate our fourth amendment rights by breaking and entering into private properties, wire tapping, computer hacking, cell phone hacking, and using related surveillance techniques. proper warrants, if you will. Officers also plant evidence and he exculpatory evidence. Multiple state agency databases have been infiltrated and hacked, thus allowing falsified documents to be uploaded. This thing just goes on and on. And it rolls all the way through to, yes, you guessed it. Bribing and backdoor deals and. Election fraud. It says here, bribes and infiltration were used to affect the outcome of the races during the November 3rd, 2020 election, including the outcome for the race for Maricopa County Recorder, and the outcome for the November 8, 22, 22 election race for governor, secretary of State and Attorney General. And those were the allegations being made in real time by Carrie Lake and Mark Finchem and others. It says, public officials who received bribes included multi-state office holders, state House and state Senate, local office holders. County supervisors. Oh, here we are. Judges. Here we go. Good fight. You know, you just follow that common sense. Judges in Maricopa County Superior Court. Judges of some city courts including two presiding judges, judges, assistance prosecutors within certain cities within Maricopa County. Prosecutors for Maricopa County peripheral legal specialists including attorneys approved mental healthcare provider. as in court appointed advisors and related specialists in the Superior Court of Maricopa County, and Pima County. At least 25% of the active judges have accepted bribes in exchange for protecting the racketeering activities. And they generally begin as an individual. Now, the way that this works is for the election fraud piece, there's two kind of, heavy duty attorney people. They were associated with Adrian Fontez, maricopa County Recorder's office has at least five appointments made by Adrian Fontez, our counter recorder. 2017 to 2021, who are phantoms non-existent individuals. Isn't it interesting that Fontis just won her election? Hmm. But prior to that, she was making these dirty phantom deals. Ah, that's fascinating. Further during the same period, the office has at least 15 individuals who appointments were falsified thereafter, kept hidden from the public. During the 2020 election cycle, the appointment documents for all have forged signatures, falsified clerical signatures, which means that the documents themselves are null in void. And it goes on and on. I don't want to go too long, when you look at the gravity of. The same group of people who are falsifying all these degrees and creating all these fake deeds and laundering all this money. Also have the ability to use and access the databases in elections. And that led to the discovery of 25,000 ballots says here. On October 26th, 2020, Thayer's team is the the guy who is investigating this. Discovered approximately 25,000 falsified ballots being held with a significant sum of cash in a private residence in Mesa, rented by a Donna Chavez. Yes, that's the gal. That's good friends with Katie Hobbs. So it says, the investigation election fraud is not limited to the state of Arizona. However, where Arizona's concerned, a plethora of individuals are implicated in the fraud, including elected and appointed officials. And as I've already mentioned, runback election services, which is the one that was supposed to. process the data information from the Secretary of State's office. It turns out that they are chief commander-in-chief in this scam and have received, shall we say, sizable payments from nefarious concerning sources. Now,, in my opinion, if this is. They're making Carrie Lake look pretty smart here. It leads to, a name of a particular individual that we suspect to be involved in these racketeering activities. We research their deeds of. Which are recorded with the Maricopa County recorders. So obviously county officials are involved in this and publicly available. If there is an unusual amount of deeds of trust for that individual. This is what they did to find some of these people. And if their deeds of trust are for the same or similar names or with multiple varying middle initials, we dig further. Guess what? In the case of Katherine Hobbs, Katie Hobbs,, in the report it's page 17 through 50 in the Thaler report, which I'm sure will be made public very soon. Jacqueline Share says I've shared with you 11 deeds of trust. Now, I don't know, was it 12, 13, 11? I don't have 11 deeds of trust. Now, there could be a perfectly logical explanation why Katie Hobbs and, Patrick T. Goodman, her husband or partner, if you will. have all these various deeds I mean, they certainly seem well to do. Now let's look how our friends on the left are covering this bombshell story. this is from the Arizona Mirror, which immediately responded. February 24th at 11:59 AM I mean, they were like quick because they knew this hearing was going on and they knew this stuff was hitting the press and they had to get out ahead of it. So what they want to do is they want to poison the well. it says here, she said, talking about Jacqueline, she said in her 20 February 23 presentation to a joint meeting in the House and Senate Elections Committees, that the bribery scheme also included election fraud in Maricopa County. Breger did not provide any evidence to back up her claims. Now, I don't know about you, but she reviewed a very lengthy report and in the report was all kinds of allegations. and evidence. Okay. So, uh, I don't know, but this is trade craft Left news here. So what they're trying to say is she's a crazy person. This woman's lost her mind. So they start attacking Brier and John Thaler, who is the Valley attorney guy who turns out is a little sweet on Rager that they're having a little dating, deal. I don't know. Maybe that happens if you work together for five years on something that's unbelievably bombshell news, groundbreaking like this, and you are doing it in a very thorough way. See? So they're saying, because Breaker is the boyfriend or the girlfriend, it depends on how she identifies of John Thaler. You shouldn't listen to her. Look, we can get into soap opera scandals all we want. I appreciate all that. And there could be some, you know, maybe that is a compromising relationship, but I think we should look at the facts in the allegations. That's why we drink Woke Bain. That's why we have common sense, and if we focus on the facts in the allegations, I think we'll get a lot farther than this. hyperbole straw man and character assassination. That you see in the left, it says here at one point Berger's presentation Republican Ken Bennett of Prescott told her that she had gone too far and Rogers added that Bragger needed to stay on the topic. Now, I don't know about you, but to me it all relates to elections. If the cartels are laundering money and compromising our elected officials and, facilitating the theft of elections, I think it's related, but fair enough. We'll accept that criticism. So Breger told the committee that Thaylor had delivered his findings about the alleged bribery to then Governor Doug Ducey right there. The, attorney General,, because Ducey gave it to the Attorney General. They did nothing, but it gets better. prior to this bombshell report being released in sections of it, Thaler had filed multiple lawsuits against his ex-wife. Again, his original source notice, ex-wife. I don't know why he's not married to her anymore. Maybe it's because he found out that, you know, his ex-wife was, uh, you know, Helping with human trafficking and the, uh, selling of children and slavery and stuff. Maybe he had a problem with that, but not according to the Arizona mirror. This is just proof that Thaylor is just a bitter ex-spouse. He's just bitter. Says here that, as well as multiple city Mesa officials in these suits that were filed prior and in those suits, he accused city officials of being involved in racketeering, taking bribes and election fraud. A judge. Now notice in the prior report, judges were implicated in this. It says here, a judge dismissed all the claims that Thaler made in the suits in the US District Court of Arizona, or according to the court documents. Gee, what a surprise. Um, I think our courts could be compromised. Now remember, in general, if you're a plaintiff in court and you file allegations, the judge is required and,, has a duty to assume that your allegations are true. what the, judge did to get out of this bad situation? Probably because there's some pretty upset people, aka the son cartel that might come knocking on the judge's door. So it says here, Mr. Thayer's. Weaves a delusional and fantastical narrative that does not comport with federal pleading standards. So what they're saying is, well, all this stuff may be true, but you're not comporting with our standards. So case dismissed several courts followed suit, obviously with that. But let me, let me highlight this. Let's take out a term. I don't know if anybody has listened to the crazy things that our friends on the left say, my favorite is we need to pay everyone a living. And what's wrong if more people choose not to work than work Well? I think the nation of Argentina has already explained to the world exactly why that's a problem. As, they have defaulted numerous times, and yet the World Bank keeps loaning the money and apparently that money comes from the United States. God help us. but somebody who has hard evidence that there's racketeering going on, know they're delusional. Why? Because they threaten. The established power system that everyone is profiting on including, human traffickers in the son cartel. So they then tried to mock by saying that the very representative Liz Harris, who invited BREGER to speak, is a QAN on supporter who has a website devoted to baseless 2020 fraud conspiracies. Well, here's the deal, everyone. You could call'em fraud, conspiracies all you want, they're not going away. And if there is a conspiracy that's unfounded government, the duty, is on the government to address the conspiracy, not the other way around, which is the way the current system is trying to handle this. Because if you don't address a conspiracy with credible countervailing evidence, the conspiracy will continue to fester and smolder and break out and thrive when the conditions are right, and that's what we're seeing now. Does that mean that people that believe 2020 election was stolen are conspiracy theorists? No. That just means the Arizona Mere wants them to be seen that way, but it gets better. It says here, quote, we're hearing a whole bunch of information about a whole bunch of illegal. When we're supposed to be talking about elections, Mr. Rep Bennett said it felt very disconnected from the meeting was supposed to be about. well, Republican rep Bennett, you know, I don't know about you, but if I was in charge of, investigating this, you would be on my list of potential new suspects because you're trying to devalue. the very, very unsettling racketeering information that also includes election fraud during an election fraud hearing, but it gets better. You see Mr. Bennett, two things can be true at once. There can be racketeering going on, and the same people doing the racketeering could also be participating in election fraud. This is just another example of why we don't have objective, curious truth-seeking journalists in mainstream media. All the Arizona me is, it's an apologetics organization for protecting the left. they're not even curious about the. That people are being sold into sex trafficking, and these people could care less about it. Why? Because they're person won. That's all that matters. Our people won. Anyway, it goes on and on. Now, the last one I wanna share, says, the House Democratic members of the Municipal Oversight Committee and Elections Committee will not attend today. This is the Democrats. We'll not attend Today's seven hour circus of debunked election conspiracies. The house Democrats said in a Feb 23 statement, we're given less than 24 hours notice. Can you believe it? I mean, that's what we do and we're in charge. But it's not okay when we're not in charge. Says here, we would've suggested that the committee instead examined the stunning report released Wednesday by Attorney General Chris Mays that showed an exhaustive detail how her Republican predecessor's attorneys spent 10,000 hours investigating claims of. in the 2020 election and found nothing. So the Democrats, they know the meeting's coming on Thursday. So then they release this quote report about Republican Attorney General Chris May's staff looking into 2020 election fraud issues and logging over 10,000 hours, et cetera. Now, they do this on purpose. Why? Because they know that a bombshell report is coming and they're trying to. Ahead of the things and they're trying to, shall we say poison the well, but it gets better. I want you to think about this good fight. Here's why I do what I do and I'm here to help. You did attorney General, Chris Mays, did he ever investigate racketeering, MA money laundering, cartel connections and their relationship to election? Well, I'm here to tell you cuz I already know the answer. The answer is no. Notice how this paper does slide a hand. All right? they don't even ask the right questions. A curious, paper reporter would be pursuing those questions let's say you wanna be biased, you could say, look, even though this stuff, I mean this is some bombshell stuff, this stuff's way out there. but if it's true, it's pretty substantial. So we're going to look. and we'll get to the bottom of it. And if it's all a bunch of hooey, we'll report on that. If it is true, that means that our elected officials are profiting off the suffering and the trafficking of human beings illegal narcotics and criminal activity. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that's worth a look. listen, I got a whole bunch more speaking events. I'm gonna be pushing this out and I will have a new update for you in the coming days. I have been your host, Marc Thieman. That's marked with a C. Until next time.