The Good Fight

Ep. 31- Bank Failures and Meatgrinder Offensive

Anthony Feist

Joe Biden declares Americans can rest for served that the Biden source from a safe while Ukraine takes heavy losses defending Bach moot as the Russians unleash the meat grinder. And finally, the Biden administration attempts to implement E S G for investors by executive order. All these topics and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, mark Thieman. Please stay with. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, mark Thalman. That's Mark with a C. C Stands for Conservative Good Fight family. I am so glad I took the time this morning to savor my coffee that came directly. From my woke Bain coffee mug. Yes, you can order yours too. I highly recommend it. I think woke Bain will save civilization. That's my opinion, but you need to test it and experience it for yourself. Words cannot describe it. It's kind of like the Jesus revolution. It's not something you can explain in words. It's something to be experienced, so encourage you to get those ordered up. Go to in the Good Go to the merch page and get those WBA mugs delivered asap. Now, our first topic of the day, and it's a juicy one, our president, Joe Biden, he did something catastrophic. He went to work literally, according to Jen Saki, his former press s. before nine o'clock yesterday. Yes. Yes. Slow clap. I am really, really proud and impressed by the dedication of this president. I mean, a guy who says, man, I'm gonna have to get to work before nine o'clock. This situation is serious. Yes, Jen Psaki was on some kind of liberal C n n Reg being interviewed. She, left the White House. Of course, she was the former press secretary. she, gave way to who is now the, uh, current press secretary. But she wanted the world to know that this s v b, this Silicon Valley Bank collapse situation is serious enough that Joe Biden a night owl, as she called him a night owl. This is a guy who literally goes to bed at seven o'clock after having his. but let's pretend that that's true, that he's a night owl, that he actually went to work before 9:00 AM. Why? To declare that Americans can rest assured that the banking system is safe. You know, I thought. What can I share with the Good Fight family? What can I remind them of? I remember studying in history, Jay Edgar Hoover saying Prosperity is right around the corner. I remember George Bush in 2007 as the. Mortgage backed, investment debacle occurred and the Lehman Brothers Bank and investment firm collapsed along with many others. You know, the greatest series of bank collapses since the Great Depression. I remember George Bush saying, well, Everybody just needs to keep spending. And prosperity will return shortly in two weeks. Yes. They seem to be stuck on two weeks, my friends. what does history show us? History shows us that when President of the United States gets up and says everything's fine, there's nothing to see here. That usually it means they're standing in front of a giant fireworks factory that has every beautiful firework ever created by man, self detonating by. Consuming fire, shooting up into the air while yelling. Go home, folks. There's nothing to see here. So. My job is to bring you the Good Fight family, the analysis you need, the facts you need so that you can spend some time talking to your loved ones on the left who might actually believe that because Joe Biden said Everything's fine. Everything's fine. So let me give you the background on the S V B. Silicon Valley Bank disaster. First and foremost, Silicon Valley Bank is the 16th largest bank in the United States. It has about 209 billion in assets. Now, that may seem like a lot, but compared to, uh, JP Morgan the Bank of America, each of those have anywhere from three to three and a half trillion dollars worth of, uh, varied assets and investments in government backed securities, et c. So when you, when you juxtapose it, this bank is quite small. And, according to the pundits, it fell outside of the stringent regulations that President Obama put on banks in 2008 to prevent bank collapses from ever happening again. Matter of fact, Joe Biden went out and wanted the American public to know that because of Trump relaxing, Those restrictions, those regulations, that Silicon Valley Bank, the Wokes Bank in America, by the way, a bank that lost sight of the purpose of a bank, which is to one, collect, deposits, generate revenue by providing credit. Making loans, especially loans in the commercial realm, which I will cover shortly. So Silicon Valley Bank apparently lost sight of that and they lost sight of it because they have a woke culture. And this is a bank full of woke executives. And when I say woke, what they did is they put things like workforce diversity ahead of good investment strategies. They put forth giving loans to people who were not necessarily. Adept at paying them back, if you will. Why? Because it fits some idiosyncratic goal of theirs to fund maybe a minority business or maybe hire people of foreign intent or non-citizens. They had a category in their bank for all of this, but it gets worse. it turns out that the Silicon Valley Bank collapse was predominantly self-inflicted. In other words, when it was compared over the. in terms of its risk asset portfolio, what to other banks in the United States, if you will, American Banks. It was clearly an outlier for high risk, and here's why. Because it's woke. Woke. Folks believed that the greatest investment, the best savior on earth, it's not Jesus. Or whatever higher power you may aspire to believe in. Nope. It is the government and as a result, They invested heavily in the government. So let me give you an example. A regulated bank that is regulated heavily like JP Morgan. Morgan Bank is a 3.5 trillion. And under federal regulations, in order to avoid any kind of, shall we say, a broken culture of higher risk taking among staff in the bank or executives on the bank or the board of the. what the government said was you have to have at least 60. Of your asset holdings within your bank have to be invested in, shall we say, smaller entities. So, residential, loans, small business, commercial loans. These kinds of loans tend to be things like, yes, mortgages, which people tend to do a better job of paying every month, but the most lucrative aspect is the commercial loan business. So let's say you have a small business, they might be doing a couple million dollars a year, maybe 5 million a year. They tend to stay with their banks. They tend to leave their money in the bank, and they tend to make daily and weekly deposits based on revenue in the business. In the. and the bank actually profits from that because those steady stream of, deposits coming from that business that's making money, provides credit for the bank to then loan and or invest in other things. So remember, when you put money in a bank, good fight, you are a creditor. You are the person loaning money to the bank. Now, in exchange, you get a little. And you get a federally insured safe place to put your money up to$250,000. Well, the problem with Silicon Valley Bank is Silicon Valley's a very wealthy place and a, it had a disproportionately high percentage of investors who had more than 250 K and instead of 60%. residential and commercial loan assets, small business, individual bank accounts, if you will., making up that 60%, with the other 40% being things like government securities or t-bills or treasuries or, commodity investments, which are, tend to be higher risk. So instead of 60%, what they would call good cash flow, good revenue generating safe, holdings. Silicon Valley Bank had dun, dun, dun. I'm gonna roll it out. Drum roll. Are you ready? 90% of its asset holdings were in government backed securities. In other words, they invested in the government. So these are things where they took fixed interest returns on treasury bills predominantly. So two year, three year, five year, 10 year in particular. That was the vast bulk of them. and they they bought these treasuries to get a fixed interest rate. Why? Because they're incredibly woke. Here's how this worked. Remember the Biden administration said inflation is transitory, and they have been putting tremendous pressure on the Fed to quit raising rates because according to Biden, all my policies, I'm. Joe Biden has gone out and really convinced a whole host of the American people that the economy is great, that, the job market is booming. that wage increase, although not what he wants, is keeping up with inflation, and inflation is beginning to wane. Now, there's some preliminary information that says inflation has slowed, but waning means heavy reversal. Slowing is different than waning, so once again, they've redefined terms in the economic world. Inflation is on the WA means that there is three consecutive. Quarters of inflation drop. And we have not necessarily seen that, at least not in all sectors. Like food continues to, to go up fairly sharply around 7%. Other sectors like gas and commodities, they've done a little better. Inflation has waned a little more, but it's declined slightly as the better term. So once again, when you go out and you. To the very people who are in charge of regulating and monitoring and managing the economy so that people like you and I don't get hosed when we go to buy eggs at the store. that tends to lead to things like bad investments in banks. So the real issue on Silicon Valley Bank, it's not so much the harborer of entire global financial collapse as it. The effects of woke ideology that manifests itself as the dominant culture within a bank. So the, the thing is, well, you say, well, mark, what's so bad about these, these, these fixed interest rate treasury bills? I mean, they're getting between three and four and a half, 4.8%. That's, that's a pretty good yield. Well, that's true. The problem is, if the federal government continues to rack up interest rates, okay, especially interest rates on short term loans like bonds, because when the inflation increases, It tends to drain the economy. And then you start to see, fluctuations in the bond market. So the government tries to do stimulus, which they've done, so they've inflated the currency, which tends to create. A negative effect on private investors buying government backed bonds like municipal bonds or T bills or treasury bills. So in order to do that, the federal government has to pay more in or offer more in interest rates. So if you've got your, your money locked in for 10 years, At 3%, but then the rate goes higher. You've technically lost money on those assets. Now, if you wait all 10 years, yes, you will get some gain and you can get those monies back. But remember, your money's locked up and that's fine, even though on paper you've lost. Up to 20% of your value at the current, exchange. that's fine as long as no one finds out that you are insolvent, that you've, you've invested 90% of all your 209 billion in these government backed assets, and you did it because you really believed that the Fed was gonna begin cutting rates. Now, had the Fed done that and cut rates, SVB would've looked like the golden. Because they would've had this massive portfolio of these TBIs, that would've paid out a higher interest rate over time versus the current rate, that new money can get by investing in the government. so again, it creates what they call a differential. And so 4% would look really good if they start cutting interest. To stimulate the economy and the government interest rate on bonds goes down to say, one and a half to 2%. SVB would look really good. In other words, their, their turnaround or their profit on investment would be huge. So again, they gambled because of their woke belief that government is the greatest investment government, which produces nothing. Government, which, takes a. government, which is, so inefficient that it is common vernacular in our American culture to not believe that the government is the best mechanism for most things. But it becomes the default place, if you will, because again, government picks up issues that are not profitable. You know, things like wars, funding those wars, uh, now there are industrial private complexes that benefit from those things, but in general, it's a drain on an economy. So that's kind of the government's role. So I hope this made sense. Again, too much investment in government backed securities. And by the way, agency backed mortgages, which is the new term for Mor mortgage backed securities. In other words, are they still doing that, giving out crappy mortgages having a bunch of people who take out those mortgages default and then they bundle those bad mortgages in with good ones and try to hide them to cover their loss. Are they still doing that? Yes. SV Bank, VB Bank had a higher than what? Regula regulatory agencies would've recommended portfolio of those as well as part of their 90%. And remember, a lot of these agency backed mortgages are government backed because the Obama administration, what Biden didn't tell you, had to give the weight of the government in order to get the housing industry working again. In 2008, they had to come in and say, we'll provide some, default security for you. So speaking of default, The F B I C, which is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, it receives payments every month from banks and banks pay into that. It's an insurance pool in the event of a bank run, just like in Silicon Valley Bank, where if you have 250,000 or less, You will not lose your money. And that's it. If you have more than that, you will only get certain percentage of your money on the dollar. So the way it works is Silicon Valley Bank went into default. There was a bank run. People were trying to get their money out. They didn't have the money, so they closed the bank. the federal government stepped in over the weekend, took over control of the. went through all the financials, called the president and said, we've got a problem. The president came out late Sunday night and early, early, before nine o'clock by the way, Monday morning and said everything's fine, and that the federal government would back 100% of depositors assets. So, once again, we don't call this a bailout, but it's a bailout. Well, first of all, the F D I C, is not supposed to pay for any more than 250,000. So the fact that Joe Biden's stepping in and telling the F D I C you're gonna cover a hundred percent shows you how bad and how unstable the banking world is. I'm gonna say it again. The fact that Joe Biden came out and said, we're gonna cover everybody's losses. And don't worry, Americans, none of this will be paid by the taxpayer. Another lie, and therefore, there's no accountability for the Wokes bank in America. Okay. I mean, at this rate, I'm wondering, just how many Silicon Valley bank executives or board members will actually lose their jobs? I, I have to question. I know the CEO just stepped down, but other than that, I won't hold my breath because see, what Joe Biden is essentially doing is he's so focused on avoiding, a significant banking crash, which, exists to create health in the. Instead, he's basically doing a covered up bailout based on insurance deposits that he says aren't paid for by the taxpayer. Well, let me tell you where the banks get the money to pay their payments into the F D I C. They do it by not paying you the depositor. A very high interest rate on your savings or your checking. I am gonna say it again. that crappy interest rate you get on your savings account, it's so negligible. None of us pay attention anymore. The reason it's so low is because they take your interest that otherwise you would earn and they pay it into this F D I C because they justify it by saying, well, they want their money secured, they've gotta have skin in the game. And again, this is, this is absolutely insane. It shows you the depth of which Joe Biden can lie. I hope all this makes sense because I want you to have the, the facts. Good fight. I want you to be able to talk to people about, the effects of woke culture in banking. It should not exist. Banks do not exist to expand the use of pronouns. Banks do not exist for the sole purpose of diversifying whatever banks do not exist for the sole purpose of, using force to divert. into some kind of outcome-based social justice experiment, which is what the Silicon Valley Bank was doing. Now it gets better. It turns out that the c e o of Silicon Valley Bank, the former one now that he sat on the F D I C board in San Francisco, yes. I don't know about you. I think there might be a conflict of interest there. It shows you that the very people who are doing the bailouts are the very people that cause the need for the bailout. America, we need to get fired up. This is our money. So when Joe Biden says There's not gonna blame one dime, one, one dime, I've tax payer dollars gonna, gonna gonna go. It's all comes from the fees that banks pay. Well, where do banks get the money to pay the fee from you, the depositor. And I would argue if you're a depositor, the vast majority of depositors are also taxpayers. Another slide of hand, another lie by this very disingenuous and incompetent president, but I've gone on a long time on that. But there was a lot to cover and I'm covering things that you're not seeing in the regular media, not even the conservative. And that's why you listen to this show because I'm here to give you the straight up facts. So again, do some research on your own banks. is there gonna be a whole series of bank runs? It's possible. I would argue SVB is kind of an outlier. Same with Signature Bank. The other one that closed over in New York, very similar, portfolio circumstance. A little healthier than Silicon Valley. But I think in general, if you're in a credit. credit unions tend to offer what they call money market accounts. I would make sure if you were concerned to try to move your savings into a money market savings account or move from a large bank into a credit union. the credit unions are, are set up differently and money markets, get you outside of the normal, standard, banking asset, investment system. So money market is where your money goes in and they make very short term loans to people who need money, and it tends to be lucrative, which is why you get a higher interest rate. It also tends to support a disproportionate number of small and medium sized businesses, which is why. I hold my savings in a credit union, in a money market account because I believe in the little guy because small business continues and medium sized businesses continue to be the backbone of this country. So that being said, that's something you can do if you are worried, but do your own research. I'm not giving financial advice. I'm saying, hey, Here's some information that I have found useful, that I have used to help shape some of my decisions regarding where I put my, my money, and what kind of savings account I put my money in. Moving on to the next one, which is the Biden administration attempt to implement the, environmental social governance for investors. So if you're not familiar with esg, what it is is it's an attempt by the. Communist Marxist left to, to bring their broken culture into what is supposed to be a investment world that has one purpose. And that one purpose. is to maximize returns for investors. Now, this is important that we don't mess with the culture of this because almost all Americans, a huge proportion of Americans have 401ks or some kind of pension or retirement account. Well, I've got a government pension. I don't have that 401k. I got a government pension. I got social. I'm good. Well, I got news for all of you. Even Social Security has an investment pool. The government is one of the largest investors and they invest in private things in real estate, et cetera. So all of us have a stake into not woke, aying, this culture. So what is Woke defying? The investment culture, which. Based, or as of 1974, as a result of the scandals of the unions of Jimmy Hoffa and all of the kind of financial malfeasance that was going on in America's Big Unions. The Congress passed a law that basically put in codified into law. This is the purpose of investment is to maximize returns to the investor, large and small alike. And that has been the rule ever since that you can't say, well, we're gonna take this money and we could make more over here, but we're gonna put it over here because we'll get some kickbacks from our buddies in this construction, on this construction investment. So that's what used to go. And then since then it was, no, you have to have a separation and, large money can be pooled into mutual funds in 401k. And the goal is for the companies or the banks managing those to maximize investment to the stakeholder, which precludes them from doing crony money or crony investments. And it's worked pretty well, as long as the government doesn't come along and screw it up, which it has as we know, when the government regulated, banks to say that it was racist not to loan to people if they were of color or if they were socioeconomically depressed and it was, against the law to require them to show proof of income before you gave them a mortgage. That's what was happening in the early two. And what it created was an increased number of bad mortgages, which collapsed the entire financial system and sent perturbations around the world. So as long as government doesn't do that, we'll be fine. But notice when government gets involved in what's called the banking market system or the investment market system. which includes banking. What we're seeing is that, that we, we get these big perturbations. Now, it doesn't mean that banks shouldn't be regulated. I'm not saying that. What it says is that the government should set boundaries and then be hands off culturally in those, industries. Because when they come in and say, well, we want you to act this way, we want you to drive investment that way, it's kind of like, you know, the Chevy Volt or the GMC Volt, I guess. That, uh, was supposed to be the great electric car in 2008 that nobody bought because the government forced it, forced GM to make it when there was no market for it. See, it's best to let market forces handle things because then they kind of do things naturally and you don't have to have this herky jerky government in intervention. So ESG is environmental. Governance in which the Biden administration, made an attempt, which has just been blocked, in, in federal court by a judge. So they're gonna have to roll back at least temporarily on it. to say that, four investment firms, especially those that receive and and handle any kind of government investment money, have to use e ESG as a investment tool. In other words, rather than taking that million dollars in investing it in something that's gonna generate 1.2 million, which means a$200,000 profit for investors. Instead they can say, you know, profit shouldn't be our. No, it should be about social justice. And so we're gonna invest it over here in homeless housing in Portland, we're gonna put 200 million in Portland, Oregon for, for affordable housing, for homeless. Now they're saying that, that we need to take private dollars that you've invested through your paying into your retirement accounts or your government retirement accounts, or your pension plan, and that the go, the federal government's now, Hey, investors start steering these investments away from things that maximize return and over to these social justice things that help grow our, our political agenda. Now, if this takes effect, which it already it's got its little tendrils woven into the industry already as they create more and more woke crazies coming out of investment colleges. But this is something we as, a good fight family need to push back on because It will be the thing that will absolutely collapse the financial system in the world. When profits don't get maximized, investments don't, get maximized and you take that culture and turn it away from maximizing returns to investors which allows the invisible market to shape. For example, it is the 1974, actions taken by Congress that helped create that culture that has caused more people. To be taken out of the chains of poverty and be uplifted out of poverty and into reasonably healthy,, middle class style living all over the world. We're talking about 2.8 billion people being lifted out of poverty since 1974. all because of this invisible market. That said, these are good things because once people get out of poverty, they start buying stuff. They get on eBay, they order up, new pair of shoes, and that creates jobs and opportunities and helps people consume all around the world. And it actually has created the need for the great recycling industries and things that the woke normally. So when we see that relationship being, attacked by a president on purpose, what it does is it ends up creating a collapse in that system, which people don't earn as much in retirement, which means they're gonna have to rely on guess who? The government for their sustenance in their older age, and I'm here to tell you the only people that benefit from ESG culture affecting investments are the uber rich and connected. because they won't be affected because their pet projects and their nonprofit projects and their housing and homelessness projects will get funded by, private investment because the culture will say it's a good thing, but they will not realize the kinds of profits or returns or results that actually benefit society and benefit the investor. So what has happened in history? Anytime the government gets involved in something that has been set up and allowed to operate invisibly on its own, uh, disaster, and that is what's looming. If the Biden administration, is successful at fully implementing E S G, we need to push back. You need to be aware, good fight, especially if you have a 401k and you need to take corrective action if, if possible. Now, I'm gonna get to the last topic and I'll spend just a very small amount of time. and the reason I keep bringing up Ukraine is because your government is lying to you, Joe Biden is lying to you. NATO is lying to you, and believe me, they know all about it. if you don't believe me, start watching some of these CNN, news coverage pieces on YouTube and then go back six to eight months and watch the cnn. News clips from six to eight months ago, and you will see what I'm talking about Now they're starting to talk about the thousands of lost a day and that how Bach moot, which is a big hotspot in the war right now. It's a little bit of a bulge where the Ukrainians kind of pushed into the Russian lines and things kind of hardened around Bach, moot in both armies dug in. But remember, the Russians have brought millions of Shells, artillery. Old-fashioned artillery, which they now have linked to their satellite coordinating systems. So where the Russian artillery before was more analog and less accurate. Suddenly it's becoming extremely accurate because it's being guided by, the guidance system, GPS system and targeting system that the Russians have through their satellites in space, which they've now upgraded so that they can integrate and co. Missiles, airplanes, artillery, and mortars. they weren't necessarily coordinating those things very well in their initial assault. but now they've set it up and they just dubbed the meat grinder. So you gotta remember, Ukraine's lost 10 million of its people and Joe Biden just hosed Ukraine over because on Sunday, Joe Biden announced, even though he fought it, that all of the, you know, almost a million or or 800,000 Ukrainians that have made their way, both legally and illegally to the United States as a result of the war can. If Joe Biden really cared about Ukraine, he'd be encouraging those folks and incentivizing them to move back and fight and win this war. Why? Because they're losing the equivalent of almost a battalion a day, which is about a thousand troops per day in Bach Mott. And remember, the Ukrainians don't have the population to sustain this war. They don't have the industrial infrastructure to compete with the Russians who are now backed by China. And the kind of support they're getting from NATO is at least a year in coming in terms of the long range missiles in some of the heavier duty tanks and things that that we've been promised. Why? Because. When, Croatia was ordered to, send their leopard tanks right away for Ukraine's use, they said, no, we're not gonna do that. And then the whole issue of tank armor came up because the United States in, in Germany use a type of armor that is top secret. and it's extremely effective at, saving lives inside the tank. and if that technology were to fall in the hands of the Russians, obviously they could replicate that and it would be bad. So they have to remanufacture leopard and Abrams tanks based on 1970s armor technology, which is still superior to what the Ukrainians are using today, but not as good. So it's gonna take at least a year to make that and ship that stuff. So Joe Biden not only is lying to the American people, he's lying to the Ukrainian people about their viability in this war. It is going to be a huge historic tragedy. what is about to befall this spring? on both sides of this, the Russian side and the Ukrainian side, but the one, the people who are gonna pay the biggest price will be, Ukraine proper and Ukrainians that have stayed in their country that haven't fled and, and are standing and fighting, they need to be told the truth. And they need to start looking at a negotiated settlement for this war of some kind. And I don't know what that's gonna look like, but if I was Ukraine, I'd be taking a defensive posture. I would have some very strategic offensive operations, and I would make sure that they were in a position to do the most damage to the Russians, as they slowly allow the Russians to advance while, taking them out. Um, strategically, it's, it's called a controlled retreat. That's, I think, the best chance that Ukraine will have. And I don't see that, cooking up. Matter of fact,, the Ukrainian government seems to be doing the opposite, and as I said in the last episode, they have now increased the rate at which they're impressing 16 year olds. They're now talking about 15 and a half. Are now military age and able to serve in the Ukrainian army. And I mean, it's kind of like, when fishermen started fishing down the food chain in the Caribbean and it collapsed the little fisheries in there. you know, you take out all the good big fish and then you go to the next fish that are there, and then the next ones are pretty soon you're down to the tiny tilopa, which, uh, none of us really like, but all of us have to eat because it's the only fish left in some of these fisheries in the Caribbean. That being what it is, a heavy topic today. Tons of information. Really enjoyed it. I want to thank you for tuning in. I'm gonna end it here. once again, I am your host, mark Thieman. That's Mark with the CC stands for Conservative. This has been another awesome episode of the Good Fight. Please spread the good word. And don't forget to order your woke Bain coffee mugs. Go to in the good and order one up today. Thank you and God bless. Until next time.