The Good Fight

Ep.33-Secretary of State Resigns in Disgrace/ Battleground Oregon Lawsuit Still Alive

Anthony Feist

Mainstream media and political analysts all miss the mark on Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox. Well, the little engine that could, yes. The Oregon Election Integrity Suit sponsored by Battleground, Oregon. Gains in spite of massive Democrat pressure on the court gains oral arguments. Yes, oral arguments in court will be happening in June, and this show will keep you posted. Go election integrity. And finally, the Oregon Democratic corruption machine got a little bit ahead of its skis here this last quarter, and it created a crisis of corruption. In the Secretary of State's office, that has now led to the resignation of the all powerful Shamia Fagan who resigns in disgrace as Oregon's Secretary of State. Yes, all these juicy topics and more. Coming up on the next episode of The Good Fight. I am your host, Marc Thielman, stay with us. Well, hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Good Fight. I'm your host, Marc Thieman. That's Marc with the c. C stands for Conservative. Yes. After a long hiatus, the Good Fight Podcast is back and it's stronger than ever. I want to thank all of you loyal listeners who emailed who said, where is the good fight? I have to have my weekly dose, and as I pondered. I was sitting in church and I said, God, when is the right time? Because I'm getting anxious, Lord, and God answered my prayer. Good fight people, and I mean this with all sincerity, To not reignite the Good Fight Podcast, would be to commit a great sin for, it would be denying the good people of Earth their weekly dose of woke Bain. And who am I to oppose God's love of woke Bain? Yes, the use of the woke main coffee mug. It's a powerful tool. It transforms any liquid into a mind stealing elixir that protects you, the user from the corruption of our progressive. Democrat, communist Marxist. You picked the name opponents on the left. I know. We're here to try to pluck as many of our loved ones from that great giant black hole of, evil abyss, if you will. And I'm telling you here in Oregon we are. At the front lines, battle Central. We make Ukraine look like a tea party. and I'm telling you, it's ugly here in Oregon. But first, let me give some clarification because I can't take it anymore. For weeks, I have been listening to all of the smartest analysts in the world. Discuss the nature of Tucker Carlson's firing from Fox News. As many of you probably know, Tucker Carlson was let go, if you will, without notice. he finished a broadcast on a Friday and then. Quickly on that following Monday, he and his staff showed up to begin preparation of another great Tucker Carlson Tonight Show. Yes, they were told that they had been asked. Now. Let me try to help there's all this speculation coming out. There's all this new stuff trying to, malign Tucker Carlson. There's all this, deposition, testimony that he gave that has been leaked. There's been, text messages that Tucker Carlson has sent in the past that have been leaked out, and all of that has led. To this speculation that Tucker Carlson got edgewise, that he wasn't trustworthy in Fox, that he knowingly gave false information, and that he secretly hated Trump fans or Trump supporters. Yes, all of these conspiracy theories have been postulated by very bright and very smart people, both on the right. And on the left, but especially the progressive Marxist left who are gleeful. They are gleeful. They're like, Dylan Mulvaney pretending to be a six year old. Yes, they're so happy that Tucker Carlson got the ax, but it took the. Incredible Insightfulness of Good Fight podcast listeners several of you who emailed or texted or Instagram me Yes. They went to info at the Good Fight Dot org, and they said, mark, hey. What's the real deal with Tucker Crouse now? It just so happens that, well, yours truly is tied to some people who are qualified to know a little bit more of the juicy details, if you will, than what the mainstream media wants you to believe. So the Tucker Carlson deal. Because it made no sense because he had a nightly audience of over 3 million people four years. No one else on any platform could touch Tucker Carlson. His popularity, his real time viewership. Tucker Carlson was the Fox News Goldmine of the 21st century. so why would Fox News. Cut ties with a guy that was number one, well, let me tell you. It had to do with politics. You see Dominion filed Suit and Dominion obviously has the support of the federal government. They're tied to the Joe Biden administration and the Democrat National Committee Machine. And they intimidated the hell outta Fox News and said, oh, we're going to court. And a lot of what you guys said, you said, Without good substantiation because you believe people like Rudy Giuliani and what makes matters worse is this was a massive government clandestinely supported lawsuit, and you saw it in the mainstream medias. They created the narrative that Dominion is some Noble facilitator, dominion, you know the voting machine manufacturer, the ones that do all the software that you know with the phone modems and the cell phone modems, you know, that can be wirelessly accessed on any machine. You know those guys, you know that they were some white hats helping to facilitate democracy around the world. Yes, that's the mainstream media's punts mojo. And along comes Tucker Carlson. Who single-handedly helped steer about half the country away from that paradigm. Not to mention also persuade a large percentage of Democrats that election integrity is an issue. Yes, E will Tuckel Carlson. Firing a full broadside every night now Tucker Carlson was attributed by the left for helping spawn a massive number of election integrity lawsuits that stopped alleging fraud. And started highlighting vacancies in the security of our election machines specifically, in blue areas, cities, and states. So that was something that began to be persuasive. As you know, Carrie Lakes, experience down in Arizona helped contribute to some of that is she had a pretty solid case and still does by the way. As the Supreme Court in Arizona shocked the left and scared Katie Hobbs, the current governor, illegitimate governor by the way, and they said that she will get oral arguments, But oral arguments. Is something that the left does not appreciate. They don't want. Kerry Lake, or even better, the Oregon election Integrity lawsuit sponsored by Battleground, Oregon, who happens to sponsor this podcast by the way, and is a big supporter of yours truly. Yes. Yours truly and his team were shockingly granted oral arguments, and it's strange because the granting. Was not expected. All of our sources told us that we would most likely not be given oral arguments, but of course, that was before some of the conservative efforts here in Oregon helped uncover massive Democrat corruption in the Secretary of State's office. But I digress. The actual real reason for Tucker Carlson's, departure from Fox, his firing, it had nothing to do with anything he said in a text, and it had nothing to do with anything. He was recorded saying in his deposition regarding the trial as Dominion was suing Fox News for, giving false information, if you will, about their product. What it had to do is with the settlement of the case because Fox News was not gonna give the left a circus. So what they did is they went to their four and a half billion dollar liquid cash bank account and they said, well, how much could we afford to lose? And they said, oh, 789 million. So they went to Dominion and said, look, we'll settle for 789 million. And of course, dominion, which has been struggling because of the controversy, they could use that money. So they were like, oh my God, this is a sure thing. Hey, we'll take it. But the Democrat party intervened and said, oh, not so fast Dominion. If you are going to settle your lawsuit, you must give us something for us supporting you. For bringing the Biden administration clandestinely behind you by helping you by leaning on the, with the FBI and the threatening Fox with the Department of Justice. Yes. We want Tucker Carlson gone and the moguls at Fox News winced and said, well, okay. That's it. I know everyone was expecting something dramatic. That is dramatic. You see, it was the moguls of Fox News who decided to lay down Tucker Carlson. As a sacrifice, if you will, in order to get out of what they thought would be a bigger jury award against them, at least the potential there are because no one wants to trust a jury when you're talking about billions of dollars. So Fox News did the prudent thing and unfortunately they had to sacrifice Tucker, and that is the real reason. It explains why it was so random and weird. It explains why it went down the way it went down with no warning. And it also explains why there was no real clear reason behind it. No factual reason behind it. No justification for it. I mean, Tucker Carlson would more than make up the 789. million, that, Fox News was losing for settling this lawsuit. He would more than make that up within a year's time. So why would a business depart with somebody so lucrative and so valuable to the organization? Well, they did it or it was no settlement. That's a fact. And, the good news is for a time stopped what otherwise could have been a damning circus, that would've potentially at least for the. Communists leftist progressives, you know, our loved ones who are brainwashed, it might have empowered them and made them even less likely than they already are to listen to what is really good evidence coming out from all kinds of election integrity lawsuit cases, including the two big victories just recently, won in North Carolina, in which, voter ID has been upheld by a liberal. North Carolina Supreme Court, and also in Georgia as, the Georgia Court ruled that the, voting reforms, or election integrity reforms that the, Republican legislature had passed post 2020, the court ruled that the evidence is very clear that it did not suppress the vote. If anything, it created. More voter participation. These are huge, huge victories by the way, especially for two, liberal state supreme courts in Georgia and North Carolina. So speaking of election integrity. Our second topic today is the Battleground election integrity lawsuit. It's dubbed Fagan versus Thieman. I think they're gonna have to come up with another name because Fagan is gone. Man, I love it in your face. People who said that she was too politically powerful and too talented that she would probably be Oregon's next governor. Post Tina Kotek so, that being said, the state got back. They have responded to the awesome Oregon election integrity suit, which in case you forgot, it basically says that it's not about fraud and it's not about anything. The Secretary of State's office alleges. It's about the government's behavior, which is created through its own behavior and sets of rules, a crisis of confidence for a huge percentage of the Oregon electorate and the precedents cited for that argument is Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, which said that. Separate schools for black and white children, even if all things are comparable curriculum, facility quality, you know, number of ball fields, you name it. If even if all that's equal, there's still a disparity there that's damaging to white and black children alike. But especially two children of color, who, as the Supreme Court ruled in 1954, may never fully recover. Well, our elections and belief in them used to be something that existed on both sides of the aisle, if you will. And it increasingly is in jeopardy that election integrity and confidence and trust in our government is continuing to be eroded by the very behavior of the elected officials and appointed bureaucrats in said government. So here was their response, good fight. They basically said they don't have standing because. They're no different than any other voter. it really is, remarkable that they would think that this somehow helps the State's case. Yes, they said, even, your Honor, if you assume that everything alleged in the, complaint is true. this case should still be dismissed. Why? Because the plaintiff's claim of damages they have a profound lack of confidence due to the government's behavior is shared by tens of thousands and a continuing growing number of. Voters here in Oregon. So the state actually says that the growing number of people who lack confidence in the election is the reason the case, which alleges that the government's behavior is creating a crisis of confidence should be dismissed because their vote is affected the same as everyone else's, that they can't claim damage. Well, let us help our friends on the left and their minions, which in this case are the attorneys representing the Secretary of State's office in this case. Dear attorneys, even though I the host of the Good Fight. Had to risk becoming the Eminently Dumber. Having read your case arguing for dismissal I will say this, I give you points for trying, you see, once I recovered from the initial intelligence dip and I was able to reflect on your argument, basically what you're saying Your Honor, if you're a good leftist woke progressive like we are, you will do what we say and dismiss this case regardless. Of the idiocy of our argument. You know, that's the only thing I can come up with. Good fight. That makes sense. But I really do think that that's what they're arguing and I think that they were expecting it to work. Now when I debriefed with the attorney Steven junk us the great, we actually had some conversation about whether or not we'd get an oral argument. And, you know, Steve was, uh, he was more on the 50 50 and, I was more on the, I think we just might, and it had to do with the fact that we have been active in the battleground arena at tipping, the media. by going on radio. And I've been doing a big tour and doing a lot of little rallies and spots talking about this. And I'm telling you, it's amazing because my friends in social media, that tracked this for me they called me just last week and said, Hey, you're getting a lot of hits. Now, some of that was fueled by our third topic today, but the fact that we were getting a lot of, traction in social media. Is something that Google and other minions on the left pay close attention to, and so do judges in federal court. And so in tandem with the scandal with the Democrat corruption, and the resignation of the vaulted and exalted Shamia Fagan, yes. When the Democrats eat their own, and believe me, they eat them all the way down to the bone. You hardly ever hear of them again, if you will, and we'll talk about that shortly. But it's a beautiful thing that the judge granted what was not expected to be granted. And I mean, Let's be real. If Steven Jockas, who's a very wise attorney, says 50 50, he's really saying probably not. And a lot of my, informants in the court, Arena, people who listen to the gossip as courts cases come around, were telling me, most likely not based on a lot of pressure than in scuttle, but coming from the justice, department here in Oregon, so I think it's a big win. And I think it's a unforced air on the side of the Democrats, and I think we're gonna see a lot more of these. I really do think we're at the tip of the iceberg. So we will transition to topic number three, and that is the resignation of Shamia Fagan. And the beauty of this is good fight. While I was on hiatus, I worked very hard behind the scenes to help affect this very outcome. Yeah. Let me give you a timeline. You see, we have a paranoid governor, Tina Kotek was very upset way back in January. That the O L C C was being a two-faced organization, that they were being really mean and overregulating. So tina Kotek decided to out the evil Mark Steele, who was ahead of the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission. Yes. The ol cc, which is the enforcement arm of the government regulating all the vice. Of the world like alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis. Well, it turns out that Mark Steele was corrupt, just like Tina Kotek. However, Mark Steele made the mistake of giving the world's best booze, bourbon, if you will, some of the finest, most expensive bourbons that were supposed to be made available for sale to the public. which sell at high prices, which create high taxes and fees. Which fund the Oregon government. It turns out that a lot of that beautiful bourbon and booze was never making it to the public for sale. Why? Because corrupt Democrats were getting it. Yes, that bourbon was going to many corrupt Democrats. Now, here's what's funny. Usually when a governor outs a corrupt head of an agency like the O L ccc, that same governor would call out the people who got the bourbon. Yet Tina Kotex office would not release that information. Oh, we're not gonna give you that information, please. It's bad enough. We're outing one of our own. That was the actual words from Tina Kotex assistant, I believe, I got the accent pretty close. That's not relevant. What's relevant is that this evil man, mark was running the oil cc Okay? So outgo mark on February 1st. And strangely in the midst of the conversation about the evilness and overregulation, how they're too tough on cannabis and too tough on tobacco, too tough on vaping. Too tough on liquor. Shia Fagan, was heading up an audit of the cannabis industry. Why? Because there was concern that Oregon's cannabis industry, which was supposed to destroy the black market. Is now one of the number one suppliers of the black market for weed. any idiot could have told you that. I believe the senate, Republicans for sure, Senator Felia even. Said that not only would it not destroy the black market, but it would make the government an agent to the black market. So the Democrats were nervous about all the cartel operations down south in Oregon and about all the drug bus, the ATF and others, other agencies made some busts and then it, it, there was some disparaging information that was rolling out that maybe the legal grows were also supplying to the black market. And it turns out, That they were, and so by gums we gotta do something about it. So let's audit this industry. Okay. And Mark Steele and others were like, yeah, audit the industry. Let me know and I'll get to, Kraken down, strangely Shamia started that audit, but on February 15th, she sent out a publication saying that she would have to recuse herself from the audit. Due to a conflict and strangely, five days later she signed a contract giving her 10,000 a month plus 30,000 for any new, business, especially out-of-state contract. She could drum up and that money would be made payable to herself all while she is the acting secretary of State whose office is in charge of the very audit of the very industry. She signed a contract with. I'll just let that hang there for you. So if you are in charge of auditing an industry and yet you take a, a very lucrative, consulting contract paid for by the very people you're auditing. And then you recuse yourself from the audit, but you still run the office that's running the audit. That could be a real problem. And sure enough, In April when the audit was released, the Oregonian released an article kind of alluding that, Hey, this is really strange, but they had a leaked document that said that apparently during the audit, due to a prior, article released by the Oregonian, the Democrat Party of Oregon wrote behind the scenes a nasty gram to the audit team in the Secretary of State's office saying we are very unhappy. Now, it strangely was tied to the FTX scandal here in Oregon. So for those who don't remember that, we're now going to take two issues. This corrupt audit, and how it related back to the FDX audit as well. Fdx was a major donor to Democrat campaigns and donated half a million dollars nefariously to the Oregon Democrat Party. The largest donation in the party's history, by the way. A large portion of which went to Tina Cortex's, struggling campaign and probably helped to push her over the edge, if you will. However, the Democrat party purposely lied about the source of that donation, and now they've admitted that, partly as a result of this letter. To the Secretary of State's office saying that they were very unhappy with the. Investigation that was going on. They were not happy with this at all, and they were not happy with this cannabis thing and et cetera, et cetera. Now, I don't know about you, but if you are having backdoor communication, which is what this letter proved was happening, Because there were two way communications going on as a result of the letter. If you are, in charge of investigating, campaign donation, if you will, to a major party, the party that happens to rule the state in Oregon, generally what you'd wanna do is you wouldn't want any of those people you're investigating. Having two-way conversation with the investigators, but that is exactly what has been going on. It gets even better. Shamia Fagan then appointed, the former executive director of the Oregon State Democrat Party. Yes. A Ms. Moon. because they wanted, one of their own to lead the investigation into their own. And it shows you the corruption, just the,, flagrant lack of accountability in Oregon politics. And it shows you why we have to find a way to elect good conservatives and have checks and balances back in our government. So these two scandals became co-mingled, and it created a media storm in which Shamia Fagan decided. She was going to hold a press conference and it only took one reporter to ask a real question, and that real question was shamia when you made a call. while acting as a consultant, while simultaneously being Secretary of State, who'd you call? And it turns out she called the Lieutenant Governor of the state of Connecticut, which recently legalized cannabis, hoping to get contracts between Connecticut and her company. So that she could get her$30,000. So it's one government calling another state government saying, Hey, contract with these guys. Do me a favor, fellow Democrat. It's called corruption. That basically put the nail in the coffin and Tina Kotek told Fagan, you will resign so we can have trust in the elections. Now, they didn't say trust in audits. They didn't say trust in investigations. They said Shamia, Fagan is resigning so that we can have election integrity, don't you think that's a little weird, good fight that she resigned over her corruption by being a consultant and setting up a corrupt investigation, in which she was, you know, having clandestine conversations with the very people she was investigating you would think that they would say that these are behaviors we can't have and that's why she's resigning. Nope. She said, and I quote, although I did nothing wrong. All I was doing was taking a contract that was gonna help my family. I'm sure I'll be exonerated, but. I got into this business of being Secretary of State because I believe in election integrity and democracy and it's for those very reasons that I'm resigning. that resignation letter is straight up horse manure. Okay. She is resigning because she was ordered to, because she's a democrat who thought she was one of them. See, there was no problem in February with her taking this contract, all of the legislative counsel advice, she got the legal counsel, the attorney general advice, all of her advisors told her that was a okay, as long as she stepped out of the actual audit, even though her office was in control of the audit, and even though she was caught red-handed trying to. Create contracts for this, Oregon cannabis company, LA Mota, which by the way There's allegations that are fairly credible, has ties to drug cartel and trafficking. So nothing like making our state government an agent to evil. All right. Tying us directly to drug cartels, it's beyond disgusting. We need more than Shamia Fagan to resign. We need Tina Kotek to resign. We need to have a special election, and we need our senators. Our seven brave Republican Senator Patriots who walked out of the legislature last week, all in the midst of this scandal shutting down the legislature. Why? Because House Bill 2002 passed the house and it got a second reading in the Senate and it was, its passage was imminent. And what it says, good fight is that any child of any age can have an abortion. The parents are not to be notified, but the parents must pay for it. It says that any child can have their genitals mutilated and transition, and that schools and the Oregon Health Authority and medical practitioners must assist in that while keeping that information confidential from parents. Yes, that Bill was on its passage and thank God for seven brave Republicans. They all need your help. Please email your senators, your Republican senators. They all need your help. Make sure you tell them to stay out for the remaining 50 days of the legislative session, which must end on June 30th. This legislation is evil. It's the most satanic piece of legislation I've ever seen, and I say that. Statement. I know that those are volatile things to say, but how else can you explain it? Okay. Children do not, they're not the property of the state. Children belong to their parents, Diversity. Cultural diversity, intellectual diversity, individual diversity. It all depends on individual parents raising their children the way they see fit, not the government. One size fits all. This is how we're gonna raise all our kids kind of machine. By gum. It has been a pleasure. We are back and we're stronger than ever and I will see you next week. We'll crank out another one, even more insights to come. Once again, I'm your host Mark Thieman. Mark with a CC stands for Conservative. And thank you for joining us here on the Good Fight. God bless.