The Good Fight

Ep.32- Supply Chain Shortages, Banking Crises, Rank Choice Voting

Anthony Feist

Supply chain shortages multiply under the Biden administration. While treasury Secretary Janet Yellen declares loudly that the US banking system is sound. And finally, here at home, the Oregon legislature attempts to push rank choice voting onto unsuspecting citizen. All these topics and more on the next episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, mark Thieman. Please stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, mark Thieman. That's Mark with a C. C Stands for Conservative. Well, good fight. We have another week of exciting news. the freight train of Karen. Crazy. Potentially nuclear, Karen crazy continues, which is why I have steeled my mind through the consistent and daily use of my woke Bain coffee mug. If you do not have one, I highly recommend that you order yours today. Go to in the Good Fight. Website and you too can protect yourself from the insanity that I'm about to cover right now. First up, Breaking news. It turns out under the Biden administration. Supply chain shortages have been, shall we say, a thorn in the side. I'm sure many of you remember that early into the Biden administration, within his first six months, there was only, you know, five or six miles of ships lined up off the coast of la. I mean, hey, what's the problem? Right? I do recall the fact that dog food was in short supply. Not to mention all of the mysterious 400 plus fires that happened over a 16 month period in the first year and a half of the Biden administration. How strange food processing plants that caused all kinds of commodities like chicken, Turkey, beef, not only to go up in price, but be non-existent or hard to find in many locations here in this great. Called the United States of America. But I think the Topper, just walking down memory lane, doing a little remembering here, folks, I think it was when the baby formula shortage happened. I think that's when it really hit home. I mean, after all, what do we need to feed babies for? But apparently it was an important issue. I remember feeding formula to my children and it was downright handy and convenient. Well, all I know is the Biden administration acted aggressively and within eight months they had a potential solution that the private. Industry, if you will, that the private markets kind of solved on their own and probably would've solved it sooner. Had the Biden administration not interfered and threatened them with fines and, impugned them with investigation and, and sullied their name, if you will. Because after all, it was the government strict regulations, the increase in regulations that the Biden administration had implemented, that led to the shutdown of one of the largest baby formula factor. Here in these United States, a k a North America. So, good job, Joe. Now try not to worry folks, because this latest supply chain shortage. I mean, what could go wrong? It's only a massive. Supply shortage of things like antibiotics, and even more importantly, life-saving cancer treatment, methotrexate, and many, many other life-saving drugs used in chemotherapy, what was the Biden administration's response when The press secretary well, she was confronted by a reporter who she was very annoyed by. You see, this reporter is doing something that is absolutely unacceptable. She's asking real questions about important issues. In pursuit of the truth. I know it's shocking, I, I don't think that's happened since what, 2004? I thought it was banned or canceled, but she did it. And she said, Hey, what about these cancer drugs shortages? What are you doing? This is a huge problem. People are going to die. Ms. Pierre, she says, you know, you've asked a lot of these questions in the past about supply chain shortages and we're gonna move on. You see, good fight. This is why you listen to this show you know that that question was asked in a White House press briefing, but there has been almost no mainstream media coverage of this issue. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I know people who rely on these medicines to survive. You know, it's kind of similar to, the private Pfizers of the world charging 8 billion for life-saving insulin when it costs them whole$6 a vial to make, this the mojo of what I'm talking about. We have a very callous and we have a very crony. Presidential administration I mean, I don't think you could be more callous than that. most people would say good leadership involves getting out ahead of issues turns out that the Biden administration has been hearing these warnings cries for the last eight months. Eight months, I'm gonna say it again, the last eight months. People in the medical industry and the medical supply industry have been sounding the alarm to the Biden White House saying We need to do all we can to make sure we can increase the manufacturer and the source of these medicines, and we need to onshore them back to the United States. This is really critical, especially as things heat up and, China and Russia now. Since they've become good buddies, that there is a critical supply shortage for ingredients. Even India, which is the world's largest producer of antibiotics, is having trouble getting base, chemicals, if you will, cuz a lot of'em are sourced globally on the global market, mainly just in China. So here's another reason why the China Friendly Biden administration is going to. Good, hardworking, honest Americans kill. Now I don't wanna be too glu. But it's important that we as good citizens, members of the good fight family, and try to sound the alarm, especially to our loved ones on the left who will probably say, orange man, bad and put their head in the sand. But that's why we're here. See, we can wait'em out. The next great topic coming out of the Biden administration that I am a little bit concerned about, we, in the good Fight family, were ahead of the curve yet again. Why? Because we are right 99.8% of the time. So in a prior episode, I had said, What we're facing with these bank collapses, like Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic I talked about that what made this thing so concerning was one that the banks that fell out into the highest risk categories like SVB was an outlier. And so it would be those types of banks that are outliers that would most likely be the first to fail. And guess what? That is what's happening. The problem is now that we're going out on these farther outlying high risk banks, that gambled wrong on the Fed, lowering interest rates, that would be First Republic in Silicon Valley Bank, but. The, circle is tightening, if you will, on the bank. So we've had several other medium sized bank failures and credit defaults. I think the most important one to be aware of is, credit Swiss Bank, which the large banks, things like JP Morgan and a Bank of America and many others, Wells Fargo, they've all now jumped on the bandwagon and they decided to create a$30 billion liquid liquidity fund to bail out several banks, including Credit Suisse, in part. So what happens is, is when people go to take their money out of banks, banks don't have cash, and that means they have to give the cash back. They only have a certain amount of liquid cash, but if too many people come and ask for their money back, Then the bank has to sell assets like government treasuries, but they have to do them early, and if interest rates continue to hike up higher than when they originally bought the bonds, the bank actually loses money. They have to pay the margin, if you will, it creates, bank default, which creates panic, which creates a run on the bank. So in order to avoid all that, in order for there to be confidence, now that's a key word. We're gonna come back to that later in the show. Confidence, if you will, in order to assure confidence in the banking system. Joe Biden. Janet Yellen and the Fed, they all stepped in to basically say, we're gonna pay everybody back even if you were uninsured. And it's not a bailout. in a statement from the White House, this administration and President Joe Biden insists that the recent actions taken to stabilize banks does not constitute a bailout. you know, when I used to sail my sailboat as a kid, you know, I used to love going out in the high wind and you tip the boat over and then you let a little lake water kinda wash in. Or if you were out in a rough sea in that little tiny sailboat, a lot of times it would take on water because the waves were bigger than the side of the boat. And so it was a lot of fun you would be sailing with one hand and bailing with a coffee can in another, and that's called a bailout. If you don't have enough float in the boat, you have to pump water out. Well, in a bank, if you've got too much money leaving okay, too much money leaving you, you have to pump money in. It's kind of the opposite of a boat bailout. It's like, it's like the opposite. So in this case, what they're saying is, Joe Biden stepping in to guarantee all deposits and to take the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission, which is one of the, shall we say, affiliates of the government. And using that money to completely 100% bailout all depositors in Silicon Valley. he says that's not a bailout, except that it is a bailout because remember, in order to bail out a bank, you have to pump money in. Because all the money is going out, so you have to pump money in. so once again, the Biden administration is trying to mince terms and words. So in order to stem the bleeding from this statement, which caused a lot of financial experts to say, actually Joe, it's kind of a bail. Janet Yellen took to the streets? Yes. In the last three days, she has been on a whirlwind tour. She is the treasury secretary and she has officially declared that the US banking system is completely sound and the situation has stabilized and it's stabilized because of the brilliant actions. This is the brilliant actions of this administration. And they have created now what's called the Bank Term Funding Program. Now, you're gonna love this one, folks, because remember, in order for a bank to be bailed out, you have to pump someone else's money into the bank. So what they've created, the Biden administration literally over the weekend is the bank term funding program. Now what's that mean? It's kinda like term life insurance. You see, term life insurance isn't insurance for as long as you live. It's insurance for as many years as you buy the insurance plan, the term of the insurance plan. So it could be a 20 year term. So after 20 years, if you live that long, you're no longer insured by that. Well, that's what this is. So what they're saying is we, the government, the Fed, if you will, we will guarantee the printing of your money. Good fight. Your taxpayer dollars will be printed out of thin air and the government will loan it to any failing bank in copious amounts, around 30 billion plus, if you will. And we will charge, you know, like 0.15. Interest for a 20 year term. Now this for you, the taxpayer, is a really lousy deal, but you gotta think about the short term focus of the Biden administration, their number one concern right now. Is to avoid an economic recession or collapse prior to the 2024 election. Now, you would think if they were gonna do that, they'd be pumping more oil, bringing down gas prices, giving people an opportunity to have more of their own money, that they would be deregulating strategically so that American business could grow. They would incentivize the repatriation of money. They would, re-up all the Trump tariffs on. And they would begin to onshore a lot of our base,, supply chain industries back here to the good old US of a including. Massive increase in our ability to produce, you know, silicon computer chips and all the good things that we're gonna need that currently we're kind of reliant upon Taiwan and China, which if we know, if Taiwan and China go at it, it could be tough getting your car, uh, computer repaired. So that being what it is, What is the criticism that I have for Ms. Yellen? Well, Ms. Yellen is lying to you, and that means to us here. She is saying that everything's sound, everything's fine. We've got this bank term funding program for any new banks like credit suites that might shore up by the way, the bank term funding program was a response to the big banks rolling out$30 billion kind of as a fund to give to any other, their small, little medium size brethren that might need liquidity like credit sus. The problem was, the banking world investors still pulled their money from. Stocks like Credit Suisse and many, many other banks, they just went into the toilet. We're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars that evaporated and invested money in banks. So the federal government had to do something. So they created the bank term funding program, which is basically the same thing that the private large banks were producing, except it has no limit. So if you need 300 billion, no problem, 600 billion. Sure. No. You pay us back in 20 years of 0.1 pipe percent interest while inflation goes up at 6%. It's a massive losing money again. But, but hey, we get what we want in the short run, and that is we can avert a banking collapse, if you will. Now, here's the good news. It shows you that there's a large portion of the United States, of the American people that are really starting to wake up and figure this out because something historic really did happen as a result of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse. And as a result of Janet Yellen and Joe Biden's response, et cetera, the federal government's. Two said banking collapse, and the further subsequent banking collapses that have followed and will follow in the coming days and weeks. See what it did is 16%. It turns out 16%. That's 16 out of a hundred bank account holders since the Silicon Valley Bank collapse. Have either moved a large portion of, so some of, or all 10% of that 16% moved all of their money out of large globalized banks. It's amazing because it's kind of like people voting with their feet when they're living around, you know, too much inner city decay and poverty and homelessness and crime. And they say, you know what? I'm gonna move to the suburbs so that I can park my car and still have my radio in it the next morning. You know, little decisions like that. But what's really cool about this is the federal government is paying close attention. Now, I don't know about you guys, but one of the things the federal government did in response to this quiet moving of assets, because the banks naturally sounded the alarm. Is they then rolled out their digital currency test and they're basically signaling that if this continues, if individual Americans continue to move their liquidity out of the large corporatized, government owned banks, if you will then buy gum. We'll get rid of cash and force everybody to buy everything with a debit card that way in a whose account we can shut off at any moment. And if we think you bought too much gas, buy gum, you can no longer use your card to buy fuel. No. No more fuel for you. So this is coming folks. So you can see that the Biden administration is in a free for all and they're whirling and spinning and they do what they always do. They move to threat and they call for congress to pass sweeping, harsh regulations on every bank under the sun. But it gets. Not just large banks. They want Congress now to regulate all banks. Yes. Elizabeth Warren, Pocahontas. She came out, to say,, the only bank that should be allowed is the government should be the only bank slow clap way to go. Pocahontas. There's nothing like the government taking control of, banking. I'm sure that it would lead to great prosperity and it would drive us far from tyranny. Now, I mean, after all, what does Elizabeth Warren do? Every time there's a crisis about anything, the government should take it over. Hey, Elizabeth Warren, what's your solution to problem a government? What's your solution to problem Z? Yes, the government, but both Elizabeth Warren and Janet Yellen and Joe Biden have something in common. They're both very averse to talking about what's really going on and what the real problems are, and therefore potentially solving those real problems. So here's the real issue facing the US banking system that is contrary to what Janet Yellen said. She said that this current banking crisis is nothing like what happened in two. Now she said in 2008 it was a lot of mortgage backed securities, which are a bunch of private mortgages bundled together. And of course we know that that led to the great financial collapse in 2008, which created the Great Recession under, George Bush and Barack Obama. However, what Janet Yellen is not telling you is that unlike 2008, the situation that we are facing today is not only historic, it's worse than anything we've ever faced, ever before in the history of this great country. Not even during the Great Depression, did we have all of these major four pillar factors? In, shall we say, a bad spot? So I'm gonna review it for you so that you can have awesome, intelligent conversations. You can look to your friends on the left and say, well, what do you think the solution to the, impending US debt crisis ought to be? Well, what have I, John Biden, I'm gonna say what? Ah, the interest on the debt, that's not nothing to worry about. That's only 500 billion. It's only 500 billion folks, you know. We spend 700 billion on the military, so I guess if the payments are only 500 billion, yeah. it's a drop in the well at a 6.8 trillion budget. But here's the issue we have looming, massive, and only continuing to grow due to programs like the bank term funding program. And Joe Biden guaranteeing all deposits regardless of what the law says on the 250,000 or less, which is what the law ensures. It's basically spend, spend, spend, and it is creating a huge debt crisis as it floods. liquidity, into the economy. We are facing a historically high debt crisis. More than double what we were facing in terms of our debt in by comparison in 2008. Number two, we. Our looking at real estate for the first time since 2009. Real estate prices on the average across the country here in the United States for the first time in like a hundred and some odd months. of straight nationwide increase in the value of real estate nationwide for the first time in over 12 plus years. Those valuations as of February. Are now in the decline. This is a catastrophic problem. What it means is we're at the very top of the real estate boom or land valuation boom. And it doesn't mean that every area of the United States is on the decline. What it means is on the hole. It's a real harbinger of what's to come. So anytime you have a high debt, And then you have devaluation of real estate that's going to stress things like the good full faith and credit of the United States government because the government owns a lot of property. And when that property becomes worth less, then guess what? It loses its valuation on its asset side, which is then used and factored into pricing up the power of the global dollar. That's number two. Number three, we have stubborn and continuing inflation. Yes, inflation basically holding steady at six to 7%. As matter of fact, it's continuing to flat line and get worse. So we have high inflation. A devaluation in real estate industry for the first time in plus 12 years, we have a record government debt crisis. And we add to that the fourth pillar. Yes, we have a declining and failing asset market. So stock market and bond market. Yes, because why the Federal Reserve. Went ahead last week and raised interest rates yet again. I mean, how dare they? So they're trying to stop that inflation problem, which causes you and I all to be able to buy less with the same amount of money at the same time. it's causing destabilization, not just in the banking market because banks own a lot of these things, stocks and bonds. So, so we have a failing stock and bond. And then you add to that the quadruple pento whammy that just happened over the weekend. Yes. Our good friend President G of China is now besties with Vladimir Putin and they are now forming a pact between Saudi Arabia, Brazil. Iran, Russia and China. Yep. They're all getting together on that beautiful oil market, and they're all gonna start buying and selling resources to each other outside of the US dollar at least potentially. And this is a bad deal. If you ever wanted to institute economic warfare on the west. Joe Biden due to his fanatical Ukraine policy, if you will, What it's done is it's now driven Russia and China into each other's arms. You've heard the term brothers in arms. Well, this is a very different meaning. Good. Yes. Cover the kids' ears. Yep. And Putin, we're giving each other bro hugs, if you will. We are in a global economic, shall we say, reshuffle that is far and away different than the great reset agenda. Yes. What we could potentially be facing with this is the. Decline of the US dollar to the point where the US dollar is no longer the mainstay tender of the world. And this could be a very bad harbor here. So what's the good news? Where's the nugget in this mark? Well, the nugget is, it hasn't happened yet, and we're gonna need to have some very, very aggressive leadership instead all Biden is doing is continuing to send a little bit of arms to Ukraine while Ukrainians are being slaughtered wholesale by the Russian meat grinder as, no, they're not winning as they are losing the war. I guarantee it. It's just a war of attrition and it is gonna be awful. They were losing a thousand soldiers a day in Ukraine last week, and those numbers continue to be the same in Bach, moot, and it's like World War I, you know, you lose a thousand soldiers and you get. Two square yards of dirt that you, uh, took from the Russians. It's just shameful. It's truly shameful. So things are gonna be heating up on the west side in Ukraine. the Europeans are completely, they're just complete military invalids, no offense, but Germany and France, they are not going to be able to, help bulworth, if you will, Western Europe from a Chinese, Russian onslaught, so all that being. How do we cap this off? What's the icing on the cake you ask? Well, good fight. Here it is, the Oregon legislature here in little Oregon. State of Oregon. Yes, yours truly was summoned. The alarm was sounded that there was this bill called HB 2004, currently over in the Oregon State House of Representatives, it had suddenly been pulled out of committee short notice, giving a very short notice hearing and. Thank God the good patriots were paying attention. So they had a hearing on the 16th, and so many people showed up in opposition as well as support, but opposition that they decided to have a second hearing. And why did they do that? Not because there were so many citizens that were not able to speak at the first hearing, but because Mr. Senator Goldman, who's one of the most. Horses, petts I've ever known or worked with in the Oregon legislature. Yep. He was unable to testify on the 16th, so Wow. If that's the case, we've got to have, we have got to have another hearing, so I was summoned in for the second hearing. I showed up in person. And what was really fun was as I was, getting ready, I was listening to all the fear among the supporters of this ranked choice voting bill. Yes, HB 2004 is a ranked choice voting. And what is that? That is where if you have, let's say you're in a primary and there's five Republicans running for governor. Well, you don't just get to vote for your. No, we want you free so that you don't have to vote strategically, like which person do I think would have the best chance of beating the Democrat in the general election? That's racist and bigoted. Nope. We have to do rank choice voting where you get to vote for all five. Your favorite is number one, your next favorite, number two. Yes. Now the good news with this is if one of those five gets 50% of the vote, a plurality, 50 plus one, well then they win the primary outright. But if no candidate gets to 50%, well then, then we go down and we drop the bottom two. We'd look at those bottom two and say they have no probability of ever getting ever getting to 50%. So they're. but let's say you somebody voted number two for one of those people that dropped, well, they're out, so you're out. In other words, it creates a series of little mini scoring elections in which your vote doesn't count equally. No. On the contrary, what's even worse about rank, choice, voting. Is that It creates, shall we say, strange psychological manifestations. In other words, once you remove two people from a pool of five, it turns out. That the only credible way is to have a new mail out your ballot and new election, because it turns out that when you drop people out of the mix, that people have a very different set of choices regarding their one, two, and three. So it gets even more obscure because what they've seen with ranked choice voting is that it can. Obscure outcomes that tend to benefit people in the margins or the extremes. In other words, you might have a milk toast candidate. That's neither number one, nor number five. Those middle milky folks that don't necessarily galvanize the room, they have a higher probability of winning than otherwise in the current system, which is why these woke crazy Marxist communists want ranked choice voting. It just happened up in Alaska. So we had two Republicans running for Senate and so what happened was a lot of people voted their number one as Sarah Palin or the other guy, but they voted the Democrat second. Yes. Because see, the Republicans were waring, so I don't want that Republican. I don't want Sarah Palin. I'm gonna vote her third. I'm gonna put the Democrat ahead of her. Yeah. Well, good job. Good job Republicans up in Alaska because neither Republican got 50% of the vote and nor did the Democrats. So when they did the ranked choice voting, the Democrat had a higher ratio of twos versus threes. And the Democrat ended up winning even though two thirds of Alaskans preferred Republican candidates slow clap. And as a result of this, a Democrat senator helped the Democrats maintain control of the Senate as we know. And what was supposed to be the red wave? Yes. Rank choice, voting benefits. The woke left. So the S E I U and a whole bunch of other. Crazy woke social activists are now trying to force rank choice voting here on Oregon. So what happened, mark? Well, what I did is two things, and I want to teach you guys in case folks in the good Fight family ever wanna show up to testify, which I highly recommend, first of all in the current system, show up in person because they give deference to in-person Testifiers. Most people wanna do it on Zoom. But I cannot stress enough the importance. If you can, if you can't, great. Do it on Zoom. But if you can anyway, you can get there and testify in person, please do. Cuz it increases the chance that you will get to speak and they'll videotape you. And it's a lot of fun. However, what you do is if you are going to go and you're gonna say, I'm in opposition to rank choice voting, you could talk about all the reasons why it's bad. Like, first of all, it's bad because it lacks monon. And modernity means that all votes are cast and all votes count, but in ranked choice voting, when you start dropping people out of the pool, not all votes count evenly. So modernity is required under the US Constitution, but don't worry. The ninth circuit got around that and they've upheld ranked choice voting, not because it's logical. It's kinda like Plessy versus Ferguson. Separate but equal. No, they upheld it by saying, well, just because you, you get a zero scored because you've been dropped doesn't mean your vote's not counted. It just counts as a zero. Which is what is called a lack of mono tenicity. Mono meaning the same mono one tonic. Okay. Which means, you know, intensity. So mono tenicity is what is the hallmark of the current election system where we have a Democrat and Republican. Now, the other thing that it avoids according to rank choice voting proponents would say it's less racist. It allows more people to run. It allows you to voter. Not to have to vote strategically. See, you can vote. You're a person who fits for your values and more minorities and people of color happen to win. Well, none of that is true because see, in this last election cycle, there was a record number of socioeconomically disadvantaged, poor, and people of color. Who ran for office, both local state and on the federal level, and won more than any time in the nation's history. but this is what the ranked choice voting people say, well, it could have been even more. Well, what do the studies say? The studies don't support that ranked choice. Voting increases minority or young person candidates, or increases participation whatsoever. On the contrary, what it does say, Is that all the science supporting rank choice voting is fundamentally flawed. So here's what they do. They get a municipality like San Francisco and California that does rank choice voting, and they say, see, see, this person won. She didn't even win in the first round. She was in third place at the end of the vote. But after ranked choice, all got computed in a process that very few people underst. this minority person came out as the victor. Rank choice voting helps minorities. Well, no, you see, because, if rank choice voting elects a minority, it doesn't mean it elects more minorities. It just means it elected a minority. I hope that makes sense. You see, because the current system has elected more minorities than ever before in US history. So does that mean that the current system is pro minority? Well, people that don't like ranked choice voting. Would say that the current system is working. You see it's working. More and more people of color are joining the ranks of the American government and participating, uh, by running for Canada season, a variety of elections, and they're winning. Well, that means the new, the current system is working. No rank choice. People say it's not. Okay. Because remember there could be more, but the reality of it is, is you aren't, if you'll see a trend, you will see woke crazy Marxist people wanting rank choice voting, because the reality of it is, is that the computations get done in a small room in a controlled setting, by bureaucrats in, its very, very hard to audit, and it basically allows them to, once again, A better tool to manipulate the outcomes of elections. That's what ranked choice voting is, and that is why here in Oregon, they are pushing this out now. Again, when you go to testify, you sign up in person. Now, how do you prepare to testify? Well, most people show up and say, these are all the reasons why rank choice voting is good, or people say, these are all the reasons why rank choice voting is bad. I would encourage you to not focus too much on that because so many people are going to say these things as a matter. My rule of thumb is just Google a topic and you know, like saying, uh, supporters of rank choice voting. And you'll get a series of Google websites that'll come up in the first page or two and just read those because that's exactly what your woke friends are gonna come in and repeat. That's all they do. They don't have any ideas of their own. And matter of fact, yesterday it was painful. I was in a hearing. And it was, it was fascinating because I had literally just recently read all those articles and they were quoting these things word for word. It was fascinating. Fascinating. However, instead of me talking about pros and cons, I simply said my name is Mark Thelman. For the record, I currently have a lawsuit pending against Secretary of State. and of course by this time, and I'm nodding and sure enough, guess what? Committee members are starting to nod Ms. Fahe, the Democrat, she starts nodding and then she starts turning beat red because she knows a beat down's coming and it, and believe me, I rolled it out I said, but yet, here you go again. Dropping this ranked choice voting on short notice. without informing the public, without taking any opportunity to, spark the debate among the citizenry of Oregon. And you're trying to ram this through hoping that the people won't find out in time? The good news is, and this is what I told him, I was just on the Lars Larson radio show, which for those who live elsewhere in the country, is a very, very popular regional and national radio show. Lars Larson, he's a, he's a conservative talk show guy, and by gum he called me and I was on there just before the hearing, getting the word out, and I'm telling you, it was so satisfying after the hearing, walking out into the halls of our legislature in Oregon and overhearing Democrat aids assistance to representative. Already complaining that they're already starting to get a bunch of opposition calls to HB 2004. This my good fight family is how fighting gets done. Yes, very enjoyable now. It was uncomfortable in that room, and I watched every Democrat on that committee turn purple and get all fidgety. And they were mad. I'm so mad at him. He's such an evil guy. he comes in here and tells the truth and he exposes us, he's gotta be taken out. He's gotta be canceled. He's gotta be a bigot. Now, here's the issue, folks. You have to risk. You have to risk the ire of the left, but I must say for me it's almost like a vitamin. It was so satisfying. Well, I'm gonna leave it there and listen. Good fight family. Once again. I'll give you a plug. What helps me do these amazing things? Well, one daily use of that book, Bain Coffee mug. So I wanna encourage you once again to go to the website in the. In the good and order yourself up your own woke Bank coffee mug. Until next time, good Five Family. This has been your host, mark Thieman. That's marked with a C. C Stands for Conservative. God bless.